
  • 网络south;Seongnam;Sungnam
  1. 一栋类似的房子位于城南部就要贵一倍的价钱。

    A comparable house in the south of the city would cost twice as much .

  2. 在长达一小时的悼念仪式结束后,他的遗体被抬到了城南的一所公墓。

    After the hour-long service , his body was taken to a cemetery in the south of the city .

  3. 城南,有一户人家闹鼠患,老鼠成群结队,到处横行。

    In the south of the city , one house was plagued with rats . The rats ran amuck .

  4. 饭店充满张力的两层空间以秋天色调为主的装修,设计师来自JouinManku的事务所,而巴黎AlainDucasse饭店的设计师也来自这家。菜单由名厨马克·哈伊伯林(MarcHaeberlin)监督打造——此人在城南还拥有一家米其林三星饭店AubergedeL’Ill。

    The dramatic two-level space was decorated in autumnal colors by the Jouin Manku firm - known for designing restaurants for Alain Ducasse - while the menu was overseen by the chef Marc Haeberlin , whose Auberge de L'Ill restaurant to the south has three Michelin stars .

  5. 太原市城南地区洪涝灾害的治理

    Control of Flood Disaster in the South Area of Taiyuan City

  6. 即城西、城北、城南组团。

    West City , North City and South City Groups .

  7. 城南古玩市场与北京文化中心

    The Antique Market in South Beijing and the Cultural City

  8. 酒泉市城南热岛成因分析

    Cause of formation of city heat island effect in Jiuquan

  9. 大同市区城南水源区水环境变化分析

    Change Analysis of Water Environment in South Water-supply Area of Datong City

  10. 太原城南污水治理探讨

    Discussion on Sewage Control in the Southern City of Taiyuan

  11. 太原市城南地区防洪综合治理方案

    Comprehensive Control Option of Flood-Control in Urban Southern Area in Taiyuan City

  12. 太原市城南区域供热工程环境影响及防治措施

    The Environment Effects and Control Measures of Taiyuan South City District Heating Project

  13. 太原城南区域供热工程建设势在必行

    The Construction of Regional Heat Supply in South Area of Taiyuan must Be Enforced

  14. 大兴区第八小学位于京南大兴卫星城南。

    Daxing area eighth elementary school to be located Jingnan energetically satellite Chengnan energetically .

  15. 园林设计中的和谐思想体现&以城南公园规划设计为例

    Harmonious Idea in Landscape Architecture Design & Planning and Designing of Urban South Park

  16. 你将可以保护你那些城南女孩了。

    You gonna have to not let your south side girls down right now .

  17. 进入紫金城南天门拾级而上,是金顶灵官殿长廊。

    Zijin City went up the stairs into the suspicions is Jinding Lingguan Dian promenade .

  18. 欢迎您到城南储蓄所。

    Welcome to South City Savings Office .

  19. 小飞机在城南的飞机场降落了。

    The little plane came down at the old airport , south of the town .

  20. 一个欢乐的童年和一些细腻的描写,构成了林海音的《城南旧事》。

    A happy childhood and some detailed descriptions constitute the book of My Memories of Old Beijing .

  21. 有利于对城南地区在比较准确的范围内展开研究。

    It is beneficial for more accurate in the south region within the scope of the study .

  22. 太原市城南地区汾河与东岸防洪隐患与出路

    Hidden Danger in East Bank of Fenhe River in South of Taiyuan City and its Way Out

  23. 莉莉:哈,我刚搬到城南,河边的房子。

    Lily : Ha , I just moved to south of the city , near the river .

  24. 广州城内外的相关官署和海阳等馆驿大都位于沿城南、城西的水滨,与海外贸易交通有关。

    Most government offices and posthouses were located along seaside in the south and west of the city .

  25. 班伯里大教堂文法学校位于西澳大利亚,在珀斯城南部,是一所男女同校的圣公会寄宿学校。

    Bunbury Cathedral Grammar is an Anglican coeducational day and boarding school south of Perth , Western Australia .

  26. 城南山脚下的那河边有个风景秀丽的小村庄。

    There was a beautiful small village by the riverside on the foot of the hill of south town .

  27. 厂址座落在交通便捷、济繁荣的中国轻纺城南部。

    The factory locates in the south of China Textile City , which has convenient communication and flourish economic .

  28. 在西安城南1公里处的荐福寺内,有一座典型的密檐式佛塔叫做小雁塔,它和大雁塔交相辉映。

    The Small Wild Goose Pagoda is located in the Jianfu Temple , one kilometer south from the downtown area .

  29. 城南书院与湖南其它书院一样,在清代光绪年间,开始步入改制时期。

    The same as other academies in Hunan , Cheng Nan Academy begins its reform during the reign of Guang Xu .

  30. 龙门石窟位于洛阳城南12公里龙门山口处。

    The Longmen Grottoes are situated at the mouth of the Longmen Hills , 12 kilometers in south of Luoyang City .