
  1. 科学发展观的提出以及复杂性科学的兴起,要求必须立足整体主义开展城市发展研究。

    New opportunities have been brought to development of Chinese urban studies with the presentation of scientific viewpoint of development and rising of sciences of complexity .

  2. 美国中央情报局(CIA)也有基尼系数公布,中国在2009年的系数是0.48,远远高于北京国际城市发展研究院计算的2010年系数。

    The CIA also publishes a calculation of the Gini coefficient , which it puts at 0.48 in China in 2009 substantially higher than the institute 's calculation for 2010 .

  3. 新中国建立初期资源型工矿城市发展研究(1949-1957)

    The Research on the Development of Resources-based Cities ( 1949-1957 );

  4. 城市发展研究的整体主义初探

    An elementary study on Urban Development Research Based on holism

  5. 屏蔽效应下非中心地城市发展研究

    Study on the economic development of non-hearted cities under the shield effect

  6. 遥感影像融合技术在城市发展研究中的应用

    Application of remote sensing data fusion for the research of urban development

  7. 都市圈外围城市发展研究

    Research on the Development of Peripheral City of Metropolitan Area

  8. 转型期英国人口迁移与城市发展研究

    Migration and City 's Development in the Transitional England

  9. 明清时期开封城市发展研究

    Research on the Development of Kai Feng During the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  10. 西北民族地区城市发展研究

    On the Strategy of the Development of the Cities in Northwest Minorities Areas

  11. 宝鸡市城市发展研究

    A primal suggest of Baoji 's city development

  12. 生态位及其在城市发展研究中的应用

    Niche and its application in urban development research

  13. 同时城市发展研究的领域将进一步拓展,区域城市研究和城市发展类型研究仍将引起研究者的广泛关注;

    Third , the research scope will extend to the regional and development types ;

  14. 现代工业与城市发展研究

    A Research on Modern Industry and Urban Development

  15. 因此,移民与上海城市发展研究成为不断受到关注的问题之一。

    Therefore the research of immigrants and thedevelopment of Shanghai city attracts constant attention .

  16. 高新技术产业开发区建设与城市发展研究

    Research for the Construction of New & High Technology Industry Development Zone with City Development

  17. 增长与人本:现代桂林城市发展研究

    A Study of Development of Guilin

  18. 数字城市发展研究论纲

    On the Development of Digital City

  19. 边远地区城市发展研究&以贵州兴义市为例

    Study on the Development of city in Remote Region & Ilustrated by Xinyi city Guizhou province

  20. 把多源信息看作是不同的证据,利用证据理论在城市发展研究的应用作初步尝试,用多源数据融合的技术方法制作武汉市城市发展态势图。

    Primary attempt using evidential theory in the urban development have been done . Produce Wuhan developing change map using multi-source data fusion .

  21. 基于整合理论的城市休闲发展研究

    Research on the urban leisure development based on the integrated theory

  22. 西安都市圈内咸阳城市空间发展研究

    Study of the Development of Xianyang Urban Area in Xi'an Metropolis

  23. 基于空间句法分析的厦门城市形态发展研究

    Research of Xiamen Urban Morphology Development based on Space Syntax Analysis

  24. 中部崛起的多极化网络式城市发展模式研究

    A Study on Multipolarization Network City Development Pattern for Mid-China Rising

  25. 基于空间结构理论的城市发展理论研究

    Research on City Development Theory Based on the Spatial Structure Theory

  26. 城市新区发展研究初探

    An Initial Study of Development in Newly Area of the Cities

  27. 休闲文化特色与青岛城市发展互动研究

    Interaction research on leisure culture characteristics and urban development in Qingdao

  28. 深圳市水资源承载力与城市可持续发展研究

    Water Resources Carrying Capacity and Urban Sustainable Development of Shenzhen City

  29. 煤炭资源型城市发展对策研究

    Studying the Development Strategy for the City of Coal Resource Type

  30. 中国数字化城市发展模式研究

    Research on the Development Mode of the Chinese Digital City