
  • 网络Implementation mechanism;implemental mechanism;enforcement;enforcement mechanism
  1. WTO《反倾销协议》的实施机制

    Enforcement of WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement

  2. 但他们承认,目前并没有考虑建立一种实施机制,类似于欧盟《稳定与增长条约》(stabilityandgrowthpact)。

    But they accepted that no enforcement mechanism , along the lines of the European stability and growth pact , to limit budget deficits was being considered .

  3. WTO《政府采购协定》之实施机制

    The Law-Enforcement Mechanism of WTO ′ s Government Procurement Agreement

  4. WTO规则的实施机制:国内层面的考察

    Mechanism for Implementing WTO Agreements : Domestic Situation

  5. TRIPS协定的实施机制及对国际条约法的发展

    Implementation Mechanism of TRIPS Agreement and Development of International Treaty Law

  6. TRIPS协定中一整套保证执法的规则,结合WTO体系中有效的国际监督机制,使TRIPS协定的实施机制为国际条约的有效遵守提供了一个范例。

    A series of enforcement principles and international supervision mechanism in the WTO system can assure the implementation mechanism of TRIPS Agreement .

  7. 质疑程序:GPA协定独特的实施机制设计

    The Procedure of Query : The Peculiar Design of the Implement Mechanism of the GPA

  8. 开放式协调&新世纪欧盟VET政策主要实施机制探析

    The Open Method of Coordination & Analysis on the Main EU VET Policy Implementing Mechanism in the New Century

  9. 官员们昨日承认,20国集团(G20)领导人拟于周五签署的可持续经济增长框架,将缺乏一个有力的实施机制。

    The framework for sustainable economic growth that the Group of 20 leaders are poised to agree on Friday will lack a powerful enforcement mechanism , officials conceded yesterday .

  10. 最后对两期试验进行了总结,一方面确认了栏目的设计方案,另一方面总结得出了较为新颖的E-Learning实施机制和经验。

    Finally , summarized these two tests . On the one hand , the design program was recognized , on the other hand , concluded a relatively novel E-Learning application system and experiences in implementation .

  11. 针对我国大多数城市CI策划缺乏系统、有效操作实施机制的现状,从城市CI策划实施的时机与步骤两方面来探讨城市形象建设的基本思路,以促进城市的和谐和可持续性发展。

    As some designs of CI in China are lacking of systematic and effective operating mechanism , this article approaches basic thinking of the construction of city images from the two aspects of occasions and processes of CI operation to promote city harmonious and carring on development .

  12. Diamant具有良好的灵活性、可伸缩性、适应性和通用性,能够提供适应域间计算环境安全问题特点的策略描述和策略实施机制。

    Diamant is flexible , scalable , adaptive and general , whose policy description and enforcement mechanisms are suitable for the security requirements in inter-domain computing environment .

  13. 然理论界过去只是在研究GPA协定实施机制时略有论述,并未全面展开探讨,本文则将GPA协定理论研究推向纵深,着重探讨GPA协定救济制度。

    However , theory circles just in studying implement mechanism of the GPA agreement slightly expounded the fact in the past , having not launched to probe into all-sidedly . So this text pushes GPA agreement theoretical research to the depth , probes into GPA agreement relief system emphatically .

  14. 第四节,探讨了预约定价实施机制。

    Section IV analyzes the actualizing mechanism of the booking pricing .

  15. 建构现代化国际大都市的规划实施机制

    To Formulate the Mechanism of Planning Implementation of Modern International Metropolises

  16. 欧共体竞争法的实施机制及对我国的启示

    Enforcement System of EC Competition Law and Its Inspiration to China

  17. 总会计师职业道德的制度建设与实施机制

    System Building and Implementary Mechanism of General Accountant 's Professional Ethics

  18. 会计监管的经济学分析及其实施机制

    Economic Analysis and Creation of Practical Implementation System of Accounting Supervision

  19. 由非正式制度、正式制度和制度的实施机制三个方面组成;

    It consists of informal , formal and the implementation mechanism .

  20. 民营企业责任型战略:内涵、构成与实施机制

    Private enterprise responsibiltiy strategy : connotation , structure and practice mechanism

  21. 法律实施机制的健全:论《广告法》的修改

    Mechanism Healthiness of Executing Law : Discuss about the Recension of

  22. 城市规划实施机制的逻辑自洽与制度保证&深圳市近期建设规划年度实施计划的实践

    Implementation system of urban plan : logical consistency and institutional guarantee

  23. 民族区域自治法实施机制不健全。

    Execution mechanism of regional national autonomy laws is not sound .

  24. 三是地方政府社会政策实施机制不完善。

    Thirdly , local government social policy implementation mechanism is not perfect .

  25. 信息资源开发利用政策实施机制探析

    Study on the Implementation Mechanism of Information Resources Exploitation and Utilization Policies

  26. 我国政府海洋产业政策的实施机制研究

    Research on Enforcement Mechanism of Government 's Ocean Industry Policies

  27. 防止气候变化的能源效率战略的实施机制和借鉴

    Implementation Experiences of Energy Efficiency Strategy to Prevent Climate Change

  28. 我国会计规范实施机制的缺陷分析

    Defect in the Implementing Mechanism of the Chinese Accounting Regulations

  29. 同时,还分析了农地习俗制度的实施机制。

    It also analyzes the implementing mechanism of the farmland conventional system .

  30. 迎峰度夏激励政策及实施机制研究

    Incentive Policy And Implement Mechanism Research on Peak Load Period