
  • 网络Chengxi District
  1. 部队向贝城西区挺进。

    Troops have entered the Ardoyne area of West belfast .

  2. 在确定培训内容的基础上,设计网络环境支持下校本培训方案,以西宁市城西区所属学校为试验对象,将构建的体系进行实施应用。

    In the identification of training on the basis of content , design Internet environment based training programmes , in west district of Xining targeted in their schools for the trial , the system will create the application .

  3. 本文以建筑外部空间理论和环境行为学的相关研究为基石,及对杭州城西居住区实地调研所获取的资料为客观依据,归纳住街建筑、过渡性空间和道路三者空间关系;

    The thesis take the correlative research results of Behavior theory of Environment and investigated data of west residential area in Hangzhou for external bases .

  4. 城市社区体育设施现状及发展对策研究&以杭州市城西居住区为例

    Study on the Present Situation and the Developing Countermeasures of Sports Facilities in Urban Community & A Case Study on the Western Residential Area of Hangzhou City

  5. 构建山、水、城空间形态,塑造生态化人居环境&奉化市城西(生态住区)分区规划研究

    Constructs the Scenery City Space Shape , Portrays the Ecology Person to Occupy the Environment : Take the Fenghua City West End District Plan Research as the Example