
  • 网络hydrogen-powered
  1. 本田(Honda)昨日发布了汽车业第一部面向零售客户的氢动力燃料电池汽车,定于2008年中交付使用。

    Honda yesterday unveiled the auto industry 's first hydrogen-powered fuel-cell vehicle destined for retail customers , who are due to receive the cars in mid-2008 .

  2. 梅赛德斯的F-cell是一款氢动力马车式双门敞篷汽车。

    Mercedes F-CELL is a concept hydrogen-powered buggy roadster .

  3. 最后他们放弃了了(?)通用公司在经过两年的实验后抛弃了他们100辆雪佛兰Equinox氢动力车概念。

    When they finally did , General Motors ditched its fleet of100 Chevrolet Equinox fuel-cell cars after a two-year trial .

  4. 最近在报道“氢气高速公路”(HydrogenHighway)时我特别提到,几乎所有主要汽车厂商,从丰田(Toyota)到宝马(BMW),都计划几年内要推出氢动力汽车。

    When I last wrote about the hydrogen highway , I noted that just about every major car company , from Toyota ( TM ) to GM ( GM ) to BMW , was planning to launch a hydrogen-powered car within a few years .

  5. 丰田与ix35氢动力汽车的制造商现代(Hyundai)一直处于这一新兴技术的前沿,从上世纪90年代初就开始研究该项目了。

    Toyota - along with Hyundai , maker of the ix35 hydrogen car - has been at the forefront of the nascent technology , having begun research on the project in the early 1990s .

  6. 施瓦辛格现在已置身于更环保和低油耗和汽车的推广之中,他刚刚完成了对大众PASSAT氢动力引擎的视察。

    Schwarzenegger , who has taken to helping market cars that run on cleaner and more fuel efficient technology , had just finished inspecting a Volkswagen Passat with a hydrogen-powered engine .

  7. 氢动力车用液氢贮罐的发展现状及展望

    The advance and Prospect of liquid hydrogen tank for hydrogen-powered vehicles

  8. 除了混合动力技术外,现在最热门的恐怕就是氢动力能源了。

    Beyond hybrid technology may lie the much-heralded hydrogen economy .

  9. 但氢动力技术仍卡在一种类似先有鸡还是先有蛋的状况里。

    But hydrogen technology is stuck in a chicken and egg situation .

  10. 在加州去哪儿为氢动力汽车加注燃料?

    Where are you going to fill up a hydrogen car in California ?

  11. 这一项目期望在未来可以出口氢动力燃料电池巴士。

    The project hopes to export hydrogen fuel cell buses in the future .

  12. 氢动力汽车和电动汽车在中国的应用前景分析

    Assessment of the potential use of electric and hydrogen powered vehicles in China

  13. 这部未来风格的跑车是一部氢动力零排放燃料电池超级汽车。

    The futuristic sports car is a hydrogen-powered , zero emission , fuel-celled supercar .

  14. 设计中心大厅里的一辆三菱氢动力汽车,也是结合了这次环保的主题。

    A hydron car at the entrance hall , combining the theme of environmental protection .

  15. 汽车业迎来氢动力时代

    The automobile industry welcomes hydrogen power

  16. 这一城市的交通运输体系最近启动了首批多达5辆的氢动力巴士。

    The city 's urban transportation system recently launched the first of up to five hydrogen buses .

  17. 中国氢动力

    Hydrogen Technology of China

  18. 驾驶氢动力车时,首先触动你的是车辆的静音和加速性能&它能释放很大的扭矩。

    What strikes you first when driving a hydrogen vehicle is the quiet and the acceleration & it puts out lots of torque .

  19. 今晚,我提议拨出12亿美元的研究资金,使美国能够领导世界研制出洁净的氢动力汽车。

    Tonight I 'm proposing $ 1.2 billion in research funding so that America can lead the world in developing clean , hydrogen-powered automobiles .

  20. 无论在技术上,还是在使用方便性和基础设施过渡上,宝马的氢动力都比较容易实现。

    No matter from the angle of technology , convenience or the transition of infrastructure , BMW 's target is comparatively easy to achieve .

  21. 本田透露本田俱乐部体育设计研究模型,氢动力,三个座位的跑车概念,在2008年洛杉矶车展。

    Honda revealed the Honda FC Sport design study model , a hydrogen-powered , three-seat sports car concept , at the2008 Los Angeles Auto Show .

  22. 去年该公司共有13辆氢动力汉兰达可供使用,他表示:“这些车几乎没什么毛病。”

    His company has been running 13 hydrogen highlanders over the past year , and he says , " the cars have been working almost flawlessly . "

  23. 丰田已向马自达供应混合动力传动技术,但小饲雅道否认如下传言,即马自达将求助于其合作伙伴,开发氢动力燃料电池汽车。

    Toyota already supplies Mazda with hybrid drivetrain technology , but Mr Kogai dismisses speculation it will turn to its partner to develop a hydrogen-powered fuel-cell vehicle .

  24. 为了实现这个目标,丰田计划到2020年左右时,每年在全球销售逾3万辆氢动力汽车,是2017年销售目标的10倍。

    To meet that target , it plans to sell more than 30000 hydrogen-powered vehicles annually worldwide by about 2020 , 10 times its sales target for 2017 .

  25. 扩大生产低碳排放的电能,允许使用复合能源和氢动力汽车,帮我们减轻对石油的依赖。

    Increasing production of low-carbon electricity will help us reduce our addiction to oil by allowing us to power a new generation of plug-in hybrid and hydrogen-powered vehicles .

  26. 几天前,空客公司发布了一系列氢动力飞机的设计方案,包括提供更大存储容量的“翼身融合”概念。

    A few days before , Airbus unveiled a series of design proposals for hydrogen-driven aircraft , including a " blended wing " concept that provides greater storage capacity .

  27. 尽管过去20年里,生产只需灌水即可开动的氢动力燃料电池汽车始终是众汽车厂商的梦想,但上市时间却一拖再拖。

    A hydrogen-powered fuel cell car that emits only water has been the Holy Grail of automobile manufacturers for 20 years , but deadlines for its introduction have proved elastic .

  28. 这一设计对氢动力飞机可能很关键,因为氢燃料的能量密度没有传统的航空燃油那么大,所以要使用更大体积的氢燃料才能匹配现有飞机的性能。

    This design could be key to hydrogen-powered aircraft as the fuel is less energy dense than conventional fuel and so requires more space to match performance of existing aeroplanes .

  29. 尽管有各种好处,但有一个重要的不利因素依然不容忽视:氢动力汽车没有地方加注燃料,而修建氢气站的费用又太过昂贵;

    But for all the pros there 's a major con : there 's no place to fill up a hydrogen car , and it 's expensive to build hydrogen stations ;

  30. 他表示,尽管空客公司计划于2025年展示氢动力飞机,但是“未来十年内,氢燃料不会比化石燃料更省钱”。

    He said that while Airbus planned to demonstrate hydrogen-powered aircraft in 2025 , " over the next 10 years , hydrogen won 't be more economic than the fossil fuel equivalent . "