
chuí tǐ jī sù
  • pituitary hormone;hypophyseal hormone;hypophysial hormone
  1. 目的探讨男性肝硬化患者性激素与垂体激素的变化及其临床意义。

    Objective To evaluate the sex hormone and hypophyseal hormone alterations in male liver cirrhosis patients and their clinical significance .

  2. 动态观察肝硬化患者血清性及垂体激素水平的变化将有助于临床肝功损害程度的判断及诊断水平的提高。

    Dynamic analysis of serum levels of sex hormone and hypophyseal hormone is useful for clinical diagnosis of cirrhosis and severity of liver dysfunction .

  3. 近年来的研究显示,IL-2对中枢神经系统功能和垂体激素分泌也有某些调节作用。

    It was showed that the CNS functions and pituitary hormones secretion could be influenced by IL-2 in recent reports .

  4. 方法:采用放免法测定大鼠垂体激素卵泡刺激素(FSH)、黄体生成素(LH)、睾酮(T)。

    Methods : To determine the serum FSH , LH and testosterone ( T ) by means of radio-immune method .

  5. 27例行垂体激素测定,PRL升高9例,GH升高2例。

    The PRL level elevated in 9 of , and the GH level elevated in 2 of 27 patients receiving pituitary hormones examination .

  6. 对手术全切与未全切组之间的比较,发现术后激素水平的改变有明显差异(P<0.05),说明手术的切除程度与垂体激素的降低呈正相关。

    After comparing the values of pituitary hormone between the complete group and the un complete group , there is significant difference which shows the degrees of tumor removal affect the values of pituitary hormone after operation ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)为下丘脑促垂体激素,其脉冲式地释放调节垂体促卵泡素(FSH)和促黄体素(LH)的合成与释放,进而调节动物的生殖活动。

    The pulsatile pattern of the hypothalamic hormone gonadotropin-releasing hormone ( GnRH ) plays a critical role in reproductive function by regulating the biosynthesis and secretion of the pituitary gonadotropins .

  8. PACAP不仅是一种新的下丘脑促垂体激素,而且还是一种新的神经递质和神经调质。

    PACAP is not only a new type of hypophysiotropic hormone , but also functions as a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator .

  9. 羊垂体激素(oPRL、oGH、oLH)碘标记化合物的制备

    Preparation of iodine labelling compounds of ovine pituitary hormone

  10. 其他激素水平维持正常时,缺乏不同垂体激素的MPHD患儿应用促性腺激素替代疗法后性激素水平和第二性征发育变化无明显差异。

    When other hormone level had been maintained normal , the sex hormone level and secondary sexual characteristics changes has no significant difference between those with different pituitary hormones deficiency MPHD children .

  11. 结论在一定剂量条件下,氯化镉影响腺垂体激素分泌水平改变,并诱发腺垂体细胞凋亡,caspase-9通路在凋亡发生过程中可能发挥了一定的作?

    Caspase-9 might play a role in the occurrence of apoptosis . Conclusion It was suggested that cadmium could induce apoptosis of anterior pituitary both in vivo and in vitro in the manner of dose-dependent , and caspase-9 might play a role during above processes .

  12. 其中三株杂交瘤细胞分泌的抗体被证实是对PFSH特异结合的,它们和另一种非常相近的垂体激素&猪促黄体激素(PLH)不结合。

    The antibodies secreted by three of the hybridomas have been shown specifically binding to PFSH , and they do not bind to another very similar pituitary hormone , porcine luteinizing hormone ( PLH ) .

  13. 优秀男子划船运动员16周训练后下丘脑-垂体激素的变化

    The Changes of Hypothalamus-Pituitary Hormones in Elite Oarsmen Before-After 16-week Training

  14. 癌症患者腺垂体激素分泌功能的变化研究

    Clinical study of serum hormone excreted by adenohypophysis in cancer

  15. 垂体激素与妊娠高血压综合征关系探讨

    Study on the relation between the hypophysial hormones and pregnancy induced hypertension

  16. 刺激甲状腺官能的垂体激素。

    A pituitary hormone that stimulates the function of the thyroid gland .

  17. 妊娠期痤疮患者雄激素和垂体激素水平研究

    The serum levels of testosterone and pituitary hormones in pregnant patients with acne

  18. 9例治疗后2~3年血清激素复查发现新发垂体激素水平下降。

    Patients had been found new hormone declining 2 ~ 3 years later .

  19. 急性脑外伤后患者垂体激素的改变及临床意义

    Dynamic Changes and Clinical Significance of Pituitary Hormones in Patients with Acute Craniocerebral Injury

  20. 下丘脑-垂体激素与卵巢癌

    Hypothalamus - pituitary hormones and ovarian cancer

  21. 科学家认为,垂体激素主要通过调控其它内分泌腺来发挥作用。

    Scientist had thought pituitary hormones acted primarily through their effects on other endocrine glands .

  22. 急性脑出血患者下丘脑-垂体激素变化的研究

    Study on the serum concentration changes of hypothalamic-pituitary hormones of patients with acute cerebral hemorrhage

  23. 目的:探讨神经垂体激素对心肌收缩力的直接影响。

    Objective : To investigate the direct effect of neurohypophysis hormone on the myocardial contraction force .

  24. 肝硬化病人性激素与垂体激素的检测及临床意义

    Detection of sex hormones and hypophyseal hormones in patients with hepatic cirrhosis and its clinical significance

  25. 核磁共振和多种垂体激素检查对垂体柄阻断综合征患儿的诊治价值

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging ( MRI ) and Multiple Hormone Evaluation in Children with Pituitary Stalk Interruption Syndrome

  26. 可以监测以下指标包括:头痛症状,眼底检查,垂体激素检查。

    The following indicators can be monitored include : headaches , fundus examination , the pituitary hormone inspection .

  27. 甲状腺激素人工神经支架的构建垂体激素与妊娠高血压综合征关系探讨

    Fabrication of polylactide scaffolds-T_3 for repairing peripheral nerve defect Study on the relation between the hypophysial hormones and pregnancy induced hypertension

  28. 方法对37名工人进行问卷调查、血液学指标和血生化指标的测定,包括垂体激素和性激素测定。

    [ Methods ] 37 workers were examined by questionnaire , hematological index and biochemical data of blood , including the determination on gonadotropin and hypophyseal hormones .

  29. 方法将136例急性脑血管病患者分为脑出血组和脑梗死组,采用放射免疫法检测分析患者急性期血清脑垂体激素和甲状腺激素。

    Methods Serum adenohypophysial hormone and thyroid hormone levels were measured by radioimmunoassay in 136 patients with ACVDs , including cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction with different disease severity .

  30. 性激素(包括雄激素和雌激素)参与成年动物垂体激素分泌和中枢神经系统的发育和功能调节。

    Sex hormones ( including androgens and estrogens ) are involved in regulating the secreting function of pituitary hormones in adult animals and in development of central nervous system .