
  • 网络Agriculture film;Agricultural Film
  1. 为农业生产投入的较高的能源就意味着较大的支出,例如交通运输我,化肥主农用薄膜等都要用到石油,陈表示。

    The higher cost of energy means greater outlays for agricultural production , as transport , fertilizer and agriculture film all use oil , Chen said .

  2. 新型流变剂在农用薄膜加工中的应用

    The Application of Rheological Agent in Processing of Agricultural Film

  3. SN农用薄膜防水滴剂的研制

    Study on the SN antifogging agent for agriculture films

  4. 本文描述农用薄膜中Al、Fe、Mg、Ca、Si、Cu、Ti杂质元素的发射光谱分析法,该方法直接压样于石墨电极中,简便,快速,取得了满意的结果。

    This paper studies of Al , Fe , Mg , Ca , Si , Cu , Ti in plastic film covering on the farmland with emission spectroscopy . This method directly pressed the specimen in the graphite electrod , so it could get the satisfactory results simply and rapidly .

  5. Pb2+在紫区有较强的吸收,说明Pb2+、Eu2+共激活的CaS材料是一种适用于高原寒冷地区的农用薄膜转光剂。

    There is very absorption of Pb 2 + ions in violet area , which indicate that the Pb 2 + Eu 2 + co activated CaS is a transition light materials for farm in high and cold area .

  6. 透光率控制的防老化母料在农用薄膜中的应用

    Application of Anti-Aging Master batch with Light Transmittance in Agro-Plastic Film

  7. 漫反射性农用薄膜的研究

    Research on Agricultural Plastic Film with Diffuse Reflection Power

  8. 转光驱虫聚乙烯农用薄膜的研究

    Investigation on Light-Conversion and Helminthic Polyethylene Greenhouse Films

  9. 光能转换技术在农用薄膜上的应用

    Light Conversion Technology Used in Agricultural Film

  10. 农用薄膜的发展概况

    The Development and Progress of Agricultural Film

  11. 水滑石在农用薄膜中的应用

    The Application of Hydrotalcite in Agricultural Film

  12. 论述了光能转换技术的发展过程及其在农用薄膜上的应用研究进展。

    Developing process of light conversion technology and research progress in agricultural films are reviewed .

  13. 无滴农用薄膜生产新工艺

    New Technique for Producing Anti-fogging Agricultural Film

  14. 随着农用薄膜用量的不断增加,农用薄膜的土壤污染问题也日益突出。

    With the increasing use of the agricultural plastic film , the pollution it brings is also becoming serious .

  15. 简析农用薄膜对土壤污染现状、原因与治理对策。

    The thesis describes the current situation and reasons of the soil pollution and the coping strategies are given .

  16. 制备的降解材料透明度高,机械性能较好,可用于制造农用薄膜及餐具。

    The material , having high transparency and perfect mechanical properties can be used to manufacture agricultural film and tableware .

  17. 在普通农用薄膜生产过程中,添加一种荧光稀土络合物,制成农用光膜。

    The agricultural fluorescent film was made by adding the fluorescent com - plexes of rare earth in common agricultural plastic film .

  18. 本课题是在当前存在农用薄膜难以收集及降解,高分子材料严重污染环境造成白色污染问题的背景下提出的。

    The background of this subject was existence severe " white pollution " problem leaded by the hard collected and degraded plastics .

  19. 使用农用薄膜的单位和个人,应当采取回收利用等措施,防止或者减少农用薄膜对环境的污染。

    Units and individuals that use agricultural film shall take measures to recycle it or other measures to prevent or reduce environmental pollution by agricultural film .

  20. 实验表明采用本文设计的农用薄膜机组电磁加热系统后,生产节电率能达到54%,节电量约150kwh/t。

    Experiments show that production energy saving rate can reach 54 % and electricity saving quantity about 150kwh / t after using the agricultural film unit electromagnetic heating system designed in this paper .

  21. 摘要在黄河三角洲地区,近几年来由于农用薄膜、化肥和农药的使用量逐年增加,致使农业环境受到污染。

    In the the last few years in the Yellow River Delta region , the agricultural environment has been severely contaminated due to the increasing use of farming pellicles , chemical fertilizers and pesticides .

  22. 评述了国外农用薄膜的发展概况,包括用于农膜的树脂、抗紫外线添加剂,用来吸收红外线、提高保温性的填料,防雾滴剂、染色地膜及可降解塑料。

    The development and progress of agricultural film abroad , including various resins , additives to resist UV , fillers serving as IR absorber and heat insulation improvers , antifogging agents , coloured mulching film and degradable plastics were reviewed .

  23. 煅烧煤系高岭土在农用塑料薄膜中的应用

    Application of Calcined Kaolin of Coal Series on Agricultural Plastic Film

  24. 农用吹塑薄膜加工设备技术新进展

    The new development of agricultural blow film equipments technology

  25. 无机物粉末对农用树脂薄膜红外线吸收特性的影响

    The Effect of Inorganic Powders on the IR Absorption Characteristics of Resin Films

  26. 中国废旧农用塑料薄膜的回收与利用

    Waste agricultural plastic film recycling technology in China

  27. 法国农用塑料薄膜和农用织物

    Plastic Films and Agricultural Textiles in France

  28. 常温可逆温致变色农用塑料薄膜光谱透射率及其对温度的影响

    Spectral Transmission of Reversible Thermochromism Plastic Film in Normal Temperature and Its Influence on the Temperature

  29. 广东沿海某地发生了一起由农用聚乙烯薄膜材料老化破裂引起的质量问题事故,直接经济损失达200多万元。

    An accident caused by the low quality of PE films for agricultural use is happened in the coastal area of Guangdong .

  30. 农用塑料薄膜以其生产使用的树脂原料不同一般可分为聚氯乙烯农膜和聚乙烯农膜两类。

    The plastic farm film can be classified into PVC farm film and PE farm film depending on resin raw materials used in production .