
  • 网络urban wind
  1. 基于CFD模拟技术的深圳市城市风环境分析

    CFD Simulation Technology Based Analysis on Urban Wind Environment of Shenzhen

  2. 城市风温场的特征分析

    Analysis of urban wind and temperature

  3. 有关城市风环境设计的若干问题的探讨

    Approach to Some Problems on City Wind Environment

  4. 重庆城市风场特征

    Features of urban wind field Chongqing

  5. 在区域边界层模式的数值模拟中引入建筑物的影响,与实际观测的对比表明,模拟结果能较好地体现建筑物对城市风场的影响,提高了模拟性能。

    Building ′ s effect is developed in Regional Boundary Layer Model . The simulated results illustrate that it can simulated the effect of buildings on urban air flow field .

  6. 城市建筑风环境的风洞模拟研究

    Wind tunnel modeling of building wind environment

  7. 研究高层建筑物绕流风场对于改善城市建筑风环境,提高人居舒适性,控制大气污染问题有着重要的意义。

    Research on wind field around tall buildings is important to improve city building wind environment , raise the comfort for residence , and control the air pollution problem .

  8. 城市高层建筑风资源的开发研究

    On the exploitation of the wind resources of urban tall building

  9. 冬季城市边界层风场和温度场结构分析

    An analysis on flow and temperature structure of wintertime urban boundary layer

  10. 福州市的城市建设与风场

    The Relationship between the Developing of Fuzhou City and Wind

  11. 城市住宅小区风环境数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of Wind Environment in Urban Residential District

  12. 下垫面对郑州城市边界层风的影响

    The Influence of Zhengzhou City on Boundary Layer Wind

  13. 昆明城市布局与风象的关系及问题研究

    The interaction and problem between urban layout and feature of wind in Kunming City

  14. 城市广场环境风场分析及控制

    Analysis and control of urban plaza wind

  15. 基于多孔介质模型的城市滨江大道风环境数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation Study of the Wind Environment for Urban Roads Along River Based on Porous Medium Model

  16. 大连市做为典型的沿海城市,海陆风对其大气污染有着很大的影响。

    As a typical coastal city , its air pollution is affected greatly by Sea-Land breeze in Dalian .

  17. 针对该地块的具体影响因素:城市商务中心风环境问题,做出进一步的分析总结。

    According to the specific factors of the plot : city business center wind environment problems , and make further analysis .

  18. 另一方面,据称新西兰的惠灵顿是世界上风最大的城市,年均风速达16海里/时(约25.74千米/时)

    Conversely , Wellington in New Zealand is said to be the windiest city in the world with an annual average around 16 knots / hr ( 18 miles / hr ) .

  19. 在这项耗资50000美元的装修中,利斯顿的餐桌被推到了前屋,在腾出来的私密空间中摆上了四把定制休闲椅——它们带有牛皮软垫,看上去颇具“城市女牛仔风”。这个沙龙大受她的客人欢迎。

    They pushed Ms. Liston 's dining table out into the front room , and grouped four custom-made slouchy chairs -- upholstered in cowhide for an ' urban cowgirl look . ' Ms. Liston 's new salon -- part of a $ 50000 decorating project -- was a hit .

  20. 为了获得复杂地形上的城市地区低层风场特征,结合各个分散站点的实测风场资料,利用质量守恒风场调整模式MCF进行了三维风场模拟分析。

    In order to acquire the surface wind fields of the urban area over the complex terrain , three-dimensional wind fields were analyzed with mass consistent model for wind fields ( MCF ) based on the historical data from isolated observation stations .

  21. 上海城市近地面层风场特征的初步研究

    Study on Some Features of the Wind Field in Shanghai City

  22. 济南市城市热岛和山谷风环流的模拟研究

    A Simulation of Heat Island Circulation and Mountain-Valley Breeze in Jinan

  23. 北京城市边界层低空风切变的统计分析

    A statistical Study of Wind Shear in Tower Layer over Beijing urban boundary layer

  24. 在城市的中心,风在街道边得高楼中刮起。

    The wind travels down the streets between tall buildings in the center of the city .

  25. 城郊下垫面结构的不同,造成了城郊风场上的差异,本文探讨了上海城市对近地面风场的影响。

    Some differences of wind field between the city proper and the suburbs of Shanghai are discussed in this paper .

  26. 本文通过对南京市2000年1,4,7,10月上旬SO2浓度进行预测的实例,在将预测值和实测值进行比较的基础上力争找出适用于城市污染预报的风场模式。

    So it is used to forecast SO2 concentration of Nanjing in first ten days of January , as so as April , July , and October in 2000 , based on comparing to actual data of observation of Nanjing we can get to some results .

  27. 随着结构向高、轻、柔的方向发展,风荷载越来越成为结构的控制荷载,因此我们有必要了解掌握城市近地面层风的特性及其变化规律。

    Along with the building becoming more and more high , more and more light , more and more soft , wind load becomes the controlling load of structure . So we should understand and grasp the wind characteristics and the change rule on city surface layer .

  28. 城市温度效应引起的沈阳市城市低层风系的变化

    Change of urban lower atmosphere layer wind system caused by urban temperature effect in Shenyang City

  29. 由于城市表面复杂的下垫面的影响,使得城市边界层风温场结构较其他下垫面有很大不同。

    Due to the effect of complicated urban surface , the structure of the meteorological field in the urban boundary layer is different from other surface .

  30. 布局城市工业企业要充分考虑区域的输送特征,首先是城市的风场特征,包括局地环流的影响。

    The layout for city industrial enterprise needs to consider fully the transportation characteristic in area , first the characteristic of city wind field ( includes the influence of local circulation ) .