
yǒu xiào ɡū jì
  • effective estimate
  1. 对Ohsawa的一个延拓定理中的延拓算子的界给出一个有效估计,并把它应用到Suita猜想中。

    This paper gives an effective estimate of the bound of the extension operator in an extension theorem of Ohsawa . An application to Suita 's conjecture is given .

  2. 通过预先设定置信度和估计精度,可以获得连通性筛子筛选率的有效估计值。

    By preassigned credibility and precision , effective estimate of sieving rate of connectivity sieve is achieved .

  3. Weibull分布族中参数的渐近有效估计

    Asymptotically Efficient Estimations for the Two Parameter Weibull Distribution

  4. 多用户DS-CDMA系统接收机载波频偏的有效估计方法

    An Efficient Estimation Method of Carrier Offset in Multi-user DS - CDMA System

  5. 该算法是对传统MUSIC方法的推广与变形,克服了要求接收信号数小于阵元数的局限,能有效估计时延不同、波达方向相差很小的多径信号的参数。

    The algorithm is a development of traditional MUSIC algorithm , so the number of multipath signals can be most of the array elements and can be used to estimate the pa - rameters of multipath signals .

  6. 针对FMEA分析表中失效影响存在较大模糊性而难以有效估计的特点,引入模糊评估方法来进行分析。

    Because failure effects in the FMEA analysis table are ambiguous and difficult to effectively estimate , Fuzzy evaluation method is proposed .

  7. 提出了一种基于Kalman滤波器和遗传算法的系统参数估计方法,可以对带测量噪声和过程噪声的线性系统中的未知参数进行有效估计。

    A system parameter estimation method which is based on Kalman filter and genetic algorithm is proposed in this paper . This method can estimate effectively the unknown parameters in linear systems with measurement noise and process noise .

  8. 而电池常相位角元件(CPE)参量及特征频率f与电池SOC之间存在良好的单调依赖关系,可作为MH-Ni电池SOC有效估计的参数。

    While the parameters of constant-phase element ( CPE ) and the eigenfrequency f of the EISs show good monotonous dependency on SOC respectively , are helpful to determine the SOC of Ni-MH battery .

  9. 多用户DS-CDMA系统中用户检测器存在小残差载波频偏,在对接收机模型分析基础上,给出一种基于通用特征值问题的有效估计载波频偏的方法。

    In Multi-user DS - CDMA system user detectors produce a small residual carrier offset , based on the analysis of the receiver 's model , an efficient estimation method of carrier offset is presented .

  10. 基于一定的光滑性假设,得到了这种双边截断分布族的Bahadur界,并因此给出了该分布族中相合估计为Bahadur渐近有效估计的定义。

    Based on some smooth conditions , the Bahadur bound for this distribution family is derived , and a definition of Bahadur efficiency is proposed .

  11. 利用HHT的分解自适应性和良好的时频聚集性,改进了传统的循环谱检测与参数估计方法,实现了更低信噪比下直扩信号的准确检测和载频、码元速率等参数的有效估计。

    The improved approach of cyclic spectrum is proposed by making full use of self-adaptive decomposition and good concentration . Experimental results show that it can detect and estimate carrier frequency and chip rate of DSSS signals accurately in lower SNR .

  12. STSC可以有效估计多径信号的传输时延,同时捕获自适应波束形成的权值。

    Using STSC , propagation delays of the multi-path signal can be estimated and the weights for beam-forming can be determined simultaneously .

  13. 一类单边截断族中参数的渐近有效估计

    Asymptotically Efficient Estimates in an One Side Truncated Family

  14. 任意分布的均值的渐近有效估计

    Proximate Valid Estimation of Mean Value of Random Distribution

  15. 二维正弦频率有效估计的新方法

    Novel method for two-dimensional sinusoidal frequency efficient estimation

  16. 水底等深柱形采样抓斗一类截断模型位置参数的同变渐近有效估计

    The equivariant asymptotic efficient estimators of location parameter for a kind of truncated model

  17. 三阶微分方程非线性边值问题的一致有效估计

    Uniformly valid estimation of solution for nonlinear boundary problem of third order differential equation

  18. 合理地选择参数,避免参数间的强复共线性,是参数有效估计的关键之一。

    Properly selecting parameters to avoid stronger multicollinearity is a key to efficient estimation of parameters .

  19. 它给出信号参数的无偏渐近有效估计。

    The unbiased and asymptotic effective estimations of the signal parameters are gotten by this method .

  20. 超有效估计的一个应用

    An Application of Super-Efficient Estimators

  21. 平方误差渐近有效估计量

    Squared error asymptotically efficient estimator

  22. 该算法主要在雷达缺乏高度测量情况下实现对目标的有效估计。

    The algorithms realize the efficient aircraft-height estimation without height measurements condition in a netted radar system .

  23. 在土工问题的研究和分析中,土性参数的合理估计非常重要,根据工程中实测值反演土性参数不失为一种有效估计参数的新思路。

    It is very important to reasonably estimate soil parameters in study and analysis of soil engineering problems .

  24. 仿真证明,该算法硬件实现简单,能有效估计等效信道响应。

    Simulations show that the algorithm can be implemented easily and estimate the equivalent channel response effectively . 4 .

  25. 本文证明了一类具有转向点的三阶奇摄动边值问题解的存在性,并给出了解的一致有效估计。

    Higher-order asymptotic solutions of a class of boundary value problems for third-order differential equation with a turning point ;

  26. 针对强旁瓣目标对运动目标检测的不利影响,提出了一种有效估计强旁瓣目标频率的最小二乘方法。

    A least squares method for identification of non-integer order systems is introduced into frequency domain and an algorithm is presented .

  27. 另一方面,为了获得阵列协方差矩阵的有效估计,还要求有足够多的样本数据。

    On the other hand , presuming the formation of a sample covariance matrix indicates that it is necessary to have sufficient sample support .

  28. 该方案能够在时间延迟存在的情况下有效估计系统的未知参数,改进了传统基于完全同步的参数估计方法。

    This scheme can estimate the unknown parameter correctly even when the time delay exists , and improve the parameter estimation based on complete synchronization .

  29. 为了实现目标的全程测距,首先要求接收阵的孔径应较大,以实现对远程目标距离的有效估计。

    To higher the ranging accuracy , first of all , a bigger array aperture is required to effectively estimate the range of target far away .

  30. 本文给出并证明了有关一个无偏估计是有效估计的一个充分必要条件。

    In this paper , the proposition that an unbiased estimate is a sufficient and necessary condition for making an efficient estimate is given and proved .