
  • 网络Castle Age;Age of Castles
  1. 要做到这一点,你可以插入的ID黑暗时代,封建时代,城堡时代或帝国时代此处设置的议题时,将成为可用的球员。

    To do this , you can insert the ID of Dark Age , Feudal Age , Castle Age or Imperial Age here to set when the subject will become available to the player .

  2. 最后的城堡&游动时代的反建筑笔记

    Final Castle & Contrary Architectural Notes in the Move Times

  3. 那些富有的封建领主可以安全地躲在城堡里的时代结束了。

    The age when the rich lords could sit in their castles and feel safe was over .

  4. 泡泡梦城堡在太空时代的泡泡梦城堡在法国南部靠近戛纳,开始于1975年安蒂洛沃格。

    The space-age Bubble Dream Castle in southern France , near Cannes , was begun in1975 by Antti Lovag .