
  • 网络urban road;City Road
  1. LED灯具&未来节能灯具的发展方向高压钠灯在城市道路照明节电的应用

    The Energy-saving Application of High Pressure Sodium lamp in Urban Road Lighting

  2. 基于GIS的城市道路积水可视化关键问题研究

    Study on Key Issues of Urban Road Waterlogging Visualization Based on GIS

  3. 这个城市道路上的车辆从来就没少过,甚至晚上也不例外。

    The traffic in this city never lets up , even at night

  4. 基于GIS城市道路交通噪声环境管理系统的构架与实现

    The structure of urban traffic noise environment management system base on GIS

  5. 基于GIS的城市道路网无级比例尺信息提取

    Information Abstract of Urban Roads on Varying Map Scale

  6. 基于网络GIS的城市道路信息化管理系统的建模研究

    Study on Modeling of Urban Road Information Management System Based on Web GIS

  7. 基于GIS的城市道路掘路交通影响分析系统研究

    GIS-based Urban Road-digging Traffic Impact Analysis System

  8. 改进后的CA模型,适用于对城市道路上中速车流运行状况的模拟。

    The improved CA model can be used for simulating the urban road traffic flow of median speed .

  9. 城市道路环境和沿街建筑物的稠密度是影响GPS定位精度的主要因素。

    This shows that the environment of urban-area road and constructions density are the main factors affecting the accuracy of GPS location .

  10. 本论文主要研究基于GIS的城市道路规划管理系统中所应用的各项关键技术。

    In the present thesis , the author has mainly studied several key techniques applied to the GIS-Based Urban Road Planning and Management System .

  11. 通过实际SAR图像验证,该算法可以准确提取复杂的城市道路网络。

    The experimental results show that the method can extract the complex road networks in urban areas from high-resolution SAR images .

  12. 能否准确地对城市道路交通流进行预测,便成为智能交通系统(IntelligentTransportationsystem,1TS)关键解决的问题之一。

    One critical problem of the intelligent transportation system ( ITS ) is whether or not to predict traffic flow of urban roads accurately .

  13. 作为上述理论的实践,采用VB6.0调用AutoCAD2002对象模型库二次开发了城市道路虚拟视景快速生成软件&VRCityRoad。

    As practice of above-mentioned theories , the author adopted VB 6.0 to transfer AutoCAD 2002 object model library secondary developed city road virtual scene fast creating software .

  14. 根据深圳市维修管理行业的特点,利用GIS技术开发深圳市道路维护信息系统,使计算机系统在城市道路管理工作中得到应用,取得初步成果。

    Based on the characteristics of road management in Shenzhen , the GIS technology is applied for the development of the road maintenance information management system thereof , and initial achievements have been obtained in application of the computer system to city road management .

  15. 针对目前城市道路工程管理中存在的问题,结合先进的信息技术,简要阐述了GIS的发展以及在相关行业中的应用,并对城市道路设施管理系统进行了规划和功能实现。

    According to the problems existed in urban road engineering management at present , combined with advanced information technology the development of GIS and its applications in related areas are briefly introduced as well as the design and function realization of urban road facilities management system .

  16. 城市道路交通系统是一个离散和连续相结合的混合动态系统,具有动态、并发及同步等特征,混合Petri网可以很好地描述城市道路交通网的静态属性及动态行为。

    Urban traffic system , which is characterized by dynamics , concurrence and synchronization , is a Hybrid dynamic system involving discrete and continuous behaviors . The static attribute and the dynamic actions of urban traffic system can be modeled through Hybrid Petri Net .

  17. 城市道路交通噪声影响因素与传播规律分析

    The Urban Road Traffic Noise Impact Factor and Spreading Regularity Analysis

  18. 渠化展宽式信号控制城市道路平面交叉口的探讨

    On Grade Crossing Control of City Road by Canalized Width Signal

  19. 提高城市道路大修工程路面质量的探索

    Raise the Road Faces Quantity of Overhaul Engineering for City Road

  20. 城市道路交叉口高峰小时流量的灰色预测

    Application of Grey Prediction Model in Urban Cross Peak Hour flow

  21. 城市道路汽车尾气扩散箱型模式研究

    On Diffusion Box Model of Vehicle Exhaust Gas for Urban Road

  22. 城市道路路边停车设置方法研究

    Study on set method of curb parking of the urban road

  23. 城市道路混凝土路面裂缝原因分析及防治措施

    The Cause of Crack in the Concrete Road and Its Countermeasure

  24. 城市道路行程时间预测方法研究

    Study on the Methods of Travel Time Prediction for Urban Roadway

  25. 城市道路平面交叉口通行能力的综合计算

    Integrative Calculation of Traffic Capacity on Grade Crossing of City Road

  26. 佛山城市道路绿化景观现状分析

    Analyses to the Landscape of Urban Road Greening in Foshan City

  27. 公路及城市道路沥青路面的平整度控制

    Smoothness Control of the Asphalt Pavement in Highway and Urban Road

  28. 城市道路路基填筑中杂填土的处理

    Disposal of mixed backfill used in roadbed of city road Sity

  29. 城市道路交叉口行人交通安全设计方法研究

    Method for Pedestrians ' Traffic Safety Design of Urban Road Intersections

  30. 城市道路网络设计的数学模型及其解法

    The Maths Model of Urban Road Network Design and the Solution