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  • 网络actual source
  1. 而法律的稳定性与适应性、严格规则与自由裁量之间的矛盾实源于法律价值正义与秩序之间的矛盾。

    The contradiction between the stability and adaptability and the contradiction between strict rules and discretion are derived from the contradiction between the legal values - justice and order .

  2. 从上世纪六七十年代开始,复源点因为其较实源点更加优越的优势而越来越受到许多学者的关注。

    From the sixties and seventies of last century , complex point sources has received much more attention because of the superior advantage than the real point sources in the scattering of electromagnetic fields .

  3. 利用概率分析方法研究在实故障源作用下,由函数单元构成的控制系统的可靠性,并给出了系统不可靠度的下界估计。

    The reliability of the systems affected by the failure sources is studied and a lower bound of the unreliability is presented .

  4. 应用合成孔径技术进行实船噪声源分析

    Analyzing the noise of warship with the technology of synthetic aperture

  5. 实珍沙卜源基因在香蕉树果实中表达离不开一个合适的表达载体。

    A perfect expression vector is essential for the heterogeneous gene to efficiently express in fruit of banana tree .

  6. 基于Neuman故障源,建立一种新的故障源模型,即具有实输入数组的故障源模型(简称实故障源)。

    Based on Neuman failure source s , a model of failure source possessing real input sets ( FSRIS ) is proposed with the method of probability analysis .