
  • 网络Financial Services Company;Discover Financial Services;GMAC Financial Services;John Hancock Financial Services;aigfp;VOLKSWAGEN FINANCIAL SERVICES AG
  1. 来自某国际金融服务公司的PE系统是一个典型的遗留系统。

    PE system in a international finance service corporation is a classical legacy system .

  2. 内部人士表示,过去几个月,瑞银金融服务公司(UBSFinancialServices)8000余人的经纪人网络中又增添了400多名新成员。

    UBS Financial Services has added more than 400 brokers to its 8,000-strong network in the past few months , insiders say .

  3. 伦敦国际金融服务公司(internationalfinancialserviceslondon)最新研究认为,主权财富基金近年来的出色增长将会继续下去。

    The stellar growth of sovereign wealth funds in recent years is set to continue , according to the latest research from a city of London thinktank .

  4. 在美国,P2P平台的主要金主包括大银行和其他领先金融服务公司。

    In the US , big banks and other leading financial services companies are among the main backers of P2P platforms .

  5. 一个有趣的发现是,金融服务公司比以前对待SOA和BMP/BRMS项目的态度有所放松

    It is interesting to see that the financial services industry is loosening up a bit on focused SOA and BPM / BRMS projects

  6. YB金融服务公司是一家金融保险第三方外包服务公司。

    YB Company is the third part of outsourcing the financial and insurance industry .

  7. 自从2009年美国最高法院(SupremeCourt)对格罗斯诉FBL金融服务公司案(Grossvs.FBLFinancialServices)做出裁决之后,赢得年龄歧视案件的难度就极大地增加了。

    Winning an age discrimination lawsuit has become much harder since a 2009 United States Supreme Court case , Gross vs. FBL Financial Services .

  8. mba学生的传统去处,如投资银行、金融服务公司、咨询公司和工业企业等,都明显减少了对mba的招聘。

    Traditional ports of call investment banking , financial services , consultancies and industry have all reduced their MBA recruitment markedly .

  9. 包括范思哲(Versace)等时装品牌、微软WindowsPhone等科技网站以及LegalandGeneral等金融服务公司。

    These include fashion brands such as Versace , technology sites such as Microsoft " s Windows Phone , and financial services companies such as Legal and General .

  10. BetterWorks联合创始人克里斯o达根回忆说,有一家金融服务公司的CEO最初认为部署这款产品没有任何意义。

    Kris Duggan , co-founder of BetterWorks , recalls the CEO of a financial services firm who at first saw little point in rolling out the product .

  11. 他表示:我们有一家金融服务公司客户,它只有20名员工,但有50个系统,运行MonteCarlo详细(风险)模拟等应用软件。

    We have one financial services customer with just 20 employees but 50 systems , running applications such as detailed Monte Carlo [ risk ] simulations , he says .

  12. PNC金融服务公司的首席经济师斯图尔特·霍夫曼说道。

    Stuart Hoffman is chief economist at PNC Financial .

  13. 1996年我从宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)毕业后的第一份工作是在黑石集团(BlackstoneGroup),那是纽约的一家大型金融服务公司。

    After I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1996 , my first job was at the Blackstone Group ( BX ) , a large financial services firm in New York .

  14. PNC金融服务公司首席经济师霍夫曼说:

    PNC Financial Services chief economist Stuart Hoffman :

  15. 由Cerberus牵头的一批投资者目前持有通用汽车金融服务公司的多数股权。

    A group of investors led by Cerberus holds a majority stake in GMAC .

  16. CharlesSchwabCorporation,美国最大的金融服务公司之一,已经向网格计算方向发展。

    In the US , the Charles Schwab Corporation , one of the country 's largest financial services firms , has already taken steps in that direction .

  17. 在银行家薪酬下滑之际,其他所有行业的CEO薪资保持稳定,这表明,金融服务公司在危机前几年信贷驱动时期累积起来的薪资优势正在缩窄。

    The cut comes as chief executive pay across other sectors remained stable , indicating a narrowing of the pay premium that financial services companies built up in the credit-fuelled pre-crisis years .

  18. 这家总部位于纽约的私人资本运营公司于2006年4月从通用汽车收购了通用汽车金融服务公司的控股权,约一年后又从戴姆勒公司(DaimlerAG)收购了克莱斯勒。

    The New York-based private-equity firm bought control of GMAC from GM in April 2006 , and then turned around to buy Chrysler from Daimler AG about one year later .

  19. 雷切尔(Rachel)原来在一家金融服务公司的公关部工作,公司总部在纽约,整个部门只有她一个人在英国工作,但是最近她已经辞职了。

    Rachel , who worked until recently in corporate communications at a financial services company headquartered in New York , was the only one in her department based in the UK .

  20. 作为协议的一部分,克莱斯勒旗下车贷公司ChryslerFinancial将被并入通用汽车金融服务公司(GMACLLC),以后购买克莱斯勒汽车的人将主要向这家公司寻求贷款。

    As part of the agreement , Chrysler 's lending arm , Chrysler Financial , will be folded into GMAC LLC , which will become the main financing source for all Chrysler vehicles .

  21. 今年早些时候experian公司为金融服务公司liverpoolvictoria所做的一项调,显示出这种工作类型的趋同性对于模糊阶级界线所起的作用。

    A survey conducted earlier this year by Experian for Liverpool Victoria , a financial-services firm , shows how this convergence on similar types of work has blurred class boundaries .

  22. 据一位知情人士称,最近几周,全球最大金融服务公司花旗集团(citigroup)在信贷业务上损失了7亿多美元,成为这次危机最大的输家之一。

    Citigroup has lost more than $ 700m in credit business in recent weeks , making it one of the biggest casualties of the crisis , according to a person briefed on the situation .

  23. 我刚刚收到我的东家(一家金融服务公司)发来的电子邮件,内容是关于公司新的“基于结果的”着装规定:“作为我们成为一家“成功组织”(WinningOrganisation)

    I have just received an email from my employer , a financial services company , on its new " outcome-based " dress code : " As part of our drive to be a Winning Organisation   .   .   .

  24. 第二个例子是金融服务公司Aviva发布的一份新闻稿,宣布将要推出自己的尊重多样化工具箱。

    The second was a press release from Aviva , the financial services company , to announce the launch of its Respect Diversity Toolkit .

  25. 这些公司包括英国大型银行如巴克莱(BCLYF)和汇丰(HSBC),还有德国最大银行德意志银行(DB),美国金融服务公司摩根士丹利(MS)和最大投资管理集团贝莱德(BLK)。

    The companies include big UK banks like Barclays ( BCLYF ) and HSBC ( HSBC ) , as well as Deutsche Bank ( DB ) , Morgan Stanley ( MS ) and BlackRock ( BLK ) .

  26. 这些知情人士说,目前不清楚谈判的核心要素&用克莱斯勒换取通用汽车所持的通用汽车金融服务公司(GMAC)49%的股份是否可行。

    It is also unclear whether a key element of the talks swapping Chrysler for GM 's 49 % stake in GMAC LLC will happen , say these people .

  27. 首先,市场非常强劲,许多银行正扩大其美国项目的规模,她表示,其次,更多的金融服务公司正进行全球性扩张,为更多的全球办事处物色MBA。

    Firstly , the market is very strong , and many banks are growing the size of their US programmes , she said . Secondly , more financial services employers are expanding internationally and seeking MBAs for a wider array of global locations .

  28. 例如美国多元化金融服务公司EverBank就提供以一篮子外汇计价的短期存单。

    Everbank , for example , offers short-term certificates of deposit denominated in baskets of foreign currencies .

  29. 金融服务公司CowenandCompany在新闻稿中表示,[西蒙]呆了这么久令人意外,我们原本以为他会尽快离职,尽早启动2年内不得服务于竞争对手的倒计时。

    Financial services firm Cowen and Company in its own release said that it was surprised that [ Simon ] stuck around for so long , as we thought he would want to start the clock on his 2-year non-compete as quickly as possible .

  30. 与此同时,据知情人士透露,商业和消费金融服务公司CIT也在悄悄为其铁路业务寻找买家。

    GE 's effort comes as CIT , the commercial and consumer finance company , is also quietly seeking a buyer of its CIT Rail business , according to people familiar with the sale process .