
  • 网络Aeneas;Aeneid
  1. 当然,扎克伯格和埃涅阿斯之间也有相似之处。

    There are certainly parallels between Zuckerberg and Aeneas .

  2. 埃涅阿斯发觉在他面前有一个开阔的山谷。

    Aeneas perceived before him a spacious valley .

  3. 她迅速看完了维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯纪》的一个译本。

    She rattled through a translation from Virgil 's Aeneid .

  4. 这个翻拍系列的第三部是关于国家建立的史诗,让人联想起《埃涅阿斯纪》(Aeneid)和《出埃及记》(BookofExodus)。

    The third installment in the revived series is an epic of national founding , with echoes of the Aeneid and the Book of Exodus .

  5. 试论《埃涅阿斯纪》的历史意识和英雄观

    On the Historical Consciousness and Heroic Outlook of Aeneid

  6. 他最喜欢的书是维吉尔所著的《埃涅阿斯纪》。

    He said that his favorite book is The Aeneid , by Virgil .

  7. 《埃涅阿斯纪》是一部拉丁语史诗,公元前29年至公元前19年,作者苦心孤诣,历经十年才完成这部巨著。

    The Aeneid is a Latin epic poem that was written somewhere between 29-19 BC .

  8. 希望借此丰富维吉尔及《埃涅阿斯纪》研究。

    I am hoping to enrich the research of Virgil and the " Aeneid " .

  9. 图努斯投了一枪,但标枪从埃涅阿斯的盾牌上弹了回来,没有造成任何伤害。

    Turnus threw his lance , but it recoiled harmless from the shield of Aeneas .

  10. 维吉尔是最伟大的拉丁诗人,著有伟大的史诗《埃涅阿斯纪》。

    Virgil was the greatest of Latin poets and wrote the great epic , the Aeneid .

  11. 论《埃涅阿斯纪》与文学的自觉

    On Aeneid and Literary Consciousness

  12. 我并不十分赞赏《埃涅阿斯纪》这部史诗,但它的真实依然令人动容。

    My admiration for the Aeneid is not so great , but it is none the less real .

  13. 埃涅阿斯在抵达拉丁姆平原前,奠立或建造了四个城市的基础。

    Aeneas founds or helps to lay the foundations for four cities prior to his arrival in Latium .

  14. 但是扎克伯格后来更正说,他最爱的书是维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯记》。

    However , Zuckerberg corrected this and called ' The Aeneid " by Virgil as his favourite book .

  15. 从哪些方面可看出,埃涅阿斯更像安东尼而非奥古斯都?维吉尔如何处理这个类似点?

    In what respects might Aeneas be more like Mark Anthony than Augustus and how does Vergil treat this resemblance ?

  16. 《埃涅阿斯纪》作为欧洲文学史上第一部文人史诗,体现着一种文学的自觉性。

    Aeneid , the first literary epic in the history of European Literature , expresses a kind of literary consciousness .

  17. 埃涅阿斯离开时才发现他的使命或许就是为罗马帝国打下基业,成为开国之君。

    As he is leaving the city , he finds that it is his fate to lay the foundations for Rome .

  18. 埃涅阿斯和他的厄特鲁利亚盟军及时赶到发生战斗的现场来解救被围困的军营。

    Aeneas , with his Etrurian allies , arrived on the scene of action in time to rescue his beleaguered camp .

  19. 墨曾提乌斯绕了三圈后,埃涅阿斯终于把自己的长矛对准马头投掷过去。

    At last , after Mezentius had three times made the circuit , Aeneas threw his lance directly at the horse 's head .

  20. 我就像小阿斯卡涅斯一样,他步履蹒跚地跟在英雄父亲埃涅阿斯身后,无怨无悔地迎接命运的安排。

    I was like little Ascanius , who followed with unequal steps the heroic strides of Aeneas on his march toward mighty destinies .

  21. 埃涅阿斯和图努斯终于展开了最后的决战。阿森纳中场吉尔伯托·尔瓦正在考虑来自尤文图斯的报价。

    At length the final conflict took place between Aeneas and Turnus . Arsenal midfielder Gilberto Silva is mulling over an offer from Juventus .

  22. 噶米洛指出了这个盒子的神话来源:古罗马神话中的英雄埃涅阿斯手持金树枝打开了地狱之门。

    Giulio Camillo indicated the mythological reference for this box : the Latin hero Aeneas , taking the golden bough to penetrate into the Ades .

  23. 它讲述的是一群由埃涅阿斯率领的特洛伊战争幸存者,离开被希腊人摧毁的特洛伊城之后发生的故事。

    It is about a group of Trojan survivors , led by Aeneas , who leave the city of Troy after it is destroyed by the Greeks .

  24. 由此类推,这和第八卷中,在了解埃涅阿斯的精致盾牌有何关连?

    What is the significance of this blankness and what , by analogy , are the implications for understanding the elaborate shield of Aeneas in Book VIII ?

  25. 这其实是一首长篇史诗,讲述的是特洛伊人埃涅阿斯如何去到意大利,并成为罗马人的祖先的故事。

    This is actually a Latin epic poem , which talks about a Trojan named , Aeneas , how he traveled to Italy and became an ancestral Roman .

  26. 埃涅阿斯本想饶他一命,但就在这刹那间他看见图努斯从被害青年帕拉斯那里取来的腰带。

    Aeneas would have given him his life , but at the instant his eye fell on the belt of pallas , which Turnus had taken from the slaughtered youth .

  27. 维吉尔在《埃涅阿斯纪》中也展现了同样的内容。英雄传统是西方诗歌的最为重大的主题,也是构成史诗的基本要素。

    So does Virgil in The Aeneid . The hero tradition is a foremost motif in western poetry and one essential element in the composition of an epic as well .

  28. 扎克伯格说,他深为触动的一点是埃涅阿斯干劲十足去完成他的使命——建造一座“宏伟壮观人惊叹,荣光不朽耀古今”的城市。

    Zuckerberg said that one thing that stuck with him was Aeneas 's drive to follow his fate to build a city that " knows no boundaries in time and greatness . "