
  • 网络Growth Management;urban growth management
  1. 美国的城市增长管理

    Urban Growth Management in the United States

  2. 因此,借鉴国外城市增长管理经验方法,解决我国城市发展过程中的种种问题,引导城市精明增长十分必要。

    Therefore , learn from foreign experience city growth management method , to solve all kinds of problems in the city development of our country , it is necessary to guide the urban smart growth .

  3. 城市增长管理概念起源于国外,它对克服城市开发建设导致的城市蔓延等城市病问题具有显著的成效,并形成了形式多样、行之有效的政策工具。

    Urban growth management concept originated in foreign countries , sit has significant effect on the development and construction of the city to overcome the spread of " urban diseases " problem , and the formation of diverse forms 、 effective policy tool .

  4. 研究表明,综合了各种自然物理和社会经济变量与规则的离散时空系统动态学模拟模型,是探讨城市增长复杂性管理的有效手段。

    The paper concludes that comprehensive , discrete spatio-temporal dynamic models are approaches to explore the complexity of urban growth .

  5. 提出研究结论和城市增长边界管理相关建议,并对研究难点、不足和进一步的研究重点进行讨论。

    The paper proposes conclusions and suggestions of the urban growth boundary management , and discusses difficulties , shortages and further research focus .

  6. 城市增长边界管理理论最早由美国学者提出,并在美国区域规划中得以成功应用,其管理目标为:明确城乡界限,保护周边农地,充分利用基础设施,促进土地合理利用。

    Urban growth boundary management theory was first put forward by American experts and was applied successfully in the Regional Planning in the USA. The theory aims to clear the boundaries between urban and rural areas , protect farmland in surrounding areas , make full use of infrastructure and land .

  7. 南京城市扩展与其空间增长管理的研究

    Urban expansion and its spatial growth management in Nanjing

  8. 非城市建设用地规划与城市增长管理是一个问题的两个方面。

    This thesis concern about taking the non-constructive land into city planning .

  9. 1960年代以来,城市空间增长边界(UrbanSpaceGrowthBoundary,以下简称USGB)作为城市空间增长管理的政策工具在控制城市蔓延方面发挥了一定的作用,受到国外学者的广泛关注。

    Since the 1960s , Urban Space Growth Boundary ( Urban Space Growth Boundary , following asUSGB ) as the policy tool of urban space growth management has played a certain role to control urban sprawl . And that has been widely concerned by foreign scholars .

  10. 最后,论文构建了哈尔滨城市空间增长边界设定的完整框架,并初步划定哈尔滨的UGBs,提出UGBs的实施管理策略,为哈尔滨的城市空间增长管理提供一种有效的途径。

    Finally , the paper constructed a complete framework of setting Harbin UGBs , and proposed the implementation strategies of Harbin ' UGBs to provide an effective way of Harbin city space growth management .