
  • 网络Supersonic Wind Tunnel
  1. 本文介绍暂冲式跨、超声速风洞(FD-06)中流动显示蒸汽屏方法使用的设备和研究情况。

    The vapor-screen technique for flow visualization , as developed for the intermittent transonic and supersonic wind tunnel ( FD-06 ), is presented with a description of its equipment and some aspects of investigation .

  2. 压气喷射器间歇式超声速风洞中高压气罐的极限设计缓冲罐的设计

    Minimum weight design of pressure vessel for intermittent type supersonic wind tunnel

  3. 数据采集与处理作为H高超声速风洞气动力试验的关键环节之一,直接影响到后期数据分析的效率和武器选型和正确性。

    Data acquisition and processing is one of important part of the aerodynamic test in wind tunnel , because it affects the efficiency and veracity of data analysis and weapon design .

  4. 1.2m跨超声速风洞超扩段栅指控制系统

    The Choke finger control system of 1.2m × 1.2m trans-supersonic wind tunnel

  5. 0.6米×0.6米跨超声速风洞(FL-23)是一座直流暂冲式风洞,该风洞阀门引起了很高的气流噪声。

    The 0.6m × 0.6m trisonic wind tunnel ( FL-23 ) is of an intermittent blow-down type . The flow noise produced by the pressure regulating valve was very high .

  6. 为了测试弹射座椅稳定伞在高速气流中的动态特性,在1.2m×1.2m跨、超声速风洞(FL24)进行了稳定伞高速风洞动态测力试验。

    In order to test the dynamic characteristics of the stabilizing parachute of the ejection seat in high speed flow , dynamic force tests for the stabilizing parachute have been conducted in 1.2m × 1.2m high speed wind tunnel of CARDC .

  7. 高超声速风洞热化学非平衡流场辐射谱的数值计算

    Numerical Computation of Radiation Spectrum in Hypersonic Tunnel Thermochemical Nonequilibrium Flowfield

  8. 水蒸汽凝结对超声速风洞蒸汽引射系统的影响

    Effect of vapour condensation on hot steam ejector system of supersonic wind tunnel

  9. 而高超声速风洞喷管的设计和计算则对解决这一类问题具有重要的科学意义和实用价值。

    The design and computation of the hypersonic nozzle have scientific and practical value to solve these problems .

  10. 实验是在日本室兰工业大学的压力&真空型超声速风洞中进行的。

    The experiment was done in the pressure - vacuum supersonic wind tunnel of Muroran Institute of Technology of Japan .

  11. 现代跨超声速风洞大多采用在风洞回路中安置水冷式热交换器的方式来冷却气流。

    Most modern transonic / supersonic wind tunnels utilize water-cooled heat exchanger located in the tunnel circuit to provide the required cooling .

  12. 在超声速风洞冲压发动机地面试验系统中,需要高温高压空气源产生模拟高速飞行的气流。

    The supersonic air tunnel ground-testing system for ramjet needs high temperature and high pressure air supply to simulate the real air current .

  13. 人椅组合模型肢体气动特性和局部气动载荷跨超声速风洞试验研究

    Experimental study of limb aerodynamic characteristics and local aerodynamic loads of a crewman / escape seat combination model in transonic and supersonic wind tunnel

  14. 本文还讨论了超声速风洞实验台上的实验方法步骤和注意事项,设计了实验必须的实验段及光路布置方案。

    This article also discusses the experimental method steps and precautions stage supersonic wind tunnel experiments , experiments must be designed experiments segment and optical layout scheme .

  15. 超声速风洞的起动过程涉及到湍流、激波及低亚声速和高超声速混合流动,是一个非常复杂的瞬态过程。

    The starting process of wind tunnel , involving turbulence , shock wave , low subsonic and high supersonic mixing flows , is a very complex transient process .

  16. 它不仅仅是火箭发动机和航空发动机的必要构件,也是超声速风洞的重要部件。在人造卫星上,超声速喷管也被用来改变卫星的飞行姿态和轨道。

    It is a necessary part of the rocket engine 、 aeroengine and supersonic wind tunnel , and is used to change the flight stance and orbit of the artificial satellite .

  17. 本文概述了HYSCN2000电子扫描压力测量系统的原理、组成、特点及在1.2米×1.2米跨超声速风洞测压实验中的应用。

    This paper describes the principle , constitution and characteristics of the system and its applications to the pressure measurement tests in 1.2m × 1 . 2m transonic and supersonic wind tunnel .

  18. 超声速风洞的特点是必须有产生均匀超音速气流的拉瓦尔喷管,并且一定喷管形状对应一定马赫数。

    The characteristics of supersonic wind tunnel is that it must have a Laval nozzle which can generate a supersonic flow by uniform and one shape of the nozzle must correspond to one mach number .

  19. 在进行设计时,既借鉴了常规超声速风洞的基本设计思想,又针对混合层流动测试的实际要求,对风洞设计方案进行了深入分析和改进设计。

    When deep analyzing and improving designing the mixing layer wind tunnels , the paper has referred to the basic designing idea of general supersonic wind tunnel , at the meantime , the actual requirement of testing the flow of mixing layer has been considered as well .

  20. 蜡纸存贮法在高超声速脉冲风洞舵&锥干扰流场显示中的应用

    The application of the oil dot wax paper technique to the visualization of fin-cone interference flowfields in the hypersonic pulse tunnel

  21. 气象卫星双信道辐射计双下侧定几何二元混压式超声速进气道的风洞试验

    Meteosat dual-channel radiometer Experimental Investigation of Fixed-geometry Two-dimensional Mixed-compression Supersonic Inlet with Twin-inlet 90 ° Configuration at Venter

  22. 有翼飞行器高超声速动导数的风洞自由飞测量

    Hypersonic pitching damp measurements for a winged vehicle by model free flight