
  1. 今年4月,Drive.ai成为第13家获得加州机动车辆管理局(DepartmentofMotorVehicles)批准进行自动驾驶测试的公司。

    In April , Drive.ai became the 13th company to be approved for autonomous testing in California by the state 's Department of Motor Vehicles .

  2. 匹兹堡的优步客户很快就能通过自己的智能手机,叫到这些首批自动驾驶测试车辆,车型将是沃尔沃XC90。

    Uber customers in Pittsburgh will soon be able to hail the first self-driving test vehicles , which will be Volvo XC90s , from their smartphones .

  3. 基于MATLAB的某自动驾驶仪测试系统的实现

    The Realization of a Test System of Automatic Pilot Based on MATLAB

  4. 导弹自动驾驶仪测试设备功能扩展方法

    Function Extending Method for Automatic Test Equipment of Missile Autopilot

  5. 某自动驾驶仪测试仿真软件设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Testing Simulation Software for an Autopilot

  6. 导弹自动驾驶仪测试系统软件的设计

    Design of test system software for the missile autopilot

  7. 本论文的背景是在研项目某型导弹自动驾驶仪测试分析及其数字化改进。

    The background of the paper is to test and analyze autopilots and improve on it by digital .

  8. 近日,美国汽车制造商福特与百度展开合作,在中国进行为期两年的自动驾驶汽车测试项目。

    US automaker Ford has teamed up with Baidu for a two-year autonomous vehicle test project in China .

  9. 苹果公司已经获得了加利福尼亚州车辆管理局允许其进行自动驾驶汽车测试的许可,但此前该公司从未提起过此项计划。

    Apple has been granted a permit to test self-driving cars by the California Department of Motor Vehicles but the company has never said anything about its plan .

  10. Drive.ai公司正在位于山景城(MountainView)的总部附近对车顶装有数字显示屏的自动驾驶汽车进行测试。

    Drive.ai is beginning a test near its Mountain View headquarters of autonomous cars fitted with digital signage on their roofs .

  11. 百度去年12月在北京完成了首次完全自动驾驶汽车道路测试,使用了百度的自动驾驶系统——一套看上去笨重的传感器安装在一辆宝马(BMW)上。

    The company completed the first fully autonomous road test in China last December , using Baidu 's self-driving system - a clunky-looking sensor package mounted on a BMW .

  12. 优步已停止对其自动驾驶汽车的测试。

    Uber has halted tests of its autonomous cars .

  13. 百度共投放40辆自动驾驶出租车,测试区域总长度约700公里,是全国开放区域最广、测试里程最长的自动驾驶载人测试。

    With a fleet of 40 vehicles , the service covers the largest total area and the longest road network of about 700 kilometers for an autonomous driving test area in China .

  14. 从实际应用的角度出发介绍了一种便于扩展的导弹自动驾驶仪通用测试系统,该系统所有程控仪器间的连接都采用IEEE-488总线接口,规范了系统硬件设计的接口标准,方便了系统软件开发。

    An expansible test system for missile autopilot on application base is introduced . The programmable instruments of the system are connected with IEEE - 488 interface to standardize the interface and advance the reliability of the system .

  15. 即使进行了地面上自动驾驶汽车的测试,谷歌也一直在收购研制无人机的公司,这种飞行器可以在空中停留很长时间,比如太阳能气球和无人机。

    Even as it experiments with self-driving cars on the ground , Google has been acquiring companies that manufacture pilotless flying vehicles-aircraft that can stay aloft for very long periods of time , such as solar-powered balloons and drones .

  16. 优步(Uber)将在几周内启动世界首支自动驾驶出租车车队的测试,这使其在把自动驾驶车辆服务带给消费者的竞赛中走在谷歌(Google)和福特(Ford)的前面。

    Uber will start testing the world 's first autonomous taxi fleet in the next few weeks , putting it ahead of Google and Ford in the race to bring self-driving car services to consumers .

  17. 2015年12月,百度在北京成功完成了全自动驾驶汽车的道路测试。

    Baidu conducted successful road tests of fully autonomous cars in Beijing in December 2015 .

  18. 自2017年2月以来,优步的自动驾驶汽车就一直在亚利桑那州运营,这是全美范围内自动驾驶汽车测试的一部分。

    Autonomous vehicles from Uber have been operating in Arizona since February of 2017 , part of a national series of tests of autonomous vehicles .

  19. 最近发布的申请文件披露了该公司在自动驾驶方面进行的一些高度机密的工作,其中包括一份10页的培训计划,似乎有关操作员在系统的自动驾驶测试过程中拿回车辆的手动控制权,苹果把这一系统称作开发平台。

    The application documents released give some clues about the company 's highly secret self-driving effort , which included a 10-page training plan that appeared to be related to operators taking back manual control of the car during automated driving exercises of the system , which it calls a development platform .

  20. 百度自动驾驶事业部总经理王劲表示,美国加州机动车辆管理局(DepartmentofMotorVehicles)已向百度美国(BaiduUSA)发放自动驾驶汽车上路测试牌照。

    Wang Jing , general manager of Baidu 's Autonomous Driving Unit , said the California Department of Motor Vehicles had issued Baidu USA an autonomous vehicle testing permit .