
  • 网络oak ridge;ORNL;oakridge
  1. 这台名为泰坦的计算机位于田纳西州橡树岭国家实验室(theOakRidgeNationalLaboratoryinTennessee)。

    The machine , called Titan , is located at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee .

  2. 但是美国的研究机构又推出了更快的硬件,即田纳西州橡树岭国家实验室(OakRidgeNationalLaboratory)的一台叫做“泰坦”(Titan)的计算机。

    But U.S. research institutions recently have fielded the fastest hardware , led by a machine called Titan at Oak Ridge National Laboratory .

  3. 橡树岭军团菌的分离及用16Srdna测序法的鉴定

    Isolation of Legionella oakridgensis and its identification by 16S rDNA sequencing

  4. 这只名叫Pedals的熊出现在橡树岭镇上。

    The bear named Pedals was spotted in a town of Oakrage ,

  5. 唐加拉是田纳西大学(UniversityofTennessee)的教授,也是橡树岭国家实验室的工作成员。他说,中国官员称,该系统理论上的性能峰值是每秒运算54.9千万亿次。

    Mr. Dongarra , a professor at the University of Tennessee who is also on the Oak Ridge research staff , said Chinese officials put the system 's theoretical peak performance at 54.9 quadrillion operations per second

  6. 在参加竞选的时候,他千方百计把自己塑造成一个得克萨斯人,告诉世人他酷爱吃猪皮,喜欢听橡树岭男孩(OakRidgeBoys)的音乐。

    When running for office he made every attempt to pass himself off as a Texan , declaring a passion for pork rinds and a love for the music of the Oak Ridge Boys .

  7. 凝胶铸模(Gel-casting)是九十年代由美国橡树岭国家实验室提出的一种近净尺寸陶瓷成型技术。

    Gel-casting is a near-net-shape forming technology for ceramics , which was presented first by Oak Ridge National Laboratory ( USA ) .

  8. 他说,在Linpack标准测试中可达到30.65千万亿次,相比之下,橡树岭实验室的系统可达到17.59千万亿次。

    It reached 30.65 petaflops in a standard test known as Linpack , he said , compared with 17.59 petaflops for the Oak Ridge system .

  9. 奥斯威辛和橡树岭之间的相似之处似乎是牵强附会的。

    The analogy between Auschwitz and Oak Ridge seems forced .

  10. 山脊,山脉橡树岭国家实验室的新一代超级计算机到底有多快?

    How fast is the new supercomputer at oak ridge national laboratory ?

  11. 田纳西州橡树岭的橡树岭高中,很高兴见到你们。

    Oak Ridge High School , great to see you watching in Oak Ridge , Tennessee .

  12. 在橡树岭国家实验室,科学家们正在通过超级计算机以使从我们的核设施获得更多能量。

    At Oak Ridge National Laboratory , they 're using supercomputers to get a lot more power out of our nuclear facilities .

  13. 世界上最快的计算机仍然是捷豹克雷超级计算机,设在橡树岭国家实验室在美国田纳西州,用于模拟核武器的居多。

    The world 's fastest computer remains the Cray Jaguar supercomputer , based at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee , used mostly for nuclear weapons simulation .