
  • 网络Chinese national museum;National Museum;China National Museum;the national museum of china
  1. 中国国家博物馆教务主任HuangChen称:语音导游包含20小时的信息,覆盖近1万件遗物。

    Huang Chen , the director of education of National Museum of China , said , The audio guide contains 20-hours of information , covering nearly one thousand relics .

  2. 路易威登(LouisVuitton)正在一个从未有西方品牌进驻的地点招徕消费者:中国国家博物馆。

    Louis Vuitton is making a pitch to consumers in a spot no Western brand has ventured before : the National Museum of China .

  3. 中国国家博物馆加固改造设计与施工技术

    Strengthening Design and Construction Technology of the National Museum of China

  4. 中国国家博物馆新征集之宋代画像石

    Pictorial Bricks of the Song Dynasty Collected by the National Museum of China

  5. 中国国家博物馆占地面积近20万平方米,使之成为世界上最大的博物馆。

    The National Museum 200 thousand square meters , making it the largest museum in the world .

  6. 其中,景德镇镂青坊是中国国家博物馆指定艺术品加工单位。

    Among them , Jingdezhen louqing workshop is the assigned artware processing workshop by Chinese country museum .

  7. 她的一些精美画作甚至成功地在中国国家博物馆展出。

    Some of her work has been good enough to be exhibited in the National Museum of China .

  8. 钢丝绳网片-聚合物砂浆加固技术在中国国家博物馆改造工程中的应用

    Application of Steel Wire Mesh and Polymer Mortar Technology in Strengthening and Rebuilding Project of National Museum of China

  9. (2014年11月28日)至2015年3月22日,罗丹雕塑回顾展在中国国家博物馆举行。

    The National Museum of China is hosting a retrospective show of Rodin 's creations until March 22 , 2015 .

  10. 修缮和扩大的中国国家博物馆坐落在北京中心,星期四它正式向公众开放。

    The renovated and enlarged National Museum of China , located to the east of Tian'anmen Square in central Beijing , officially opened to the public on Thursday .

  11. 而中国国家博物馆在革命历史题材美术的创作组织、征集、收藏、保护、研究方面一直发挥着重要作用。

    National Museum of China has always been playing an important role in the creative organization , collection , protection , research of the art works on revolutionary and historical theme .

  12. 中国国家博物馆近期收藏的青铜器作册般鼋上的铭文反映了商王进行射礼的事实,而不是记载普通的田猎。

    The inscriptions on the bronze shaped like tortoise collected by Chinese National Museum recently is not the records of ordinary hunting , but the archery rites in the late Shang dynasty .

  13. 作品被作为国礼赠送国际友人和中国国家博物馆,中国历史博物馆、江西省博物馆等单位收藏。

    Work is presented as a national ceremony of China 's international friends and the National Museum , Museum of Chinese History , Jiangxi Province , the museum collections and other units .

  14. 她最新演出了讲述撒切尔夫人生平的电影《铁娘子》,本片将在此次论坛期间在中国国家博物馆举行一场特别放映。

    Her latest film The Iron Lady , inspired by the events of Margaret Thatcher 's life , will be shown in a special screening at the National Museum of China during the Forum .

  15. 第二届全国中国画展(国家博物馆北京);

    The Second National Chinese Paintings Exhibition National Museum of China , Beijing .

  16. 布达拉宫现在是中国的一座国家博物馆,已被联合国科教文组织列入世界遗产名单。

    The palace is now a state museum of China , and has been given a place on the Unesco World Heritage list .

  17. 中国国家画院画家,一级美术师,中国国家博物馆特聘研究员。

    Shen Shaojun , male , born in1956 in Nanning of Guangxi , Painter of China National Academy of Art , First-Class Artist and Specially-appointed Researcher of National Museum of China .