
  • 网络Frequency Stability;Frequency Stabilization;PPM
  1. 因此研究和分析SAW滤波器的失效机理及其频率稳定性和敏感度具有十分积极的现实意义和应用价值。

    So it is worthy of researching and analyzing frequency stability and reliability of SAW Filter .

  2. Cr~(4+)∶YAG固体激光器的频率稳定性分析

    Frequency stability analysis of solid-state Cr ~ ( 4 + ) YAG laser

  3. 本文分析了声表面波(surfaceacousticwave简称SAW)力敏传感器加载后,频率稳定性变差的原因。

    The reason that the frequency stability is worse when force is loaded on the surface acoustic wave ( SAW ) force sensor is analyzed in this paper .

  4. 研究了影响SAW滤波器频率稳定性的物理参数及作用机理,并采用敏感度方法进行了理论分析,同时进行了计算机仿真模拟对比;

    The common physics parameters that affect SAW Filter frequency stability are put forward , and their affection on SAWF frequency stability is analyzed by sensibility analysis method and computer-aided simulation .

  5. 以荧光饱和吸收稳频的CO2激光作基准,测定了功率稳定后的频率稳定性,结果表明,功率稳定可改善频率的长期稳定性。

    Using a CO2 laser stabilized by saturated absorption of fluoresence as frequency standard while the power stabilization loop was open or close we measured laser frequency stability .

  6. Allan方差分析方法是一种在时域上对频率稳定性进行分析的通用方法。

    Allan variance method is a common tool to analyze frequency stability in time-domain .

  7. Allan方差法是对光学陀螺随机误差频率稳定性进行分析的一种通用方法。

    Allan variance is a useful tool for analyzing the frequency stability of optic gyro random errors .

  8. 在频率稳定性方面,对恒温槽的热学模型和PID算法进行了研究,通过理论学习和试验,找到了改进恒温槽性能的方法。

    In order to optimize the stability of frequency , thermal model of OCXO was studied . Through theoretical analysis and experimental , method to improve temperature performance of OCXO was found .

  9. 分析了各种影响He-Ne激光光源频率稳定性的因素,并介绍了常见的稳频技术及产生双频的方法,分析了主要技术的优缺点和可能的发展方向。

    This article describes the factors which effect the frequency stabilization of laser , introduces the common measure of frequency stabilization and analyses advantages and disadvantages of these methods .

  10. 本文对2种改进型VCO的压控特性和频率稳定性进行分析,并给出实际测量结果。

    In this paper , the voltage-controlled characteristics and frequency stabilities of two kinds of improved circuits are analyzed , and the practical measuring results are also given .

  11. 利用GPS时钟无累计误差和高精度晶振频率稳定性高的特点,并将高速采样与秒脉冲捕捉有机结合,通过硬件方式无延时地捕捉秒脉冲以获取精确的时间计数值。

    Owing to GPS clock , which has no accumulative error , and quartz oscillator , which is very stable , the time counting value is obtained without delay via hardware by combining high speed sampling and PPS ( Pulse Per-Second ) - snapping .

  12. 2.5Gbit/s光发射模块的中心频率稳定性研究

    The research of the stabling center frequency characteristic for 2.5 Gbit / s transmitter

  13. 采用基于碘分子吸收的数字PID锁频方法,对非平面环形腔的连续激光器进行了锁频,频率稳定性优于1MHz。

    An iodine-absorption based digital PID controller is also described that is capable of locking the laser frequency at a stability level of better than 1 MHz for arbitrarily long periods .

  14. 相对于常见的数字无线通讯系统,AIS工作频点特殊,无线频率稳定性,上升时间等参数指标都要求较高,使得这部分产品长期为进口厂家把持。

    Relative to the common digital wireless communication systems , AIS is strict with working frequency , frequency stability , rise time and other parameters , so it is dominated by the imported product enterprises .

  15. 在硬件电路中,设计并实现了各个电路模块,包括基于DDS的高频率稳定性激励信号源模块、功率放大电路、前置差分放大电路、高频鉴相电路以及主控电路。

    In hardware part , every circuit components has been fabricated , such as high frequency stability signal source based on DDS , power amplification circuit , differential amplifier circuit , high frequency phase detection circuit and main control circuit .

  16. 第四章首先讨论振荡器的频率稳定性问题与稳频措施,然后在此基础上重点阐述高Q稳频腔的工作原理及其设计方法,讨论了脉冲雪崩二极管振荡器的脉内电流温度补偿;

    In chapter four , firstly discussing the frequency stability and the means to stable frequency of oscillator , then the work principle and the method of design for high Q resonant cavity are given , finally , discussing the current temperature compensation of IMPATT diode oscillator during intrapulse ;

  17. 文章对天平的输出频率稳定性、质量灵敏度和低温凝结效应进行了测量,结果表明该天平在各个方面均能满足ASTME1559标准测试要求。

    Many measurements are taken to determine the stability of output frequency , mass sensitivity and condensation effect on cryogenic surface . The results demonstrate that the QCMs meet the requirement of ASTM E 1559 well .

  18. DPSSL以其效率高,频率稳定性高好,线宽窄,达到衍射极限光束,光束质量高,使用寿命长等特点,具有广阔的应用领域。

    DPSSL has wide applications because of its high efficiency , high frequency stability , narrow line width , high beam quality , long service life and the diffraction limit of laser beam .

  19. 利用控温的F&P腔改善全固化单频Nd:YVO4激光器的频率稳定性

    Improving Frequency Stability of Laser by Means of Temperature-controlled F-P Cavity

  20. 快速评估电力系统频率稳定性的方法

    A Method to Fast Assess Frequency Stability of Power Systems

  21. 兼顾频率稳定性的电力系统无功&电压控制策略研究

    Power System 's Reactive Power-Voltage Control Strategy Related to the Frequency Stability

  22. 供配电系统独立运行的频率稳定性分析与探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Frequency Stability of Distribution System in Operation Alone

  23. 基于风电模型的新疆电网频率稳定性研究

    Wind power model based study of frequency stability for Xinjiang power grids

  24. 高频率稳定性的小型化频率选择表面

    A miniaturized frequency selective surface with excellent center frequency stability

  25. 影响声表面波振荡器的频率稳定性因素分析

    Analysis on Factors Affecting Frequency Stability of SAW Oscillators

  26. 激光频率稳定性的单板机测量

    Measuring Laser Frequency Stability by TP-801 Single Board Computer

  27. 利用调制域分析仪实现频率稳定性的测量

    Testing of Frequency Stability Using the Modulation Domain Analysis

  28. 确保高频率稳定性及良好的焊接性。

    Be assure high frequency stability & excellent solderability .

  29. 合成孔径激光雷达频率稳定性问题研究

    Study on the frequency stability problem of SAL

  30. 变角度复合悬臂梁模态频率稳定性的研究

    Stability Study of Mode Frequencies of A Compound Cantilever Beam with Varying Bent Angles