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nóng jù
  • farm tools;farm implements
农具 [nóng jù]
  • [farm implements;farm tools] 农业生产使用的工具,多指非机械化的

农具[nóng jù]
  1. 他们订购了大量农具。

    They ordered quantities of farm implements .

  2. 这些新式农具使唤起来很方便。

    These new-style farm implements are easy to use ( or handle ) .

  3. 库房里堆放着许多农具。

    A lot of farm tools are piled in the storehouse .

  4. 新式农具既轻巧,又出活。

    The improved farm tools are efficient as well as easy to handle .

  5. 把节余的钢材划拨给农具厂。

    Allocate the spare steel to the farm tools factory .

  6. 该厂生产农业机械,外带修理农具。

    This factory produces agricultural machinery and repairs farm tools on the side .

  7. 祖克曼先生听到喊声,忙从工作间里跑出来,放下了手中正在修理的农具。

    Mr. Zuckerman heard , and he came out of the machine shed where he was mending a tool .

  8. 拖拉机农具机组性能CAD软件开发规范及应用

    The Development Standardization for CAD System Software of Tractor Units Performance

  9. 利用本体构建工具Protégé的图形化显示功能,进行了中国传统农具专业叙词表可视化的尝试,证实了用Protégé实现叙词表可视化的可行性。

    This paper accomplishes the visualization of the Chinese traditional farm tool thesaurus by dint of the function of graphic display of Prot é g é, and consequently proves the feasibility of using Prot é g é to visualize thesaurus .

  10. 拖拉机与农具配套能力与节能型方向的关系。

    Tractor and farm tool necessary ability and energy conservation relations .

  11. 一部分贫农有比较充足的农具和相当数量的资金。

    One category has comparatively adequate farm implements and some funds .

  12. 促使中国农具开始向机械化、半机械化方向发展;

    Chinese farm tools began to develop towards mechanization and semi-mechanization ;

  13. 农民应该清洁设备,蓄水盆和农具。

    Farmers should also keep equipment , containers and tools clean .

  14. 昨天晚上我除了修理农具外,没有做别的事。

    Last evening I did nothing but repair my farm tools .

  15. 耙、犁、锄、铲是简单的农具。

    Rakes , ploughs , hoes and spades are simple farming implements .

  16. 机械农具最适宜在山谷低地的平坦处工作

    Mechanized farming works best in the flat bottom valleys of the lowland

  17. 数字式农具控制系统&单片机在拖拉机上的应用

    A Digital Implement Control System & Applying to Tractor of Single-chip Microcomputer

  18. 展览会上展出了犁以及其它农具。

    Ploughs and other agricultural implements were on display at the exhibition .

  19. 他仍将教我们怎样修农具。

    They will teach us how to repair farm tools .

  20. 他也可能被误认为是“农具棚”小偷。

    He might also be mistaken for a pagliaio thief .

  21. 他立刻丢下农具,朝沼泽地奔去。

    He dropped his tools and ran to the bog .

  22. 农具机组负载模拟器

    The Farm Tools of the Yuan Dynasty Load Simulator of Tractor-implement Combination

  23. 我想要买一些新的农具。

    I 'd like to buy some new farming implements .

  24. 农民们创办了一个农具修理厂。

    The farmers set up a farm implement repair shop .

  25. 当我到达那里时,我发现农具被修好了。宾语。

    When I got there , I found the farm tools repaired .

  26. 他们不到一个月就修理了500件农具。

    They fixed up500 implements in less than a month .

  27. 这家社办工厂生产的各种各样的农具。

    This commune run factory turns out various kinds of agricultural implements .

  28. 磁化犁是一种新型农具。

    The magnetic plough is a new farm implement .

  29. 入土力矩对农具控制系统影响的研究

    The Effect of Penetrating Moment on Implement Control System

  30. 这位农夫在这次灾难中失去了牲口、农具与贮藏备用的农产品。

    This farmer lost his live stock and dead stock in the catastrophe .