
  • 网络exxonmobil;Exxon Mobil;XOM;EXXON;exxon mobil corporation
  1. 在持续经营项目净收入方面,埃克森美孚公司在美国排名第二,仅次于苹果公司。

    ExxonMobil is the second largest company in the United States by income from continuing operations , trailing only Apple .

  2. 埃克森美孚公司否认指责他们不公平对待受影响的雇员,公司坚持说,被解雇的工人将根据公司重组计划得到丰厚的补贴。

    ExxonMobil has rejected accusations of unfair treatment of the affected employees , insisting the workers fired under a reorganization plan received generous payouts .

  3. 今年,秋明石油公司阻止了英国石油公司拟与俄罗斯国有石油公司Rosneft进行的一笔交易【埃克森美孚公司(Exxon)最终赢得了这笔交易】。

    This year , a deal between BP and Russia 's state-owned oil company Rosneft was blocked by TNK ( Exxon ( XOM ) ultimately won the deal ) .

  4. 现在苹果公司的市值比第二名的埃克森美孚公司的市值多出了53%。

    It is now worth 53 percent more than No. 2 Exxon Mobil Corp.

  5. 这个总数不及一家美国石油公司、埃克森美孚公司一年的营业收入。

    That sum is smaller than the revenue of a single American oil company , ExxonMobil .

  6. 工作人员关闭了埃克森美孚公司的石油管道,同时该公司开始清理泄漏。

    Workers shut off the Exxon Mobil pipeline , and the company continues to clean up the spill .

  7. 并且治理者往年就这条输送线的几个安全隐患两次提醒埃克森美孚公司。

    And regulators twice in the last year warned Exxon Mobil of several safety violations along the line .

  8. 紧随苹果之后的美国科技公司是谷歌(实际上,谷歌的整体排名为第三,前一位是埃克森美孚公司)。

    Trailing behind Apple among U.S. tech companies is Google ( it 's actually third overall behind ExxonMobil ) .

  9. 工会抗议埃克森美孚公司裁员影响到60多名员工,他们中的大多数是在该公司工作的工会工作人员。

    The union is protesting ExxonMobil job cuts that affected about 60 workers , mostly union officials working at the company .

  10. 以不变应万变保持世界领先优势&埃克森美孚公司最新战略分析

    Coping with Shifting Events by Sticking to a Fundamental Principle , Keeping Leading Superiority in the World & An Analysis of ExxonMobil 's latest strategies

  11. 中石油,中国最大的能源公司,本月决定在未来的20年期间从埃克森美孚公司购买410亿美金的高更天然气。

    PetroChina , China 's largest energy company , this month agreed to buy US $ 41bn worth of Gorgon LNG over a20-year period from ExxonMobil .

  12. 尼日利亚石油和天然气资深工人工会威胁说,他们将举行一次全国性罢工,抗议埃克森美孚公司解雇他们的一些成员。

    Nigerian Oil Workers Threaten Walkout Nigeria 's senior oil workers union is threatening a nationwide strike to protest the firing of some of its members by ExxonMobil .

  13. 去年埃克森美孚公司近260亿美元的收益都来自其石油生产业务,其中不到一半来自权益子公司—这些子公司的收支不包括在此前提及的埃克森美孚公司的总收益里。

    ExxonMobil derived nearly $ 26 billion in income from its production activities last year , of which just under half came from equity affiliates -- investments whose revenue and costs are not directly included in the income statement .

  14. 以埃克森美孚石油公司为例,如果拆分能带来10%的市值增长,那么股东们将新进账430亿美元,相当于突尼斯一年的GDP。

    Just a 10 % increase in value through a split would be worth $ 43 billion to shareholders , which is equivalent to the GDP of Tunisia .

  15. 工作人员关闭了埃克森美孚石油公司的管道,该公司仍在继续清理漏油。但是女发言人ClaireHassett表示,要验证造成的损害非常困难。

    Workers the Exxon Mobil pipeline , and the company continues to the spill . But spokeswoman Claire Hassett said examining the damage has been difficult .

  16. Rosneft公司可以使用埃克森美孚石油公司的专业知识和资金;埃克森美孚石油公司可以扩大在俄罗斯的地位。俄罗斯被视为未来石油和天然气生产的关键位置。

    Rosneft gets access to Exxon Mobil 's expertise and capital ; the US company extends its position in Russia , which is widely seen as a key location for future oil and gas production .

  17. 埃克森美孚化工公司为您提供具有优异综合性能、可满足您的润滑需求的产品

    ExxonMobil Chemical offers a remarkable combination to meet your lubrication needs

  18. 埃克森美孚石油公司股利政策研究

    Study on the Dividend Policies of ExxonMobil

  19. 这些公司包括埃克森美孚石油公司、伯克希尔•哈撒韦公司、花旗集团、好市多公司以及西尔斯公司。

    Among those with no women were Exxon Mobil , Berkshire Hathaway , Citigroup , Costco Wholesale and Sears , the study said .

  20. 然而,我怀疑埃克森美孚等公司所持的传统而僵化的单边立场,是否最适合微妙、多边的地缘政治现实。

    I question , however , whether the traditional , rigid , unilateral stance of a company such as Exxon is best-suited to nuanced , multilateral geopolitical reality .

  21. 埃克森美孚和切萨皮克能源公司(ChesapeakeEnergy)等天然气供应商当然会因为更多的天然气需求而获益,但随着供应量的增加,利润率可能会有所下降。

    Natural gas producers like Exxon and Chesapeake Energy will of course benefit from higher demand for the fuel , but profits might be held down with increased supply .

  22. 但是埃克森美孚是大型石油公司保守派的典型代表,拆分对于该公司来说无异于天方夜谭。

    But ExxonMobil is known as the most conservative member of big oil , making any split hard to imagine .

  23. 埃克森美孚表示,该公司试图在为世界提供所需能源的同时,减少温室气体排放。

    ExxonMobil said it was trying to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions while providing the world with the energy it needs .

  24. 石油一直都是重要的原材料,埃克森美孚能够比其他公司更高效地从恶劣环境中提炼出石油。

    Oil remains a vital raw material , and Exxon can extract it from difficult places more efficiently than any other firm .

  25. 他描述了埃克森美孚正在与其他公司合作为解决两大难题所采取的行动,同时还讨论了经济及气候变化政策制定的框架。

    He described the actions ExxonMobil is taking in partnership with others to address both challenges , and also discussed a framework for economic and climate change policymaking .

  26. 埃克森美孚与俄罗斯石油公司达成的协议,突显出国际石油企业勘探和开发俄罗斯属北极油气田(世界上仅存的几处未开发的大型油气田之一)的决心。

    It underscores international oil companies ' determination to explore and develop the Russian Arctic , one of the few places in the world with large , untapped oil and gas reserves .