
yí shū
  • A testament;posthumous papers;writings of an author now dead;posthumous work of an author;letter or note left by one immediately before death
遗书 [yí shū]
  • (1) [posthumous work of an author]∶前人留下而由后人制印的著作(多用做书名)

  • (2) [ letter or note left by one immediately before death]∶死者临死前留下的书信

  • 生前没有留下遗书

遗书[yí shū]
  1. 5月23日,22岁的ElliotRodger在加州大学圣巴巴拉分校校园附近开枪杀死六人后自杀身亡。在他生前录制的一段视频及留下的长篇遗书中,他的厌女情结一览无余。

    Elliot Rodger , 22 , who killed six people before apparently shooting himself near the University of California , Santa Barbara campus , on May 23 , made misogynous comments in videos and his lengthy manifesto .

  2. 他用唇膏把遗书写在了肚子上。

    He wrote his suicide note in lipstick on his stomach .

  3. 没有找到遗书或自杀信。

    Didn 't find any sort of farewell or suicide note .

  4. 我开始只想找亚伯的遗书。

    I started out trying to find Abel 's suicide note .

  5. 敦煌遗书与奈良平安写经

    Dunhuang Manuscripts and The Paleography of Nara in Heian Time

  6. 所以我写了一些类似于遗书的东西。

    So I did things like write little suicide notes .

  7. 罗杰应该会留下遗书的吧

    you would think that Roger would have left a suicide note .

  8. 他给家人留有简短遗书。

    He left a brief note to his family .

  9. 通常她们会把遗书放在身上。

    They usually write the suicdie note to leave them by their bodies .

  10. 他们自己在整理文件,写遗书。

    They find themselves putting their papers in order , writing farewell letters .

  11. 论敦煌遗书古医方在外治法的应用

    On Application of Ancient Medical Recipes of Dunhuang Book Relics in External Therapies

  12. 妈妈留给十月几封遗书,分别放在不同的地方。

    His mother left him several letters which were put in different places .

  13. 人们写遗书是不会送给别人的。人们写遗书是不会给别人的。

    People don 't write suicide notes and give them to other people .

  14. 敦煌遗书中的行草书法研究

    A Study on the Grass and Free Style Calligraphy in Posthumous Writings of Dunhuang

  15. 所以我希望你能拿到这份遗书。

    So I hope that you get this .

  16. 敦煌学数字图书馆遗书元数据标准的设计与结构

    Design and Realization of Dunhuang Literature Metadata Standard

  17. 从敦煌遗书看敦煌道教

    Look at Dunhuang Taoism through Dunhuang Remaining documents

  18. 我真不敢相信你竟然没告诉我妈妈有遗书!

    I can 't believe you didn 't tell me there was a suicide note !

  19. 那就写你的遗书吧,戴米安。

    Better write your letters , damien .

  20. 他还没写遗书就死了。

    He died before writing a will .

  21. 敦煌遗书中的针灸文献

    Acupuncture Literature in Dunhuang Post famous Paper

  22. 研究《二程遗书》中的德育思想有助于加强对德育方法和途径的深入探讨。

    Studying moral education thoughts in Cheng Posthumous Edition will help enhance faring-discussion for methods and approaches .

  23. 在遗书中,她告诉丈夫她宁愿死也不愿再忍受一次折磨了。

    Her suicide note told her husband that she would rather die than endure another such episode .

  24. 她给屋大维送去了遗书。屋大维就住在她的皇宫里。

    She sends a suicide note to her captor Octavian , who has lodged in her palace .

  25. 他曾给朋友和亲友留有遗书,但没有提及自杀原因。

    He left notes for friends and loved ones but gave no reason why he would kill himself .

  26. 在他的日记里和在他写给他兄弟们的海利根施塔特遗书的信里所表现出的绝望是令人心酸的。

    The despair in his diary and in the Heiligenstad Testament a letter to his brothers , is heartbreaking .

  27. 但这样她就知道我两年前留下的自杀遗书是骗人的了。

    but then she 'd realize maybe I didn 't commit suicide two years ago like my note said .

  28. 土地庙等后出郭煌遗书是上述观点的实物例证。

    Dunhuang books later recovered from places like temples of local gods are material proof of the aforesaid view .

  29. 他留下一张遗书表示,美国的大部分穆斯林都会因为他所做的事情而恨他。

    He left a suicide note saying that most Muslims in this country will hate him for what he had done .

  30. 了解敦煌遗书中的行草书法,必须要从敦煌的政治、经济、文化、学术、佛教等一起去探讨。

    To know the free and grass script of Dunhuang posthumous writing is to study the politics economy culture scholarship and Buddhism .