
  • 网络The Georgics;Georgiques;Georgic
  1. 中国古代农事诗概述

    A Summary of Chinese Ancient Poems on Farming

  2. 陶渊明田园诗对《诗经》农事诗的继承与发展

    Tao Yuan-Ming ' Idyllic Inherit and Develop the Agriculture Poetry of the Songs Poetry

  3. 目前来看,从流派整体进行把握,对其农事诗加以分析的工作鲜有人尝试。

    So far , few people have analysed the farming poetry from the whole genre .

  4. 先秦农事诗的社会及技术信息研究

    Study on the Social and Technological Information in Poems on Farming in the Pre-Qin Dynasty

  5. 陶渊明田园诗与《诗经》农事诗之承传&《诗经》与陶渊明之渊源关系探讨(二)从宋农事诗析宋代蚕桑业

    The Relationship Between Tao Yuanming 's Pastoral Poetry and the Farming Poetry in The Book of Songs

  6. 农事诗是古代思想文化的载体,是古代农业教育的重要形式,是统治者实施管理的有效途径,是珍贵的信史资料。

    Poems on farming which carry ancient ideology and culture are important in agricultural education and management of ancient China .

  7. 从《诗经》的新婚诗、农事诗中可看出,女子在家庭中占有一席之地。

    In the poems on marriage and plantation in The Book of Songs , women play an important part in family life .

  8. 第三章则从江湖诗人农事诗的意境、构思、语言等方面浅析其富有特色的艺术特征。

    The third chapter explores the arts features from the artistic conception , the design , the language and regions of the farming poetry .

  9. 第一章探讨江湖诗人农事诗创作的时代土壤、文学要素和个体因素,强调了他们在农事诗写作方面的独特优势。

    The first chapter explores the background , the literary element and individual factors of Jiang-hu poets and their poems . It emphasizes the special advantages of their creation in farming poetry .

  10. 而关于江湖诗派的讨论,同样是八十年代以来逐渐升温的学术界热点。江湖诗派参与农事诗创作的成员多,作品数量大,成就比较突出。

    Meanwhile , Jiang-hu poems also became gradually warming academic hotspots since 1980 ' s. A great many Jiang-hu poets are involved in the creations of the farming poetry , and a great amount of works are also achieved successfully .

  11. 文章从宋代农事诗入手,展示了宋代蚕桑业的兴盛,宋代蚕桑业在技术上的进步,宋代蚕市与民俗风情,宋代税赋制度以及由此反映出来的深刻的社会矛盾。

    Started with the farming poems in Song , it is revealed the prosperity and the progress in science and technology of sericulture , the silkworm market and folk customs and culture , tax system , as well as the profound social contradiction reflected .

  12. 在论述农事祭祀诗时,侧重于探讨周代对社稷与田祖的祭祀以及周代的藉田礼,从中体现出周代的重农思想和理性精神;

    When address to farming sacred poems , this article emphasize particularly on the discussion of the sacrifice on the association , agricultural ancestors , and the ceremony of farmland , materialize the people of Zhou 's emphasize on the agriculture and rational sense ;