
chénɡ duì rén
  • acceptor
  1. 电子商业汇票的付款人为承兑人。

    The payer of an ECD shall be the acceptor .

  2. 浅议承兑人在追索权法律关系中的地位

    On Acceptor 's Status In Legal Relation Of The Right Of Recourse

  3. 第九讲外贸函电(七)支付论承兑人付款责任的特点

    On the Characteristics of Making Payment Responsibility of Acceptor

  4. 但是,承兑人或者付款人仍应当对持票人承担责任。

    However , the acceptor or the payer shall still remain liable to the bearer .

  5. 除非汇票乃交回承兑人,否则该放弃事,必须以书面申明。

    The renunciation must be in writing , unless the bill is delivered up to the acceptor .

  6. 在引用此类条文时,可把本票之出票人看作汇票之承兑人;

    In reference to these provisions , it can draw cashier 's drafts of the drawer as the acceptor ;

  7. 凡汇票由付款人或承兑人,或由其代表人付款后,即告解除。

    A bill is discharged by payment in due course by or on behalf of the drawee or acceptor .

  8. 参加承兑人对持票人和被参加承兑人之所有后手当事人负有责任。

    The acceptor of the holder to participate in and be the acceptor for honor of all the parties responsible for flac .

  9. 承兑涂销是指付款人(承兑人)在已承兑的汇票上将其记载的承兑予以消除的票据行为。

    Modification of acceptance of bill denotes acts on instruments that payers ( acceptors ) did-write and sign on the bills and eliminate her writings afterwards .

  10. 以承兑人及在此以前该票之所有当事人而言,执票人享有该适时执票人所享之一切权利。

    He has all the rights of that holder in due course as regards the acceptor and all parties to the bill prior to that holder .

  11. 凡汇票执票人于到期日或到期日后绝对及无条件放弃其向承兑人执行之权利者,该票即告解除。

    When the holder of a bill at or after its maturity absolutely and unconditionally renounces his rights against the acceptor , the bill is discharged .

  12. 信誉承兑人须对执票人及被维护信誉之当事人以后所有当事人负责。

    The acceptor for honour is liable to the holder and to all parties to the bill subsequent to the party for whose honour he has accepted .

  13. 如汇票持票人在到期日或到期日后,绝对地和无条件地放弃其对承兑人之权利,汇票责任即告解除。

    If the bill holder after the due date or maturity , absolute and unconditional right to give up its right acceptor , bill of exchange liability to be lifted .

  14. 附条件者,即承兑人视汇票所载条件之履行而付款;第20条具体承诺减让表

    " conditional , that is to say , which makes payment by the acceptor dependent on the fulfilment of a condition therein stated ," Article XX Schedules of Specific Commitments

  15. 承兑人或者付款人被依法宣告破产的或者因违法被责令终止业务活动的。

    In cases when the acceptor or the payer has been declared bankrupt according to the law or has been ordered to cease business activities due to their violations of the law .

  16. 如受票人签署汇票表示承兑,就变成了承兑人,汇票到期时负责兑付。

    If the drawee accepts the bill , by writing on it and signing , he becomes the acceptor and therefore is primarily liable to pay the bill when it becomes due .

  17. 如汇票上的签名由出票人或承兑人以外的其他人作出,此人即对正当持票人负背书人之责。

    If the signature on the bill by the drawer or acceptor other than the person that this person that is the legitimate holder of the person responsible for a negative endorsement .

  18. 持票人提示承兑或者提示付款被拒绝的,承兑人或者付款人必须出具拒绝证明,或者出具退票理由书。

    Where the presentment for acceptance or the presentment for payment by the holder is rejected , the acceptor or the drawee must provide proof of dishonor or a statement on reasons for dishonor .

  19. 持票人未按照前款规定期限提示付款的,在作出说明后,承兑人或者付款人仍应当继续对持票人承担付款责任。

    Where the holder fails to present the bill for payment within the prescribed period , the acceptor or drawee shall remain liable for the payment of the bill after the holder explains the situation .

  20. 如汇票在一合适的地点提示,经过合理之努力后仍未能找到被授权付款或拒绝付款的人,则无需再向付款人或承兑人提示。

    If money order at a suitable location for tips , after reasonable efforts so far could not find the authorized payment or refusal to pay the person , no further prompt payer or acceptor .

  21. 承兑人或者付款人因违法被责令终止业务活动的,有关行政主管部门的处罚决定具有拒绝证明的效力。

    Where an acceptor or a drawee is ordered to stop business activities for violation of law , the decision on punishment made by a competent administrative department shall have the effect as proof of dishonor .

  22. 如汇票非作为出票人、承兑人或背书人签名之当事人所占有,在有相反证明之前,应推定为由该人有效和无条件交付。

    If the bill as a non-drawer , acceptor or indorser signature of the party 's share has , until the contrary is proved , be presumed that the person on grounds of effective and unconditional delivery .

  23. 在任何其他情况下,如能找到付款人或承兑人,则向彼等提示,或在其最后为人所知的营业处所或居住地提示。

    In any other case , if the payor or acceptor can be found , then to make the best of their tips , or at his last known place of business premises or place of residence tips .

  24. 如信誉承兑人不兑现汇票,则须作该承兑人拒绝付款证书。法院的执达吏快要把人家告发我的拒绝付款状给我送来了。

    " When a bill is dishonoured by the acceptor for honour , it must be protested for non-payment by him . " Do you know that I should have had a bailiff and a protest after me ?

  25. 如汇票不再由签名之发票人、承兑人或背书人占有,除能提出反证外,可推定其已作有效及无条件之交付。

    Where a bill is no longer in the possession of a party who has signed it as drawer , acceptor , or indorser , a valid and unconditional delivery by him is presumed until the contrary is proved .

  26. 利益返还请求权是票据法在持票人票据权利消灭后,为实现持票人与出票人或承兑人之间的利益平衡而规定的一种补救措施。

    The claim of the return of the voucher benefit is a remedial measure stipulated by the voucher law to achieve the benefit equilibrium among the voucher holder , the voucher provider or the voucher acceptor since the invalidity of the voucher holder 's privilege on voucher .