
  • marketization of exchange rate
  1. 我国的汇率市场化是政府推进型的汇率市场化。

    China 's marketization of exchange rate is pushed by governments .

  2. 这些举措加快了我国汇率市场化的步伐。

    These measures speed up the pace of market-determined exchange rates .

  3. 我国汇率市场化与利率市场化的协调性研究

    The Reconciliation between Exchange Rate Liberalization and Interest Rate Liberalization

  4. 完善人民币汇率市场化形成机制。

    Improve market-based exchange rate formation mechanisms for the renminbi .

  5. 随着人民币汇率市场化程度的不断推进,汇率与股票价格之间的互动关系日益显著。

    As RMB exchange rate marketization steadily , exchange rate and the stock price of the interaction between increasingly remarkable .

  6. 但是我国汇率市场化改革存在着滞后性,这将对汇率市场化的进程造成影响。

    But in our country , the lagging of interest rate liberalization has great effect on the exchange rate liberalization .

  7. 这位官员称,如果中国在人民币汇率市场化进程中开倒车,将引发外界的严重担忧。

    It would ' raise serious concerns , ' the Treasury official said , if China is backing away from making the yuan a more market-based currency .

  8. 我国需要继续深化金融体制的改革,积极推进利率自由化和汇率市场化,为最终实现人民币完全自由兑换打下基础。

    We should continue deepening the reform of financial system , promoting the marketization of interest rate and exchange rate to achieve the absolute convertibility of RMB .

  9. 他说应该给市场“更广阔的范围”并且主张“稳步”推进利率和人民币汇率市场化改革。

    He said market forces should be given " wider scope " , and urged " steady steps " towards making interest rates and the exchange rate more market-driven .

  10. 推进利率与汇率市场化改革;适当放松金融管制,为居民对外投资创造条件;培育健全的资本市场。

    Promote the reform of interest rate and exchange rate ; relax financial restriction to create conditions for citizens to make investments abroad ; cultivate and improve capital market .

  11. 应最大限度减少政府干预,完善信息公开制度,加快利率和汇率市场化改革,从而有效遏制金融市场寻租行为。

    Therefore , to limit and reduce the rent-seeking behavior in financial market , we should minimize the government intervention of financial market , perfect the information public institution , accelerate interest rates marketization and exchange rate marketization .

  12. 当前中国企业外汇风险管理方面的理论和实务尚未成熟,随着人民币汇率市场化进程的不断推进,寻求稳健经营的中国企业对如何正确管理外汇风险存在极大的需求。

    Chinese enterprises ' current exchange risk management theory and practice is not yet mature . With the on-going marketing progress of RMB exchange rate , there are great demands for Chinese enterprises who seek stable operation to manage the exchange risk .

  13. 下一步,我们将坚定不移推进金融市场化改革,健全现代金融体系,加快发展多层次资本市场,稳步推进利率市场化、汇率市场化的改革。

    Going forward , we will unswervingly advance market reform of the financial sector , build a sound modern financial system , accelerate the development of a multi-tiered capital market , and steadily advance the liberalization of interest rate and exchange rate .

  14. 深化金融改革,继续推进利率、汇率市场化,加快发展中小金融机构特别是民营银行,发展多层次资本市场。

    We will deepen reform of the financial system , continue to promote liberalization of interest and exchange rates , and accelerate the development of small - and medium-sized financial institutions , private banks in particular , with a view to developing a multi-tiered capital market .

  15. 协同推进利率与汇率的市场化;

    Advance freely flexible interest rate and exchange rate ;

  16. 这就与政府的目标不一致,它反而阻碍了汇率的市场化。

    That is not the government 's goal because it baffles the marketization of exchange rate .

  17. 最后,在利率和汇率均市场化的宏观环境下,利率的变动迅速引起汇率的变动,两者之间的相互作用可以起到促进稳定的作用。

    Finally , the interaction between exchange rate and interest rate plays an important role in the stability of economy .

  18. 本文就如何逐步完善汇率机制市场化等问题进行分析,并提出了改革的政策建议。

    This text studied that how to gradually perfect the rate of exchange mechanism and put forward the reformed policy measure .

  19. 这样,人民币汇率开始市场化,从而也带来了人民币兑外币汇率的波动的增加,加大了我国外币汇率的风险,也加大了我国早已存在的外债风险。

    Then , the marketization of RMB rate increased the fluctuation of exchange rates , by which RMB exchanges to foreign currency increased the exposures to exchange rate and external debt had existed already .

  20. 因此,继续推进资本账户自由化、加快利率和汇率机制市场化的进程,将有利于提高中国国际收支调节的有效性。

    As a result , China is advised to proceed with opening its capital account and speed up liberalization of the interest rate and exchange rate system so as to heighten effectiveness of adjusting to its balance of payment .

  21. 这次改革标志着我国正式开始了人民币汇率形成机制市场化的进程。

    The reform marks the official start of the marketization of RMB exchange rate regime .

  22. 奥巴马提到,他希望人民币汇率更为市场化,不过中方对此并未明确表态。

    Mr Obama alluded to his hope that China 's exchange rate might become more market-driven , but there was no hint of agreement .

  23. 他还预计人民币汇率会进一步市场化,并说改变是必要的,因为目前的经济增长模式无法在中国维持充分就业。

    He also expects further currency liberalization and said that change is necessary , because the current growth model can 't sustain full employment in China .

  24. 随着自由浮动汇率和利率市场化的逐步推进,相机抉择的财政政策的稳定功能将日益减弱。

    With the gradual enforcement of the floating exchange system and the development of market interest mechanism , the stabilization function of the discretional fiscal policy will be gradually weakened .

  25. 所以,为了促进汇率的进一步市场化,我国政府应该将外汇市场的市场培育作为其一贯目标,以使得汇率的市场化走上一条良性循环的道路。

    So in order to speed up the marketization of exchange rate , our government should set the exchange market growth as a continual goal so that the marketization of exchange rate could run in a benign circle .

  26. 对2005年7月人民币汇率形成机制市场化改革以来所产生的实际效应进行了实证分析,包括对进出口贸易、外商直接投资、外汇储备和货币政策独立性的影响。

    It analyzes the real effects of the marketization of RMB exchange rate regime since July 2005 with empirical method , including the impacts on the export and import trades , foreign direct investment , foreign exchange reserves and monetary policy independence .

  27. 西方商业银行表外业务发展的历史经验表明表外业务的快速发展依赖于一定的外部条件:利率与汇率的高度市场化、混业经营、社会信用与法律环境较好。

    As the west commercial banks ' experience shows , OBS business depends on some exterior conditions : interest rate and exchange rate are decided by market force , commercial banks are permitted to do invest banking business by law , credit environment is well and law system is sanity .

  28. 金融全球化推动了世界经济的增长,促进了全球金融业效率的提高,加速了资本的自由流动、汇率和利率的市场化。

    Financial globalization has propelled the world-wide economical development , promoted the efficiency of the global financial industry and sped up the free capital flow and the general adoption of the market principle .

  29. 我国正处在汇率形成机制向市场化转变的过渡时期,对规避人民币汇率风险的主要工具&人民币衍生产品的需求变得尤为迫切。

    Our country is in the transition period when the forming mechanism of the exchange rate is being transformed into marketization , the demand for RMB derivative product & the main tool evading RMB exchange rate risk become particularly urgent .

  30. 同时,进一步提高中央银行独立性和货币政策的透明度,加快汇率制度和利率市场化改革以疏通货币政策传导渠道是实行通货膨胀目标制的关键配套措施。

    At the same time , further enhancing the transparency of monetary policy and central bank independence , speeding the exchange rate system and the interest rate mercerization reform to clear the monetary policy transmission channels inflation , are key supporting measures of adopting IT .