
  • 网络Designated function of a city;Urban nature;designated function of city;designatednofcity
  1. 本次马尔堡出血热暴发具有空前的规模和城市性质,并且其各个方面仍在逐渐显露。

    The present outbreak of Marburg haemorrhagic fever is unprecedented in its size and urban nature , and its dimensions are still unfolding .

  2. 对总体规划内容特色进行研究讨论,重点从城市性质、城市规模的合理确定、城市滨水区专项规划及远景规划及近期规划着手研究总结;

    Content characteristics of the master plan study discussion , the emphasis from " urban nature , urban-scale rationally determined ," " special plan for urban waterfront " and " long term and recent plan " to study concluded ;

  3. 厦门港口城市性质研究

    A Study on the Urban Characteristics of the Port of Xiamen

  4. 是城市性质和规模的反映。

    Of the nature and scale of the city ;

  5. 汕头市的城市性质和功能定位

    City status and functions of shantou , Guangdong Province

  6. 城市性质概念刍议

    On the conception of " City Nature "

  7. 北京自建城以来,历经3000多年,其城市性质和功能发生了巨大变化。

    Since the establishment of Beijing City , its property and function have changed greatly .

  8. 确定城市性质的数学模型

    A mathematical model of defining city character

  9. 澳门的城市性质及其在我国城市体系中的地位和作用

    The urban characteristics of Macao and its role and position in the urban system of China

  10. 第三章对西汉城市性质和职能的研究。

    Chapter three researches the property and the function of cities during the Western Han dynasty .

  11. 北京市的城市性质应改为政治、经济、文化中心并论历史名城保护、建设与社会经济的发展

    Character of Beijing City and Protection , Construction and Development of the Famous Historical and Cultural Cities

  12. 城市性质不同是城市公共休闲空间特性差异的主要原因之一。

    The different urban quality is one of the main reasons of different urban characteristic of public leisure space .

  13. 不论城市性质如何,综合性城市地图集的功能在主要方面应该是一致的。

    All synthetic city atlases should be uniform in their main functions regardless of the different nature of the cities they represent .

  14. 围绕城市性质定位发掘桂林文化内涵&加快桂林文化产业发展初探之一

    Explore the cultural significance of Guilin based on the orientation of the city & an approach to boost the development of Guilin cultural industry

  15. 基于北京城市性质定位为宜居城市这一背景,提出居住适宜性评价的必要性与紧迫性。

    In the context of building Beijing into an amenity city , it points out the necessity and urgency of evaluating its urban residential suitability .

  16. 本文认为,面对21世纪和知识经济时代,广州城市性质与功能的定位必然产生变化。

    This paper holds the opinion that the location of the character and function of the city of Guangzhou will change in the 21st century and the coming intellectual economy .

  17. 在此基础上拟定了以昆明市和曲靖市为中心的两片区城镇体系协调发展的规划设想:确定昆明市和曲靖市城市性质和发展规模;

    On this basis , drafting the two districts city-town system coordinating development planning assumption , in the core of Kunming and Qujing . Defining the city character and scale of Kunming and Qujing .

  18. 本文通过城市性质分析框架的构建,对旅游主导城市的旅游主导性质进行了再确认,以其作为研究的基础。

    A framework is brought out to confirm the tourism-leading characteristic of the tourism-leading city based on the analysis of designated function of city . All of these founded the starting point of sustainable urban development study .

  19. 其中,商业中心区的级别、地理位置、城市性质、经济发展水平、交通设施分布、以及租金(地价)、人口因素、消费模式都将对其产生直接影响。

    Grade of a business center district , geography position , character of the city , lever of economy , means of transportation distributing , rent ( land-value ), population factor , and the mode of consumption infect synthetically space composition .

  20. 在单项规划措施对地价影响的探讨中,主要涉及了城市性质、城市规模、城市结构、城市用地性质、城市交通、和容积率等因素。

    In the discussion of the effect which the single measure of urban planning throws on the price of land , the city character 、 the city scale 、 the city structure 、 the kind of city land using 、 the city communication and the ratio of is involved .

  21. 乌鲁木齐城市土壤性质及污染研究

    Study on the Properties and Pollution of Urban Soils in Urumqi

  22. 这并不是通信科技首次改变城市的性质。

    This would not be the first time that communications technology has changed the nature of the city .

  23. 杨家岭公园是根据延安市绿地系统规划的要求新开辟的一处城市综合性质的绿地。

    Yang Jialing park is a new integrative landscape garden on the basis of the overall planning of Yan an city .

  24. 第三,人口状况具有鲜明的地域特色,充分体现了包头市工业城市的性质;

    Thirdly , the population condition has its own striking regional features , fully reflects the characteristics of industrial city of Baotou ;

  25. 在不同的历史时期,城市的性质、功能不同,城市规划也有相应的变化。

    In different historical periods , under the difference nature and functions of the city , urban planning is also changing correspondingly .

  26. 对于社会人文因素,文中从文化背景、民族特征、滨河活动、城市的性质和规模及现代新文化的地方化等方面作了分析,力求从更深的层次中找出形成滨河景观地区特色的原因。

    And to the social humanity factors , Cultural background 、 national trait 、 the city property and scale affect the regional feature of the landscape of waterfront in city .

  27. 由于与城市的性质和接触,这个网站的地方享受的性质和愉快的声音的性质和城市的便利香味。

    Because of contact with the nature and city , this site is the place where enjoy the sweet smell of the nature and pleasant sound of the nature and the convenience of the city .

  28. 并对影响城市职能(性质)的基本因素作初步分析。

    And it initially analyzes the basic factors which affect cities'functions .

  29. 城市用地性质的差异对城市热岛也有不同程度的影响。

    The differences of urban land also have effects on the UHI .

  30. 东北经济区城市职能(性质)的研究

    The study of functional classification of cities in Northeast China