
  • 网络City School;URBAN SCHOOL
  1. 河南省城市学校小学生心理健康状况调查

    Survey of pupils ' mental health status in urban schools of Henan province

  2. 调查同时发现,城市学校的教学管理要优于农村学校,更有利于学生获得较好的学业成就。

    The survey also found that urban schools teaching management is superior to the rural schools .

  3. 旧金山城市学校(UrbanSchoolofSanFrancisco)的健康教育教师莎菲亚·扎卢姆(ShafiaZaloom)对学生们说,如果你亲吻(或更深层次性接触)的对象只是沉默或者没有反抗,那并不代表他们同意。

    Consent from the person you are kissing - or more - is not merely silence or a lack of protest , Shafia Zaloom , a health educator at the Urban School of San Francisco , told the students .

  4. 他们制定了改善城市学校的计划。

    They fathered a plan for improving the city 's schools .

  5. 城市学校控烟活动效果评价

    Effectiveness evaluation on school intervention activities about tobacco control activities in six cities

  6. 在城市学校方面,盖茨基金已经接连投入超过了1亿美金。

    The Gates Foundation has pumped more than $ 100 million into city schools .

  7. 然而Arrupe服务的是低收入社区,他们也面临每一所内陆城市学校所面临的困难。

    Though Arrupe services low-income neighborhoods , with s that challenge every inner city school .

  8. 青年教师自我认同感的危机是美国城市学校普遍面临的一个较为严重的问题。

    The crisis of self-identity among young teachers is a serious problem in American city schools .

  9. 由于城市学校的短缺导致很多孩子只能和亲戚一起呆在村里。

    A shortage of schools in cities leads many children to stay with relations in villages .

  10. 尽管在大多数城市学校均由推选的教育委员会管理,但这种情况正在迅速改变。

    Although in most cities schools are run by an elected board , this is changing fast .

  11. 库尔勒市城市学校的课堂教学内容较单一、没有地方特色。

    Korla City school classroom teaching content single and did not show the local characteristics . 3 .

  12. 但是在资源质量上和资源使用上,农村学校要远远落后于城市学校。

    However , in resource quality and resource utilization , rural schools are far behind urban schools .

  13. 据报道10年前许多城市学校的辍学率就在35%到40%之间。

    Ten years ago , many urban schools were reporting dropout rates between 35 and 50 percent .

  14. 他认为,城市学校是中上层阶级对底层阶级进行社会控制的工具。

    He argued that urban schooling is the device of the upper middle class to control the underclass .

  15. 前言:目的探讨河南省城市学校小学生的心理健康状况。

    Objective : The objective was to discuss pupils ′ mental health in urban schools of Henan province .

  16. 卡茨从冲突史观的视角,运用社会学和个案研究的方法,研究了19世纪中期马萨诸塞州的城市学校教育改革。

    Katz used conflict history , sociology , case study to study the urban school reform in the mid-19th Massachusetts .

  17. 但是,随着城市学校音乐教育的快速发展,农村音乐教育的发展却依然缓慢。

    However , with the rapid development of city school music education , music education in rural areas is still slow .

  18. 然而,城市学校的教学还可以得到进一步改善,因为在一定程度上,教师话语还是不够自然。

    However , teaching in the urban school still can be improved ; to some extent , the teacher talk is still not natural .

  19. 但在城市学校轰轰烈烈地进行校本课程开发的同时,农村学校的校本课程开发举步维艰。

    When the school-based courses in the urban schools are developing rapidly , however , the development in rural schools is slow and difficult .

  20. 这些学生可以在教室中同社区教师一起,与城市学校在线连接。

    So these students come to a classroom , they 're joined by a community teacher and they 're connected to urban schools online .

  21. 城市学校体育活动的开展情况不但直接影响着学生的健康状况,而且关系着当地教育事业的发展。

    The city school sports activities not only a direct impact on the health status of students , but also related to the local development of education .

  22. 目前英国已经甄选出1150所示范学校,其中大多数作为城市学校优质化计划的一部分建立在城市中心地区。

    The government has identified 1,150 such schools by now and many of which are established in urban areas as part of the " Excellence in Cities " strategy .

  23. 毋庸置疑,数百万学生接受的是像纽约市城市学校系统提供的这种教育,这在德国会被视为国家的耻辱,更不用说在新加坡了。

    To be sure , the education given to millions of children in urban school systems like New York City 's would be a national disgrace in Germany , never mind Singapore .

  24. 目前,大多数城市学校已形成系统的教育信息化体系,硬件设施、教学资源和教学模式都较为完善,教师的信息素养水平较高。

    Currently , most urban schools has formed systematic of education information system , such as hardware , facilities , teaching resources , teaching mode and higher teachers ' information literacy levels .

  25. 北京方面在2004年表示,农民工子女应当能在城市学校入学,但在没有任何新的专项资金的情况下,只有上海等少数几个城市实施了这项政策。

    Beijing said in 2004 that migrant families should get access to city schools , but without any new revenue to pay for this , only a few cities such as Shanghai have implemented this policy .

  26. 行为倾向的平均数中城市学校校长的得分高于农村学校校长,这表明城市学校校长对特殊需要儿童能够赋予更多实际行动。

    In the average number of emotional behavioral tendencies , principals from urban schools also scored higher than those from rural school , which means that they are getting into more practical action to children with special needs .

  27. 情感成分的平均数中城市学校校长的得分高于农村学校校长,这表明城市学校的校长对特殊需要儿童在情感方面给予更多的同情和认可。

    And , in the average of emotional element , principals in urban schools have higher scores than rural school principals , which means that the former principals give more sympathy and recognition to children with special needs .

  28. 近几年来,乡镇教师借调到城市学校的现象较为普遍,使教育资源配置不合理的情况进一步恶化,带来了一些社会问题。

    In the last few years , The phenomenon that the rural teachers transferred to the urban school has been common , which causes unreasonable situation of the education resources disposition further worse . It has brought some social questions .

  29. 目前,在城市学校和乡村学校、富裕地区学校与贫困地区学校、重点学校和非重点学校普遍存在差别的情况下,我国儿童的受教育权实际上不平等。

    At present , children 's right of accepting education is , in fact , unfair because of the differences and gaps existing between urban and rural schools , between schools in rich and poor areas and between the key schools and non-key schools .

  30. 需要优化和整合教师资源,使农村学校与城市学校联盟,而且要加强对农村教师的聘后管理工作,建立农村义务教育教师培训体系。

    Urban and rural schools need to optimize and integrate teacher resources , to strengthen the urban and rural alliance among schools and the rural teachers ' employment after work , and to establish the management of teacher training system of rural compulsory education .