
āi ěr mǐ tè
  • Hermite
埃尔米特[āi ěr mǐ tè]
  1. 利用埃尔米特变换和特殊的截断展开法求出(2+1)-维Wick类型随机广义KP方程的类孤子解。

    By using Hermite transformation , the ( 2 + 1 ) - dimensional Wick-type stochastic general-ized KP equation is researched .

  2. 提出在IRFPA非均匀性校正中使用埃尔米特插值方法,与其他传统方法相比较具有运算量小,修正效果好,易于实现等优点。

    Hermite interpolation algorithm is described in IRFPA nonuniformity correction . Compare with other traditional algorithm , it has advantages of less calculation , higher correction precision and easy implement by hardware .

  3. 晶体Si能带的密度泛函及第一性原理计算埃尔米特双线性泛函

    A Calculation of energy band of crystal silicon using density functional theory and first-principles

  4. 本文对同时迭代法作两点注。其一,对文[1]中关于B-正规矩阵的同时迭代法所涉及的,解埃尔米特矩阵特征值问题的Jacobi方法进行改进,使计算量大为减少,收敛加快;

    Two notes for simultaneous iteration of matrix eigenvalue problems are given : 1 , A new Jacobi-type method for solving Hermitian matrix eigenproblems is established .

  5. 适用于一般提法的埃尔米特插值多项式的差商构造公式

    The constructive formula by divided difference on general Hermite interpolating polynomial

  6. 埃尔米特插值求积公式三角形上的边界插值公式


  7. 埃尔米特多项式系数的绝对值和及其性质

    The sum of absolute value of Hermite polynomials coefficient and its properties

  8. 基于埃尔米特多项式的子波计算新方法

    A novel procedure of wavelet computation based on Hermite polynomials

  9. 利用射影空间中的埃尔米特簇构作结合方案

    Geometric construction of association schemes from Hermitian varieties in a finite projective space

  10. 切矩阵多项式插值的埃尔米特公式

    Hermite 's formula for tangential interpolation of matrix polynomials

  11. 正定埃尔米特型的类数

    On the class number of positive definite Hermitian forms

  12. 埃尔米特反自反矩阵左右逆特征值问题的可解条件

    The Conditions for the Left and Right Inverse Eigenvalue Problem of Hermitian-Antireflexive Matrix

  13. 埃尔米特插值多项式双掺杂碳纳米管电子场发射性能的密度泛函研究

    Density functional theoretical studies of electron field emission properties of double doped carbon nanotube

  14. 基于埃尔米特插值的隐式线性多步法公式

    Implicit Linear Multistep Formula Based on Hermite Interpolation

  15. 基于埃尔米特插值的秘密分割门限方案的构造

    Construction of Threshold Scheme on Share of Secret Based on the Problem of Hermite Interpolation

  16. 就一般情况给出了三次埃尔米特插值函数的误差公式,并介绍了误差公式的证明方法。

    An error formula for cubic-Hermite 's interpolation function was derived and proven for general cases .

  17. 采用埃尔米特插值多项式代替泰勒展开式逼近目标函数,极大地降低了高阶交叉灵敏度的阶数。

    Adopting the Hermite polynomial instead of the Taylor polynomial can greatly decrease the order of high-order cross sensitivity .

  18. 给出了矩阵(特别是埃尔米特矩阵和实对称矩阵)迹的若干性质。

    Some properties of trace of matrices , particularly , Hermitian matrices and real symmetric matrices , are given .

  19. 运用埃尔米特多项式的性质和微积分方法,得到一组有趣的恒等式。

    A group of interesting identity is obtained by using the property of Hermit multinomial and the differential calculus method .

  20. 为了求三次埃尔米特插值函数,采用重节点差商的方法,得到了类似于牛顿插值的结果。

    To solve cubic-Hermite interpolation functions , the method of divided difference at same node was used , and the result similar to Newton 's interpolation function was obtained .

  21. 本文讨论埃尔米特插值的最小二乘问题,导出了此问题的正规方程组,证明了埃尔米特插值的最小二乘解的存在唯一性。

    In this paper , the least square problem of Hermite interpolation is discussed Its normal system of equations is derived and the existance and uniqueness of least square solution is proved .

  22. 在贝尔实验室的第二周,他开始进行这项工作,这涉及到埃尔米特多项式的计算。在第三周,艾伦得到了一些计算方面的协助。

    In his second week at Bell Labs he settled down to this work , which involved calculations with Hermite polynomials , and in his third week he had some assistance with the calculations .

  23. 本文采用分片三次埃尔米特插值来作基线漂移校正,提出了当心率变化引起插值区间信号长度变化时,插值基函数的线性变换规则。

    This paper uses segmenting 3-order Hermite interpolation for base-line drift correction , and presents a linear transformation rules of interpolation basic functions when the signal length of interpolation interval changes owing to the changing of heart rate .

  24. 利用二阶埃尔米特插值函数把空间梁单元的结点自由度由6个扩充到8个,使井眼曲线的二阶导数连续,提高了计算精度。

    When the nodal degrees of freedom in beam element increase from 6 to 8 by the use of Hermit interpolation function , the second derivative for expressing hole curvature becomes continuous , and the calculation precision is improved .