
  • 网络Agricultural irrigation;agriculture irrigation
  1. 当这些水资源被利用成农业灌溉水,农民们将有可能面临吸收致病细菌的风险,而那些吃掉生的、未清洗的产品的消费者们也将面临同样的风险。

    When this water is used for agricultural irrigation , farmers risk absorbing disease-causing becteria , as do consumers who eat the produce raw and unwashed .

  2. RS和GIS支持下的龙口市农业灌溉节水潜力研究

    A Study On The Water Saving Potential of Agricultural Irrigation of Longkou City

  3. 这其中最大的挑战是农业灌溉,仅此一项便会消耗全球七成的淡水资源。

    The biggest challenge here is irrigation , which consumes 70 % the world 's fresh water .

  4. 基于Internet的农业灌溉远程工程分析及管理决策系统设计

    Design of Long-distance Engineering Analysis and Management Decision System of Agriculture Irrigation Based on Internet

  5. 基于COM组件的农业灌溉优化决策软件的开发

    Design of Optimization Irrigation Decision-making Software Based on COM Builder

  6. 基于CLIPS的农业灌溉专家系统研究

    Expert System of Agricultural Irrigation Based on CLIPS

  7. 因此海冰水作为农业灌溉水源时,棉花可以作为该区域内首选的经济耐盐作物予以广泛种植,但应适当考虑加大播种量,同时严格控制海冰灌溉水的w(盐)。

    However , the salinity of sea - ice water must be strictly controlled and the seeding amount should be properly increased .

  8. 农业灌溉减少供水总量58.20亿m3,减少灌溉效益82.01亿元;

    Water supply for agricultural irrigation decreases 5.82 billion m3 , the irrigation benefits reduces 8.201 billion Yuan and ;

  9. 我国劣质水用于农业灌溉的研究工作正在逐步开展,微咸水与再生水中N、P、COD、可溶性盐分和重金属在土壤、作物及水体中的迁移转化规律等方面的研究已取得一定成果。

    Some achievements on the research of the regularities about movement and transformations of N , P , COD , dissolvable salts , and heavy metals , which are contained in brackish water and regenerated water , in soil , crops and waters have been obtained .

  10. 因而,将信息采集技术、GIS空间分析技术、灌溉控制决策和自动化、智能化灌溉设备联系起来,最终实现农业灌溉的精细化对高效用水农业的形成具有重大的意义。

    Thus , the technology combination of the information acquisition , analysis supported by GIS and irrigation control decision with automatic and intelligent equipments for irrigation is significant . The new technology will make the precision agricultural irrigation come true and promote to form efficient agricultural irrigation .

  11. Edelstein表示,由于内部分流和农业灌溉,约旦河现在已经干涸。

    Edelstein says the Jordan River is drying up because its waters have been ed for domestic use and agriculture .

  12. 本文以SHB水库径流随机模拟模型生成的人工径流资料为基础,建立了考虑水库蒸发、城市供水和农业灌溉等因素的供水模拟模型。

    Based on the synthetic streamflow sequences generated by SHB inflow stochastic hydrologic model , a water supply simulation model is presented that involves reservoir evaporation , city and agriculture water supply and so on .

  13. 引黄灌溉与黄河断流万家寨引黄供水区的农业灌溉问题分析引黄灌溉用水权有偿转让机制研究

    Analysis and Countermeasures of Yellow River Irrigation Water Right Compensable Transfer

  14. 应用所提模型,对南水北调中线进行农业灌溉用水量的年预报研究,取得了满意结果,由此表明所提模型与方法是合理可行的。

    The result of calculation shows that the model is reasonable .

  15. 低纬度高原区农业灌溉需水规律研究

    Research on Low Latitude Plateau Irrigation District Agriculture Irrigation Water Rule

  16. 再生水农业灌溉安全的有关问题研究

    The safety use of treated waste water for irrigation in agriculture

  17. 本论文主要进行充分灌溉条件下农业灌溉需水量的计算。

    The irrigation water requirement is mainly focused on full irrigation .

  18. 农业灌溉用水管理及其使用权转让补偿研究

    Research on Irrigation Water Management and Compensation for Water Usufruct Transfer

  19. 云南省农业灌溉现状与对策研究

    Present Situation of Agricultural Irrigation in Yunnan Province and Strategy Research

  20. 南阳农业灌溉远程工程分析系统

    On the long distance engineering analytic system of Nanyang agricultural irrigation

  21. 农业灌溉水质评价的投影寻踪模型

    Projection pursuit model for comprehensive evaluation of agricultural irrigation water quality

  22. 新疆农业灌溉用水节水潜力分析

    Analysis for the Agriculture Irrigation Water Saving Potential in Xinjiang

  23. 区域农业灌溉用水量长期预报模型研究

    Research on Long-term Forecast Model of Regional Irrigation Water Requirement

  24. 农业灌溉序贯决策的广义密切值法

    Close Value Method for Decision Making of Agricultural Irrigation Procedures

  25. 我国的农业灌溉用水浪费严重。

    Water wasted seriously in agricultural irrigation in our country .

  26. 无线通信网络在农业灌溉系统中的应用

    The Application of Wireless Communication Network in Agricultural Irrigation System

  27. 农业灌溉用水现状及制度创新

    Irrigation water : status quo , problems and system innovations

  28. 我国农业灌溉水费管理的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Agricultural Irrigation Water Fees Management in China

  29. 大力推广节水灌溉,减少农业灌溉节水量;

    Vigorously popularizing water saving irrigation for decreasing water consumption ;

  30. 农业灌溉用水价格改革探讨

    Research on the Reformation of Water Price on Agricultural Irrigation