
huì lǜ zhì dù
  • exchange rate system
  1. 汇率制度影响FDI的比较研究

    An Empirical Study of Foreign Direct Investment under the Influence of the Exchange Rate System

  2. 在我国加入WTO后金融业对外开放步伐不断加快的新形势下,人民币汇率制度的再安排日益显得十分必要。

    Rearrangement of the RMB exchange rate system appears increasingly necessary under the circumstances of a continuously quickened openness of financial industries after Chinas joining of WTO .

  3. 并且,IMF规定,成员可自行选择浮动或者固定汇率制度,但制度应促进价格稳定。

    Second , the IMF accommodates both floating or fixed exchange rate regimes , provided promote price stability .

  4. 而不同汇率制度对FDI的影响各有利弊,且大国经济与小国经济表现不一,一国的不同发展阶段也各不相同。

    Moreover the influence on FDI can be different in relation to the economy scale and the different stage of the country .

  5. 这种汇率制度相当于一种消费税消费在中国国内生产总值(gdp)中只占36%并转化为对出口的高额补贴。

    The currency regime is a tax on consumption , which accounts for a mere 36 per cent of gross domestic product and represents a considerable subsidy to exports .

  6. 但上述条款源自上世纪40年代布雷顿森林体系(brettonwoods)下的全球固定汇率制度当时成立了国际货币基金组织对此进行管理。

    But that clause dated from the 1940s Bretton Woods system of fixed global exchange rates , which the IMF was set up to administer .

  7. 任志刚表示,没有什么制度是绝对的或神圣不可侵犯的。在亚洲金融危机期间,任志刚曾于1998年大举出击,阻击乔治索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)的投机操作,捍卫港币盯住美元的汇率制度。

    Nothing is absolute or sacrosanct , said Mr Yam , who waged war against George Soros in 1998 to protect the Hong Kong peg during the Asian financial crisis .

  8. 自从1971年布雷顿森林体系(BrettonWoods)之下的固定汇率制度崩溃以来,全球在协同经济方面所做的尝试中,最引人瞩目的一些举措都涉及稳定主要货币汇率。

    Since the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates collapsed in 1971 , some of the most high-profile attempts at global co-ordination have involved trying to stabilise major currencies .

  9. 印度储备银行RBI的钉住汇率制度也束缚了其上调利率的空间,因为上调利率会吸引更多资金。

    A pegged exchange rate also cramped the RBI 's room to raise interest rates , because that would attract yet more capital .

  10. 中国加入WTO后,更为灵活的汇率制度、规模扩大的资本流动既有利于我国参与世界金融资源的配置,也是对中国货币政策调控能力和金融安全的一个严峻考验。

    After China entering WTO , the more flexible exchange rate system and greater volume of capital flow will not only help China participating in the allocation of global financial resources , but also present a critical challenge to China 's monitoring capability of monetary policy and financial safety .

  11. 同时,根据实证分析以及平衡模式的结论提出了相关的政策建议,主要涉及GDP增长速度、产业政策、发展战略、汇率制度以及对外经济政策调整等方面。

    At last , in reference to the conclusion on empirical study and the balance pattern of international payment , we brought the policy suggestion , which including GDP increment speed , industrial policy , economics development strategy , exchange rate system and adjustment of foreign economic policy , etc.

  12. 关贸总协定与人民币汇率制度改革

    Restoring China In GATT and Reforming Exchange Rate System of Renminbi

  13. 当前汇率制度下中国的货币政策效应分析

    Analysis of China Monetary Policy Effect under Current Exchange Rate Regime

  14. 新汇率制度下中国纺织业的应对及发展

    Textile industry 's response and development under new exchange rate system

  15. 港元联系汇率制度利弊析

    Analysis on Advantage and Disadvantage of Pegged-exchange-rate System in Hong Kong

  16. 汇率制度改革、人民币升值与我国通货膨胀

    Exchange Rate Regime Reform , RMB Appreciation and Inflation in China

  17. 人民币汇率制度改革的绩效与走向

    The Renminbi Exchange Rate Mechanism Reform : Achievement and Trend

  18. 退出盯住汇率制度不同策略的比较研究

    Research on Different Strategies for Exiting from the Pegged Exchange Rate Regimes

  19. 国家规模、对外开放度与汇率制度的选择&基于福利的数量分析

    Country Scale , Openness and the Choice of Exchange-Rate Regime

  20. 论我国渐进开放中汇率制度的选择

    Choice of Renminbi Exchange Rate Regime under the Gradual Open

  21. 汇率制度的分类、国别分布及历史演进

    Exchange Rate Regime : Classification , World Patterns and Evolution

  22. 开放进程中的货币政策目标和汇率制度选择

    Under Openness : choice of monetary policy target and exchange rate system

  23. 由人民币升值引发的对中国汇率制度的思考

    Ponderation over Chinese exchange rate system caused by the appreciation of Renminbi

  24. 人民币汇率制度改革:回归有管理的浮动

    The Reform of RMB Exchange Rate System : Return to Managed Floating

  25. 转轨时期的中国汇率制度选择

    The choice of Chinese exchange rate system in economic transition

  26. 退出钉住汇率制度在中国的实践

    System ; The Practice of Exiting from Pegged Exchange Rate in China

  27. 经济发展中的汇率制度选择

    The Choice of Exchange Rate Regime in the Process of Economic Development

  28. 现阶段人民币汇率制度的选择应在于促成有管理的波动汇率制的真正建立和实行,用一揽子盯住代替美元盯住的汇率制度,逐步由固定走向浮动。

    The right choice should be a managed floating exchange rate system .

  29. 人民币汇率制度的选择研究

    The Research on the Choice of RMB Exchange Rate System

  30. 澳门汇率制度的历史沿革及前瞻

    The History and Prospect of Macao 's Exchange Rate Regime