
  • 网络Financial Statistics;MFS;statistics with finance
  1. 在金融统计中,Black-Scholes期权定价模型的一般衍生证券的推广是当代金融统计的重要问题。

    In financial statistics , Black-Scholes option pricing model to promote the general derivative securities is the important issue of modern financial statistics .

  2. 基于金融统计业务的多维分析模型设计

    Design of Multidimensional Analytical Model Based on Financial Statistics Service

  3. 文章给出了《货币与金融统计手册》(MFS)对金融存量流量的界定,并从指导原则、项目详尽性和统计估价体系三个方面对1993年SNA与MFS的统计估价问题进行了比较分析;

    This paper gives the definition of financial stocks and flows in Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual ( MFS ), compared the statistical valuation between 1993 SNA and MFS in principles , issues and ( statistical ) valuation system .

  4. 抵抗性算法在金融统计分析领域的应用

    Application of Resistant Computation Method in Statistical Analysis of Finance

  5. 美洲经济和金融统计训练中心

    Inter-American Training Centre for Economic and Financial Statistics

  6. 金融统计分析及动态信息发布

    Financial Statistics Analysis and Dynamics Information Issue

  7. 货币和金融统计专家组

    Expert Group on Monetary and Financial Statistics

  8. 货币和金融统计指南

    Guide to Money and Banking Statistics

  9. 如果你会为实体模型而疯狂,不要用和金融统计数字打交道的方式来谋生。

    If you are crazy about physical models , don 't force yourself to crunch financial statistics for a living .

  10. 任何人都能拿出一套金融统计数据,整理出一份在系统层面影响重大的经济体的新名单,然后召集一次集体发愁的会议。

    Anyone can sit down with a matrix of financial statistics , conjure up a new list of systemically significant economies and convene a festival of hand-wringing .

  11. 因为跳过程能描述市场中的突发事件对资产价格的影响,从而更符合大量金融统计数据规律。

    Jump processes are able to describe rare incidents which have an influence on the prices of assets in market , which accord with financial statistical rules more conformably .

  12. 本文介绍的抵抗性算法较好地解决了在许多经济领域的这些问题,特别是在金融统计分析领域中获得较好的效果。

    The resistant computation method introduced in this paper can satisfactorily solve such problems in economic field , particularly when it is used to do statistical analysis of finance .

  13. 结合中国货币与金融统计的实际,对主要的金融存量流量&资产负债等估价问题提出了建议方案。

    Finally , aiming at monetary and finance statistics of China , it gives some strategies on the valuation of the main financial stocks and flows & assets and liabilities .

  14. 而且,多数的金融统计数据表明,波动率随着时间的推移通常情况下也不是一个常数,并有研究表明波动率与股价还存在着一定的反向关系。

    Also , most of the financial statistics show that the volatility over time , usually not a constant , and studies have shown that stock price volatility and there are still some inverse relationship .

  15. 第三十四条中国人民银行负责统一编制全国金融统计数据、报表,并按照国家有关规定予以公布。

    Article 34 The People 's Bank of China shall be responsible for compiling unified statistics and accounting statements from the national banking system and shall publish them in accordance with relevant regulations of the State .

  16. 根据Wind金融终端统计,截止到2007年9月29日,深、沪市场已有146家公司实施非公开发行,募集资金总额超过2000万。

    According to the statistics of WIND financial terminal , 146 listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges have been approved by CSRC to implement the non-public offering up till September 29th 2007 , and over total 20 million RMB were collected .

  17. 广东区域金融发展统计研究

    The Research on Statistic of District Financial Development of GuangDong

  18. 我国区域金融结构统计研究

    Statistical Researching of the Region Financial Structure in Our Country

  19. 计算力学,经济学,金融与统计。

    Computational Mechanics , Economics , Finance and Statistics .

  20. 金融风险统计度量标准研究

    The Analysis of Statistical Standards Measuring Financial Risks

  21. 根据中国金融网统计,截止2008年11月,我国城市商业银行数量已达136家,城市商业在我国金融业界的重要性日益突出。

    The city commercial banks now play a more and more important part in Chinese banking system . According to statistics of China Finance Net , as of November 2008 , there are 136 city commercial banks in China .

  22. 本文结合了行为金融和统计套利的方法既从行为金融的角度对中国股票市场进行了分析,又使用了国外较为流行的统计套利方法进行了实证分析与研究。

    In this paper , the behavior of financial and statistical arbitrage approach both from the perspective of behavioral finance analysis of Chinese stock market , but also more popular with foreign arbitrage methods of statistical analysis and empirical research .

  23. 中国本周发布了大量月度金融和经济统计数据。

    This week saw the monthly download of financial and economic statistics from China .

  24. 金融风险测度统计研究

    The Statistical Study on the Finance Risk Measurement

  25. 中国金融工具分类统计面临着的挑战。

    China is faced with challenges in term of Classification of the financial instruments .

  26. (九)负责金融业的统计、调查、分析和预测;

    To be responsible for statistics , investigation , analysis and forecasting concerning the banking industry ;

  27. 西方许多商业银行开始探索运用现代金融理论、统计理论来定量评估和管理信用风险,开发出了新的现代信用风险度量和管理模型。

    With modern financial and Statistical theories , western commercial banks have developed new models for credit management .

  28. 潘功胜还说,监管机构要建立统一、全面、共享的金融业综合统计体系,但他未提供进一步的细节。

    Mr. Pan said regulators would set up a unified and comprehensive calculation system for the financial sector , but didn 't give further details .

  29. 金融监管效应的统计评价方法

    The Statistical Method to Evaluate the Effect of Financial Supervision

  30. 金融时报:煤炭统计月报。

    Financial Times : ICR Coal Statistics Monthly .