
  • 网络Ellis Island;ellis lsland
  1. 这个博物馆将用来纪念经过埃利斯岛的数百万移民。

    The museum will serve as a memorial to the millions who passed through Ellis Island

  2. 美国移民政策研究所(MigrationPolicyInstitute)的穆扎法尔•齐矢堤(MuzaffarChishti)说,埃利斯岛(EllisIsland,原美国移民局所在地)的官员曾拒绝有结核病的游客进入。

    Officials at Ellis Island used to keep visitors out because they had tuberculosis , says Muzaffar Chishti of the US-based Migration Policy Institute .

  3. 在欧洲提供寻根服务的公司主要是数据提供商,提供从埃利斯岛(EllisIsland,指美国移民局&译者注)搜索的资料,以及多个世纪的婚姻、死亡和人口普查资料。

    Businesses focusing on European ancestry are basically data providers , offering electronic searches of material from Ellis Island or centuries of marriage , death and census records .

  4. 埃利斯岛在移民中以伤心岛著称。

    Ellis Island became known as Heartbreak Island among immigrants .

  5. 从埃利斯岛开始,他们向整个大陆扩散

    And from Ellis Island , they spread out across the continent .

  6. 埃利斯岛是个小岛,离自由女神像只有一英里远。

    Ellis Island is a small island only a mile away form Lady Liberty .

  7. 埃利斯岛是曼哈顿西南纽约湾北部一岛屿。

    Ellis Island is an island of Upper New York Bay southwest of Manhattan .

  8. 渡轮带他们到了埃利斯岛。

    Ferryboats took them to Ellis Island .

  9. 在埃利斯岛安顿下来后。

    After settling down at Ellis Island .

  10. 前往埃利斯岛那里是大多数新美国人的第一站

    on their way to Ellis Island , the first stop for most new Americans .

  11. 美国几乎有一半的人口,家族成员中至少有一名曾经通关经过埃利斯岛。

    Almost half of all Americans have at least one family member who passed through Ellis Island .

  12. 通往美国的历史门户,埃利斯岛,也被改建成一座博物馆。

    Ellis Island , the historic gateway to America , has also been turned into a museum .

  13. 轮渡可带游客到埃利斯岛和自由女神所矗立的自由岛。

    Ferries take visitors to both Ellis Island and Liberty Island , where the Statue of Liberty stands .

  14. 成百万人通过埃利斯岛来到美国开始了他们新的生活。

    Millions of people came through Ellis Island on their way to new lives in the United States .

  15. 今天,超过1亿的美国人他们的祖先都是从埃利斯岛来到美国的

    Today , more than 100 million Americans can trace their roots back to ancestors who came through Ellis Island .

  16. 海平面上升可能破坏大沼泽国家公园的重要生态系统,甚至威胁到埃利斯岛和自由女神像。

    Rising seas could destroy vital ecosystems in the Everglades , even threaten Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty .

  17. 几十年前移民一词还会使人联想到埃利斯岛的船只,当然,还有自由女神像。而现如今已是一幅截然不同的光景。

    Decades ago the word immigration conjured of images of boats at Ellis Island , of course , the Statue of Liberty . Today , it 's a different story .

  18. 或许,在我身后上演的正是美国最为著名的疫情隔离事件。埃利斯岛有1200万名群众紧急撤离,超过2百万人住进医院或者接受隔离。

    Perhaps , America 's most famous quarantine happened right behind me : on Ellis Island , 12 million people were processed , more than 2 million would be hospitalized or quarantined .