
  • 网络urban land management
  1. 城市土地管理制度的国际比较与启示

    The International Comparison and its Revelation of Urban Land Management System

  2. 工程管理专业城市土地管理课程的教学探讨

    Study of teaching method for urban land management in engineering management speciality

  3. 知识社会城市土地管理的探讨

    Probing on the management of city land in knowledge society

  4. 城市土地管理的国际经验和教训

    International Lessons on Urban Spatial Development

  5. 我国土地发展权构建:优化城市土地管理的新途径

    Construction of Land Development Rights of Our Country : A New Way to Optimize Land Management of the City

  6. 是次研讨会的主题是「建设可持续发展社会&提升城市土地管理和防灾抗灾能力」。

    The theme of the Symposium is " Sustainable Development in Urban Cities – Could Science and Technology Help " .

  7. 城市土地管理的中心任务是加强土地资产管理和土地资源的合理利用、配置。

    The central task of the urban land administration is strengthen land assets administration and rational use of land resource .

  8. 从资源管理型转变为资产经营型,这是我国城市土地管理改革的必然选择与现实取向。

    To transform from the mode of resources management to that of assets operation is the inevitable choice and realistic orientation in the city land management reform in China .

  9. 研究目的:研究广东省《集体建设用地使用权流转管理办法》的实施对城市土地管理的影响。

    The purpose of this paper is to analyze influences on urban land management with the implementation of " The Management Methods of the Circulation of Collective Construction Land " of Guangdong Province .

  10. 本文从工程管理专业学生培养的目标及要求出发,对工程管理专业中城市土地管理课程教学目的、教学内容、教学方法、效果评价等进行了探讨。

    According to the aim and the requirement of engineering management students , we explore the teaching objective , teaching content , teaching method and evaluation of the teaching effect of Urban Land Management .

  11. 本文阐述了城市土地管理信息系统的数据采集、功能、应用等几个方面,提出对土地资源管理的信息化,并进一步探讨了需研究的问题。

    This paper expounds the data collection 、 function 、 application and so on of land administration information system for city , promotes the information of land resources administration and further discusses the problems of need study .

  12. 土地储备制度是一种以土地及地上权利为核心的新型城市土地管理制度,其建立初衷是为了规范土地市场,提高土地利用率,保护土地权利。

    Land reserve system is a new management system of urban land , with the land and the property rights as its cores . The system is originally established for the regulation of the land market , improvement of the land utilization and protection of land rights .

  13. 城市规划土地管理信息系统设计及实现

    Design and Realization of Urban Planning Land Administration Information System

  14. 发达地区城市土地可持续管理评估实践研究

    Practice on Sustainable Land Management Evaluation in Developed Urban Areas : A Case Study on Nanjing City

  15. 作为城市土地资产管理的基础性工作,城市土地资产量测算具有重大的现实意义。

    As primary work of urban land assets management , Evaluation of urban land assets is practical significant .

  16. 政府通过这项制度,可以垄断土地供给的一级市场并且有效调控土地二级市场,进而有效地对城市土地进行管理与利用。

    Through this system , authorities can monopoly primary market of land , then intervene secondary land market effectively and manage urban land .

  17. 所以明确土地资产经营管理过程中的政府职能和市场职能,创新土地资产经营管理的体制和机制是当前城市土地资产管理的关键。

    It is vital to distinguish governmental responsibility from the market responsibility and build the new System and Mechanism of Land Assets Management in Land Assets Management .

  18. 地理信息系统(GIS)是与计算机科学、地理、遥感、测绘、城市规划、土地管理、市政建设等诸多学科相融合的边缘技术。

    Geographical information system ( GIS ) is an edge technology integrated with various disciplines , namely , computer science , geography , remote sensing , surveying and mapping , urban planning , land management , urban construction , etc. .

  19. 根据在城镇综合城市土地定级估价管理系统项目中UML和构件技术结合应用,当前构件化开发的状况提出一种基于构件和UML的系统开发方案。

    Based in the town comprehensive city land grading and evaluation management system project of UML and component technology combined application , current component development status is presented based on component and UML system development program .

  20. 城市土地定级估价管理系统是提高政府工作效率的重要举措,通过对构件的软件开发中,将UML建模贯穿整个过程对开发城市土地定级估价管理系统具有十分重要意义。

    City land grading and evaluation management system is an important measure to improve work efficiency of the government , based on the component-based software development , UML modeling throughout the whole process of the development of city land grading and evaluation management system has the very important significance .

  21. 我国城市土地收益财税管理研究

    Study of Finance and Taxation Management System of City Land Profit

  22. 城市土地整理风险管理研究

    Study on Urban Land Consolidation Risk Management

  23. 城市土地资源经营管理与市场化体系构建

    Urban land resource management and marketable system

  24. 但是,各个城市近郊区域土地管理所依据的资料,仍为按八十年代国家土地资源调查规程调查的土地利用现状资料,这已远远不能满足当前城乡土地统一管理的需要。

    They far from can not meet the need of urban and rural land united management .

  25. 介绍了城市规划和土地管理图文处理系统的设计与实现。阐述了系统中涉及的分布式数据库设计、空间数据与非空间数据的联接、数据库事务跟踪管理等关键技术。

    Design and realization of urban planning land administration information system is described , then design of distribute database and joint between space data and non-space data is analyzed .

  26. 与线划图相比,遥感影像正射图有很多线划图无法比拟的优点,因此它在城市规划、土地管理、铁路、公路选线等方面有着特殊的应用。

    Digital orthophoto map has many advantages compared to digital line graphic . The digital orthophoto map is broad applied in urban planning , land use management and route planning of railway and highway .

  27. 在近10年来的概念规划、总体规划和以宪报形式出台的其他计划、土地利用规划指引中充分体现了适应知识经济的城市土地利用形式管理控制思路。

    During the near 10 years , the conception plan , the master plan and the other land utilization planning direction which appeared by the circular form have fully manifested the mentality which the city land utilization form management control must adapt the knowledge economy .

  28. 城市运营背景下土地管理绩效评价的研究

    Study on Performance Appraisal of Land Management Under the Urban Operation Background

  29. 广州城市土地供应与规划管理策略研究

    On the strategy of urban land supply and planning management for Guangzhou City

  30. 城市土地的可持续性管理利用

    Sustainable Management and Development of Urban Land