
  • 网络Castle Park;Parc de la Ciutadella
  1. 城堡周围的公园里也安置着许多雕塑和喷泉。

    A plenty of sculptures and fountains are located in the park around the castle .

  2. 校园距离卡迪夫城堡、布特公园和威尔士国家博物馆(收藏有巴黎之外最多的法国印象主义艺术品)等游览景点仅数分钟的步行路程。

    The campus is only a few minutes walk to Cardiff Castle , Bute Park , and the National Museum of Wales with the world 's largest collection of French impressionist art outside Paris .

  3. 有美丽的高山和湖泊,有趣的老城堡与美丽的公园和花园。

    There are beautiful mountains and lakes , and interesting old castles with beautiful parks and gardens .

  4. 在那里你可以在忙碌的街道上闲逛,去看看这些历史悠久的建筑物、城堡、教堂、公园以及博物馆。

    You must stroll through its bustling streets and take a look at the historic buildings , castles , churches , parks and museums .