
  • 网络accenture;ACN;accenture consulting
  1. “它们大多追求浮华和器件本身,”埃森哲咨询公司研究部总经理约翰・卡兰说道。

    It is about the flashiness and the gadgets , said John Curran , managing director of research at Accenture .

  2. 消费者越来越厌倦企业提供的服务了:埃森哲咨询公司发布了一份来自28个国家的2。8万名消费者的调查报告,结果表明,消费者不再像以前那样痴迷于科技。

    Consumers are becoming increasingly bored with what companies have to offer : A survey of 28,000 consumers in 28 countries released by Accenture found consumers are not as excited about technology as they once were .

  3. 埃森哲咨询公司的研究揭示了消费者这么做的原因:去实体店前,(人们)会先了解某产品是否有货。人们可以体验一下产品,既避免了运费,又可以在实体店得到网上产品的最优价格。

    The Accenture study explains the reasons customers webroom : to know if a product is in stock costs , and to ask stores to match the best online price .

  4. 曾在IBM和埃森哲等公司任职。

    He has worked in companies like IBM and Accenture in the past .

  5. 3G只对埃森哲这一家外部企业忠诚,并且采用零基预算。

    3G is loyal primarily to one outside firm Accenture and uses zero-based budgeting .

  6. 这一点在国际商业机器公司(IBM)和埃森哲(Accenture)身上得到了体现。

    IBM and Accenture both illustrate the point .

  7. 不要完全依赖IBM、EDS、埃森哲或者其他哪家大公司。

    Do not sign up to become totally IBM , totally EDS , totally Accenture or totally anyone .

  8. 陈晓冰是埃森哲中国的总裁,他表示自己对于中国的人工智能(AI)发展非常乐观。

    Chen Xiaobing , the president of Accenture China , says he is very optimistic about AI development in China .

  9. 埃森哲的希金斯对于手机和MP3播放器可能发挥的作用很感兴趣。

    Mr Higgins of Accenture is intrigued by the possibilities of the mobile phone and the MP3 player .

  10. 他的国际咨询经验包括:凯捷(CapGemini),安永(Ernst&Young)和埃森哲(Accenture)。

    His experience within global management consulting includes Cap Gemini , Ernst & Young , and Accenture .

  11. 2010年,华为说,该公司与IBM和埃森哲合作,联手设计一个旨在为电信提供商管理网络的外包业务流程。这是一种日益增强的行业趋势。

    In 2010 , Huawei said it teamed with IBM and Accenture to design an outsourcing business process aimed at managing networks for telecom providers , a growing industry trend .

  12. 埃森哲(Accenture)电子和高科技业务部全球总经理大卫?苏维(DavidSovie)表示,语音控制等功能应有助于销售。

    David Sovie , global managing director for Accenture 's electronics and high-tech business unit , says features such as voice control should help sales .

  13. 里奇•莫兰曾担任埃森哲咨询公司(Accenture)顾问,同时也是硅谷的风险投资老手,现任咨询与招聘公司AccretiveSolutions(总部位于芝加歌)CEO。

    A former Accenture ( ACN ) consultant and longtime Silicon Valley venture capitalist , Moran is CEO of accretive solutions , a Chicago-based consulting and recruiting firm .

  14. 技术咨询公司埃森哲(accenture)有两位客户的经历就说明了第一点。

    The first point is illustrated by the experience of two clients of Accenture , the technology consultancy .

  15. 这一趋势可能引发印度和中国,以及ibm、埃森哲(accenture)和electronicdatasystems等外包服务集团的担忧,它们都在全球外包潮的最大受益者之列。

    The trend is likely to raise concerns in countries such as India and China and among groups such as IBM , Accenture and electronic data systems , which have been among the biggest beneficiaries of the global outsourcing trend .

  16. 来自埃森哲(Accenture)与经济学前沿公司(FrontierEconomics)最近的一份报告大胆提出,到2035年,基于人工智能的技术的普遍采用,可能会将很多发达国家的经济增速提高一倍。

    A recent report from Accenture and Frontier Economics made the bold claim that the widespread adoption of AI-enabled technologies could double the economic growth rates of many advanced countries by 2035 .

  17. 在美国,对这一数字的考察被咨询公司埃森哲(Accenture)等公司纳入了其招聘流程。

    Accenture , the consultant , is among those using it as part of its recruitment process in the US .

  18. 埃森哲(Accenture)零售咨询业务全球董事总经理珍妮特•霍夫曼(JanetHoffman)表示,对于大多数现代零售商而言,这种方式不大可能获利。

    Janet Hoffman , global managing director of Accenture 's retail consulting practice , says for most modern retailers the practice is unlikely to make a return .

  19. 埃森哲咨询公司(Accenture)最近发布的一份调查显示,75%的被访者经常或偶尔在带薪休假期间工作。

    A survey released last week by the consulting firm Accenture found 75 % of respondents work frequently or occasionally during paid time off .

  20. 上周末咨询公司埃森哲(accenture)已经将这位高尔夫球手从其广告中撤下,同时其它赞助商也开始与这位明星保持距离。

    Accenture , the consultancy , dropped the golfer from its advertising this weekend as other sponsors began to distance themselves from the star .

  21. 力量的天平已明显向国家石油企业偏斜,专业服务集团埃森哲(Accenture)能源分析师马克•斯佩尔曼(MarkSpelman)表示。

    The balance of power has very much shifted to the national oil companies , says Mark Spelman , energy analyst at Accenture , the professional services group .

  22. 但随着劳动力成本上涨和竞争加剧,印度的外包企业日益寻求与大型全球性IT咨询机构同行展开直接竞争,如IBM和埃森哲(Accenture)。

    But with labour costs and competition rising , India 's outsourcing companies are increasingly seeking to compete directly with their peers at the large global IT consultancies , such as IBM or Accenture .

  23. 过去3年里,许多企业宣布改革(或者已经改革了)它们的绩效考核系统,其中包括通用电气(GeneralElectric)、微软(Microsoft)、德勤(Deloitte)、埃森哲(Accenture)和思科系统(CiscoSystems)。

    In the past three years , General Electric , Microsoft , Deloitte , Accenture and Cisco Systems are among many that have announced reform of , or actually reformed , their performance systems . Ratings are in the line of fire .

  24. 同样,埃森哲(accenture)于2004年对6个国家的主管进行调查,结果发现,优秀的人力资本管理和卓越的企业表现之间存在明显的相关性。

    Similarly a 2004 survey of executives in six countries by Accenture showed a compelling correlation between excellence in human capital management and superior business performance .

  25. 埃森哲公司凭借忠诚的客户基础,其中包括四分之三的《财富》全球500强公司(FortuneGlobal500),跨国咨询公司埃森哲(Accenture)继续保持着健康增长。2012财年,这家公司的净收入达到了279亿美元。

    With a loyal client base that includes more than 3 / 4th of the Fortune Global 500 , the global consultancy continues to enjoy healthy growth , generating net revenues of US $ 27.9 billion for the fiscal year 2012 .

  26. 埃森哲公司(Accenture)最近的一项调查发现,2013年即将毕业的大学生中,77%的人期待在第一份工作中接受正式培训。

    A recent Accenture survey found that 77 % of those set to graduate from college in 2013 expected to receive formal training in their first jobs .

  27. 她曾在日本作咨询师,从欧洲工商管理学院(insead)毕业后,在埃森哲(accenture)伦敦分公司工作了6年,主要在it领域。

    She had worked as a consultant in Japan , studied at graduate business school INSEAD and spent six years at Accenture in London , mainly in it .

  28. 几个月前我收到了一份便函,要求我所在的埃森哲(Accenture)办公室的员工们必须保持室内整洁,接受定期检查。

    A few months ago , I received a memo saying that employees in my facility at Accenture must keep their offices clean , subject to regular inspections .

  29. 埃森哲(Accenture)估计,到2035年,北美12%的人和欧洲11%的人将实现能源自足,可能会脱离电网。

    By 2035 , Accenture estimates , 12 per cent of people in North America and 11 per cent in Europe will be energy self-sufficient and potentially living off-grid .

  30. 根据国家工商行政管理总局(SAIC)网站发布的消息,该局还突击检查了承担微软公司财务外包的咨询公司埃森哲(Accenture)的办公室。

    The State Administration for Industry and Commerce also raided the offices of consultancy Accenture , which does financial work for Microsoft , according to a message on the SAIC website .