
nóng lì
  • the traditional Chinese calendar;the lunar calendar;Chinese traditional calendar
农历 [nóng lì]
  • [Chinese traditional calendar] 中国旧时通用的历法,是阴阳历的一种,一般就叫阴历。平年十二个月,大月三十天,小月二十九天,全年354天或355天(一年中哪一月大,哪一月小,年年不同),十九年里设置七个闰月,有闰月的年份全年383天或384天。又根据太阳的位置,把一个太阳年分成二十四个节气,便于农事。纪年用天干地支搭配,六十年周而复始。这种历法相传创始于夏代,所以又称为夏历。也叫旧历

农历[nóng lì]
  1. 它是为了庆祝中国农历的新年。

    It 's to celebrate the lunar calendar 's new year .

  2. 是在农历的七月七日。

    B : It 's on July7th of the lunar calendar .

  3. 春节即农历新年。

    The Spring Festival is the lunar New Year .

  4. 在农历九月初九庆祝。

    It is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month .

  5. 元宵节在农历正月十五。

    The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th of the first month of the lunar calendar .

  6. 传统的中国农历将一年分为24节气。

    The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms .

  7. 为庆祝中国农历新年,新加坡南洋商学院(NanyangBusinessSchool)邀请5位经验丰富的商界人士出席其CEO早餐系列活动,讲述他们在华做生意的经历并讨论由此带来的挑战。

    To mark the Chinese New Year , Nanyang Business School invited a panel of five experienced business men and women to its CEO Breakfast Series to speak about their experience of doing business in China and discuss the challenges this brings .

  8. 传统上,越南农历新年(tet)假日刚刚结束的新年庆祝活动期间,该国物价涨幅高于其它任何一个季节,因为人们会在餐饮和礼物方面大把花钱。

    Prices in Vietnam have historically risen faster around the Tet holiday , the recent New Year celebrations , than at any other season , as families splurge on lavish meals and gifts .

  9. 今年早些时候,帝亚吉欧(Diageo)旗下的尊尼获加(JohnnieWalker)专门面向华人市场推出了12瓶装的农历新年版,每套定价4800美元。

    Meanwhile , earlier this year Diageo DGE.LN - 0.28 % - owned Johnnie Walker unveiled a Lunar New Year collection of 12 bottles specifically for the Chinese market , priced at $ 4800 per set .

  10. 由于今年在瑞士达沃斯举行的世界经济论坛(WEF)恰逢中国农历新年,中国打破了30年的传统,首次不派高层官员出席。

    China will break with a 30-year tradition by not sending high-level officials to the World Economic Forum at Davos , which falls this year in the middle of Chinese New Year festivities .

  11. 虽然满月各方采取不同角落的世界,那些需要在BVI地方是一些最知名的,同时庆祝农历疯狂和传统文化。

    Although full moon parties take place in different corners of the world , those that take place in the BVI are some of the most renowned , celebrating both lunar madness and traditional culture .

  12. 世界上第三大啤酒酿造商喜力(Heineken)报告第一季度销售增长高于预期,得益于中国和越南在农历新年期间的强劲需求。

    Heineken , the world 's third-largest brewer , reported better than expected sales growth in the first quarter , thanks to strong demand in China and Vietnam over the lunar new year .

  13. 伦敦高级消费百货商店FortnumMason将于今年2月首次举行一场旨在庆祝中国农历新年的私密活动,届时还会进行促销活动&春节是中国游客来英国旅游的高峰期。

    In February , Fortnum Mason , the luxury London grocer , will for the first time host a private event and a promotion to celebrate the lunar new year – peak time for Chinese visitors .

  14. 伦敦高级消费百货商店Fortnum&Mason将于今年2月首次举行一场旨在庆祝中国农历新年的私密活动,届时还会进行促销活动——春节是中国游客来英国旅游的高峰期。

    In February , Fortnum & Mason , the luxury London grocer , will for the first time host a private event and a promotion to celebrate the lunar new year - peak time for Chinese visitors .

  15. 利用广义加性模型(GAMs)定量研究了海表水温、渔场水深、渔场位置和潮汐(农历日期)等环境因子对东海区帆式张网主要渔获物渔获量变动的影响。

    This paper used the generalized additive models ( GAMs ) to quantitatively describe the relationships between stow net catch and environmental factors ( sea surface temperature SST , water depth , fishing position and tide ) in the East China Sea .

  16. 这是农历年中第一个月圆之夜!

    It 's the first full moon of the lunar year !

  17. 祝澳洲国庆及中国农历新年快乐!

    Happy Australia Day and Happy Chinese New Year to all !

  18. 今天是农历的七月初七(七夕)。

    Today is the seventh day of the seventh lunar month .

  19. 海伦:你知道那是农历新年吗?

    Helen : you know that it 's Chinese New year ?

  20. 今年中国的农历大年初一是2月8日。

    The Chinese New Year falls on Feb 8 this year .

  21. 中国农历新年假期因素,使统计数据受到了扭曲。

    Statistics are skewed by the Chinese Lunar New Year holidays .

  22. 中国的传统节日和农历搭配得很合适。

    Chinese traditional holiday and lunar calendar go very well .

  23. 我认为我们应该去泰国过农历新年。

    I think we should go to Thailand for Chinese New Year .

  24. 2002年,农历新年被定为全国性的节日。

    Lunar New Year was then declared a national holiday in 2002 .

  25. 农历新年是一年中一个特别的日子。

    Chinese New Year is a special time of year .

  26. 农历新年不能洗澡?

    Not showering for the sake of Lunar New Year ?

  27. 我们有一本农历可供查对。

    There 's a lunar calendar for us to check the dates .

  28. 农历春节期间,我们一向都这么做。

    We always do so during the Chinese New Year .

  29. 农历新年特别津贴〔综合社会保障援助〕

    Chinese New Year Grant [ Comprehensive Social Security Assistance ]

  30. 春节是根据农历而定的。

    A : Chinese New Year is according to the lunar calendar .