
  • 网络urban constructive land;urban construction land
  1. 重庆市城镇建设用地时空演变格局及其驱动力研究

    A Study on Spatiotemporal Changes of Urban Constructive Land and Their Driving Forces in Chongqing

  2. 基于MGM-Markov的城镇建设用地预测模型的研究

    Study on the Forecast Model of Urban Constructive Land Based on MGM-Markov

  3. 基于GIS的西安市城镇建设用地扩展研究

    The Research of Built-up Land Sprawl in Xi'an Based on GIS Technology

  4. 通过指标因子网格(Grid)空间模拟,采用综合指数法求取网格综合城镇建设用地适宜性指数;

    The integrated feasible grid index of construction land was extracted by the model of synthesized index .

  5. 基于RS与GIS的无锡市城镇建设用地扩展时空特征分析

    Analysis of spatial-temporal features in urban land use growth based on RS and GIS in Wuxi City

  6. 基于GIS技术的城镇建设用地扩展范围确定方法研究&以重庆市南岸区为例

    The Study of Compartmentalizing Method of the Boundary of Construction Land Expanding Range Based on GIS & In Case of Nan ' an District of Chongqing

  7. 计算了九五期间福建省各县市城镇建设用地的相对变化率和相对变化面积百分比,并用GIS软件作出这两个模型计算值的区域差异图。

    Relative change rate and relative area percentage of urban land-use during the period of 1996-2000 in each county and city in Fujian Province were calculated , the map showing regional difference as urban land-use-change in the same period was made by GIS packages .

  8. 珠江三角洲城镇建设用地增长分析

    Growth of urban and town construction land in the Pearl River Delta

  9. 城镇建设用地总量预测模型研究

    Study on the Prediction Methods of Urban Building Land Demand

  10. 马克思地租理论及其应用&兼论小城镇建设用地存在的问题与对策

    A Study on Marx 's Theory of Land Rent and its Application

  11. 无锡市马山区城镇建设用地的经济价值评估

    Economic Evaluation of Urban Land in Mashan District of Wuxi

  12. 城镇建设用地空间组织研究

    A Study on the Space Structure of the Constructive Land

  13. 城镇建设用地是区域经济发展的核心和载体,城镇用地的空间扩展日益成为土地利用变化的主要特征。

    Urban construction land is an important part of regional economic development .

  14. 城镇建设用地扩展类型的空间识别及其意义

    Spatial identification of built-up land expansion and its significance

  15. 城镇建设用地预测方法新探&以重庆市渝北区为例

    Discussion on the Projection Methods of Urban Constructive Land

  16. 南通市城镇建设用地扩展时空特征分析及模拟

    Analysis and Simulation of the temporal-spatial features on urban land expansion in Nantong City

  17. 小城镇建设用地指标配置模式&以重庆市为例

    On Allocation Model of Construction Land Quota in Small-town & Case study in Chongqing City

  18. 城镇建设用地的战略需求研究

    The Strategic Demand for Urban Construction Land

  19. 城镇建设用地是城镇经济发展的重要物质载体。

    Urban constructive land use is the carrier on which cities carry out their economic and social activities .

  20. 发掘国土资源潜力配置城镇建设用地研究&以安徽省肥东县为例

    Tap Territory Resources Potential to Allocate Urban Constructive Land : A Case Study on Feidong County , Anhui Province

  21. 小城镇建设用地布局合理性评价研究&以重庆市璧山县为例

    A research on rationality evaluation of building land in small towns & A case study of Bishan , Chongqing

  22. 城镇建设用地适宜性评价信息系统研究&以福建省漳州市芗城区为例

    INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR EVALUATION OF URBAN CONSTRUCTION LAND A Case Study of Xiangcheng District of Zhangzhou Municipality , Fujian

  23. 因此,城镇建设用地增加与农村建设用地减少相挂钩的政策也就应运而生。

    Therefore , the policy of Increase and Decrease Connection of Urban and Rural Construction Land came into being .

  24. 并据此提出了重庆市渝北区城镇建设用地配置方案。

    In view of the above , we pose a new allocation plan on urban constructive land in Yu-bei district .

  25. 我国大部分城市化地区正面临城镇建设用地快速扩张,土地资源迅速消耗的困境。

    Most of our urban area is facing the town construction sites and rapid expansion of land resources and consumption .

  26. 研究目的:评估城镇建设用地的经济价值,尤其是景观用地的价值。

    The purpose of the paper is to evaluate the economic value of urban land , especially the value for sights .

  27. 提出福建耕地与城镇建设用地可持续利用的对策与措施。

    In order to realize sustainable use of cultivated land and built-up land in Fujian province , some countermeasures were put forward .

  28. 本文指出了小城镇建设用地存在的问题,分析了引起这些问题的原因;

    The paper puts forward some problems concerning the use of the land in the construction of the town and analyzes their causes .

  29. 对各类城镇建设用地和农村建设用地涉及较少,有待在今后的学习中进一步加强和完善。

    Learning to further strengthen and perfect in the future because all kinds of urban construction land and rural construction land involved less .

  30. 大城市外围地区流动人口结构及其城镇建设用地使用特征研究&以深圳市平湖镇为例

    The floating population structure and its land use characteristics in periphery areas of metropolitan & a case study of Pinghu town , Shenzhen Municipality