
  • 网络Ultra low emissions;ulev
  1. 二甲醚(DimethylEther,DME)是国际上普遍看好的一种超低排放代用燃料。

    Dimethyl Ether ( DME ) is the most promising ultra - low-emission alternative fuel discovered recently in the world .

  2. 在此基础上,本文提出了二甲醚发动机实现超低排放的控制策略,即采用废气再循环技术降低NOX排放,氧化后处理技术降低HC和CO排放。

    The HC and CO emissions of DME engine achieve a very low level . The strategy for ultra-low emission is proposed : EGR technology is taken to reduce NOX emission .

  3. 伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊(BorisJohnson)计划在2020年结束之前在伦敦建立一个超低排放区,在那里驾驶老一代柴油机车辆上路将被予以处罚。

    The mayor of London , Boris Johnson , plans to establish an ultralow emissions zone in London by 2020 where older diesels will be penalized .

  4. 总结了近年来对DME氧化和燃烧的化学动力学研究情况,论述了柴油机燃用DME实现无烟化、超低排放的机理。

    Organized the research activities on DME combustion and chemical kinetics in recently years , discussed the mechanism of super low emissions with smoke-free of DME .

  5. 叙述了燃烧过程的理论研究和化学反应动力学的研究状况,从理论上探讨了DME的燃烧过程及其实现超低排放的机理。

    Also mentioned the research progress on theoretical analysis of combustion , chemical kinetics mechanism , and theoretically analyzed the combustion process and mechanism of ultra low emission of DME .

  6. 由于DME(二甲基醚)有良好的压燃着火性能以及不需特别的措施就能达到超低排放标准,因而成为柴油发动机一种很有潜力的替代燃料。

    DME ( dimethyl ether ) becomes a potential alternative fuel , for its excellent autoignition performance and capacity to meet ULEV emissions standards for diesel engines without any exhaust gas after treatment .

  7. 用于测量轻型车超低排放的分流稀释气袋取样系统

    Bag Mini-diluter Sampling System Used in Light-duty ULEV Emission Measurement

  8. 汽车尾气超低排放控制技术

    Emission Control Technologies for Ultra - low Emission Vehicles

  9. 适应未来超低排放要求的柴油机新型燃烧方式

    A New Combustion Mode in Diesel Engines to Conform to Future Ultra Emission Requirements

  10. 超低排放二甲醚燃料发动机及其研究动态

    A Study of Ultra-Low-Emission Dimethyl Ether Engine

  11. 奥林匹克公园内采用零排放车辆和超低排放车辆。

    In the Olympic Green , no emission or ultra-low emission vehicles will be used .

  12. 超低排放的天然气发动机

    Natural Gas Vehicle with Super Low Emission

  13. 针对未来超低排放、甚至零排放的排放法规,人们提出了不同的内燃机新型燃烧方式。

    New engine combustion modes are presented aiming at future ultra-low and even zero emission regulation .

  14. 天然气催化燃烧可以实现污染物的超低排放,是一项很有前景的燃烧技术。

    Catalytic combustion of natural gas can achieve ultra-low emissions of pollutants , is a promising combustion technology .

  15. 在各种柴油机上的试验结果表明:二甲醚能够实现柴油机高效、超低排放、柔和无烟燃烧。

    A series of experience has shown that diesel engine could work more efficiently and softly with ultra low emission by DME .

  16. 伦敦即将在拥堵收费区域划定一个超低排放区的消息,也在近日被证实。

    The capital is introducing an ultra low emissions zone in the congestion charging area , which was also confirmed on Thursday .

  17. 柴油机低温燃烧具有实现高效、超低排放的潜力,是目前内燃机燃烧研究的热点课题之一。

    At present , LTC ( Low-temperature Combustion ) is a hot research topic of diesel engine with the potential to achieve ultra-low emissions .

  18. 为了满足这些排放法规,汽车制造商不得不优化相关的燃烧、后处理和燃料等技术,从而开发超低排放发动机系统。

    To comply with these regulations , automakers are being forced to develop ultra low-emission engine systems by optimizing combinations of technologies related to combustion , aftertreatment and fuel .

  19. 热气机具有燃料的多样性、相当高的转换效率,尤其是良好的环境特性、超低排放与低噪音等特点,使其成为一种新的绿色能源。

    The wide variety of fuel , high conversion efficiency , well condition , ultra low letting off , low noise , makes stirling engine a new " green " energy .

  20. 超低排放混合动力汽车,机动车尾气排放污染控制技术应用研究;车用清洁燃料技术研究等。

    We are engaged in researching into the application of the technology of controlling the pollutant discharged by tail ' gas of ultra-low discharged mixed dynamic automobile and vehicles and bus clean fuel technology etc.

  21. 详细讨论了高效烟气余热回收、超低NOX排放等关键技术和蓄热式燃烧器、四通换向阀等关键部件;

    Both key technologies such as recovery of exhaust heat of flue gas and low emission of NOX and key parts such as burner equipped with honeycomb regenerative chamber and 4-way switching valve are discussed in detail .

  22. 介绍了一种通过烟气再循环的方法来实现高温空气燃烧(HTAC)蓄热式锻造炉上超低NOX排放的技术,并对高温空气燃烧的机理作了初步的探讨。

    An exhaust gas recirculation method was practiced with HTAC ( High Temperature Air Combustion ) technology in forge furnace , and the results confirm extremely low NO X emission . Subsequently the paper makes an attempt to discuss HTAC mechanism .

  23. 为了保护环境,实现无或超低甲醛排放,推广柴油/甲醇组合燃烧方式,必须控制甲醛的排放。

    To protect the environment , achieve no or low formaldehyde emission and promote DMCC , formaldehyde emission must be controlled .

  24. 该车将拥有超低水平的排放量,每公里碳排放量不足50克。

    The car , to be launched in 2012 , would have ultra-low emissions of less than 50g of carbon dioxide per kilometre .