
  • 网络chinese story;china story;Legend of China
  1. 近二十年来中国故事学研究评述

    Review of Recent 20 Years ' Research on Chinese Stories

  2. 项羽的英雄气概,特别是最后决战时期表现出来的,在中国故事和诗歌中得到赞誉。

    His heroism , especially during the final battle , has been glorified in Chinese stories and poetries .

  3. 这是电视观众最喜爱的一个中国故事的歌剧版本。

    It was the operatic version of the Chinese costume melodramas so loved by television audiences .

  4. OTCBB的中国故事

    China story in OTCBB

  5. 艾丽斯:露西,我知道一个中国故事。

    Alice : Eddy , I know a Chinese story .

  6. 不过,供应方面的问题只是苹果公司中国故事的一小部分。

    But the supply-side problems are only part of the apple story .

  7. 在我上幼儿园的时候,我读到了一个流传很久的中国故事。

    When I was in the kindergarten , I read an ancient Chinese story .

  8. 周铁东认为,《狼图腾》不再是仅限于一个中国故事的定位。

    According to Zhou , Wolf Totem is no longer a narrowly defined Chinese story .

  9. 推动收购友邦的中国故事,令人生疑地符合这种模式。

    The China story that drives the bid for AIA all too suspiciously fits this pattern .

  10. 值得一提的是,罗杰斯完全相信他在本书中推销的中国故事。

    To his credit , Rogers clearly believes in the China story he is selling in this book .

  11. 然而在狱中,马可幸运地遇到了一个喜欢听他讲中国故事的囚徒。

    However , Marco was lucky enough to meet another prisoner who enjoyed listening to his stories about China .

  12. 左手的英语,称为南中国故事舒也是冠军的我们的主要参与者之一。

    A left-handed English called Tales Schutz of South China , is also one of the major players of our championship .

  13. 最后,我想请大家与我一起回顾一下美国《时代》周刊封面上的中国故事。

    Finally , I would like to invite you to review with me the cover stories of China in the Time magazine .

  14. 一个亚洲的中国故事讲诉了这个喜庆节日的寒冷起源,它始于一个叫“年”的中国古代怪兽。

    An Asian Chinese story told a chilly start to this festive holiday , it begins with an ancient Chinese beast called Nian .

  15. 这个行业看上去不典型的中国故事,因为它跟美国的出口比中国的进口。

    The industry may not seem typical of the China story , because it has more to do with American exports than Chinese imports .

  16. 胜利电影院上映一部美国恐怖片,大学的电影节上映一部中国故事片。

    There 's an American horror film at victory cinema and there 's a Chinese feature at the International Film Festival at the university .

  17. 目前,赵辉正在筹备将“中国故事”图片展移师德国和奥地利,他希望向欧洲“展示一个真实和美好的中国。”

    According to Zhao , the photo exhibition would later journey to Germany and Austria ," to show Europe a real and beautiful China . "

  18. 伊莎说,普通大众通常总是愿意去看一个中国故事,正如他们愿意看全球各地的故事一样。

    ' The general public is always open to a Chinese story , as they are open to stories from around the world , 'she says .

  19. 百老汇导演卓依•马可尼里加入到这部剧的制作团队当中,了将世界级质量的经典的中国故事地方化。

    The play enrolled Broadway director Joey Mckneely into the production team to guarantee world class quality , but charted a typical Chinese story to localize .

  20. 当影迷们排起长队去观看首映时,另一些人则在提倡抵制这部由中国故事元素组成的美国电影。

    While fans are standing in long queues to watch the first show , others are advocating a boycott on the American movie with Chinese story elements .

  21. 今天的中国故事焦点在未来,推动它前进的是一代新的中产阶级,他们的务实替代了上一代人的理想主义。

    Today 's China was a story of the future , and it was moved by the new middle class , pragmatism had replaced the idealism of the past .

  22. 他提到该影片时说,会有大量英文对白,但这是一个中国故事。该影片还在编剧阶段。

    There will be a lot of English dialogue , but with a Chinese story , he said of the film , which is still in the script stage .

  23. 苏永乐说,你真的不必讲一个中国故事,或把长城放到场景中,或穿上红衣服。

    " You really don 't have to put a Chinese story , or to have the Great Wall in the scenery , or to wear something red ," said Mr.

  24. 应对经济低迷确实需要一些调整,既涉及营业面积也涉及库存,但中国故事仍是个增长而非崩溃的故事,他说。

    Managing a slowdown does require some adjustments , both in terms of surface area and inventory , but the China story remains one of growth rather than collapse , he says .

  25. 深圳全球数码制作公司副总经理曹辉(音译)表示,比起抵制,电影制作人们更应该从这部电影中学习一下如何更好地运用中国故事元素的技巧。

    Cao Hui , deputy general manager with Shenzhen Global Digital Creations company , said instead of a " boycott ," movie producers should learn from the movie to better make use of Chinese story elements .

  26. 在大宗商品领域,人们很难绕开中国故事。过去一年,这个全球人口最多国家的增长,一直是该领域最具影响力的故事。

    It is difficult to travel far without encountering a China story in commodities : the growth of the world 's most populous nation has been the dominant narrative in this sector during the past year .

  27. 鉴于本文篇幅有限,而且其他四种译本时间比较久远,所以仅选取2009年由英国企鹅出版社出版的《阿Q正传及其他中国故事》。

    In consideration of the limited space , and the other four versions are old , so the latest version The Real Story of Ah-Q and Other Tales of China , in which published by Penguin Press of Britain in 2009 is selected .

  28. 要不断扩大两国教育、文化、旅游、青年等领域交流合作,讲好中国故事和澳大利亚故事,让中澳友好扎根两国人民心间。

    It is important to expand exchanges and co-operation in ­ education , culture , ­ tourism , between the youth , and tell the China story and Australia story well so that the China-Australia ­ friendship will take root deep in the hearts of our people .

  29. 新出版的这本书包含20个古老的中国民间故事。

    The newly published book contains 20 old Chinese folk tales .

  30. 但从迪士尼(WaltDisney)旗下漫威娱乐公司(MarvelEntertainment)出品的最新大片《钢铁侠3》(IronMan3)中可见,华人角色以及中国作为故事背景的地位正变得愈发重要。

    But Chinese characters - and China as a setting - are becoming increasingly prominent , judging by Iron Man 3 , the latest blockbuster from Walt Disney 's Marvel division .