
chénɡ zhònɡ qiánɡ
  • load-bearing wall
  1. 采用预应力技术抽除承重墙改造房屋的应用

    Application of Prestress Technology to Retrofit Building by Removing Load-bearing Wall

  2. 砖混结构承重墙改建施工应用

    Reconstruction of load-bearing wall with masonry structure

  3. 本文介绍一种用现场预制的折叠式V形钢筋混凝土折板作为承重墙和屋盖的单层工业厂房结构体系。

    This paper describes the design of a single span one-story factory building , in which the reinforced concrete precast in-situ V-shaped folded plates were used for roofs and walls .

  4. ALC板内隔非承重墙安装技术

    Installation technology of ALC board non-load-bearing partition walls

  5. 厚1m、深36m的地下连续墙一墙二用,既作基坑开挖的挡土与防渗墙,又作结构承重墙。

    1m thick and 3.6m deep underground continuous wall is used as both retaining & water-penetration resistance wall and load bearing structure wall .

  6. 就算它是承重墙,肯定有解决的办法。

    Even if it 's load-bearing , there must be solutions .

  7. 承重墙拆除改造的设计

    The Design of Tearing Down and Rebuilding the Main Wall

  8. 双排孔封底砌块承重墙片抗震性能试验研究

    Experimental Study on Anti-Seismic Behavior of Two-Row-Hole Sealing Concrete Block Bearing Wall

  9. 承重墙顶部的圈梁需加固。

    The girth on top of the wall is reinforced .

  10. 高层建筑非承重墙选用探讨

    Discussion on Selection of Non-bearing Walls of High-rise Buildings

  11. 砖混建筑物承重墙爆破拆除预处理计算机模拟及优化设计

    Blasting pretreatment of bearing wall of bricky buildings calculation simulation and optimum desing

  12. 在役历史建筑砌体承重墙抗震性能试验研究

    Experimental investigation on seismic behaviors of load-bearing masonry walls in in-service historical architecture

  13. 预应力内框架托换多层砌体结构承重墙技术

    Supporting Transform Technic with Prestressed Frame for Bearing Wall of Multi-storey Masonry Structure

  14. 带裂缝水箱承重墙的弹塑性分析

    Elasto-plastic analysis of the brick wall with cracks bearing weight of water box

  15. 夹持法拆除底层承重墙应用与测试

    Application and Measure of Holding Method for Removing Bearing Brick Wall on First Floor

  16. 砖混结构顶层承重墙裂缝引起的思考

    A Reflection on the Cracking in the Top Bearing Wall of a Brick-Masonry Structure

  17. 对承重墙和框架在差异沉降下的附加内力分布进行了研究。

    The contribution of additional inner forces of bearing walls and frames are studied .

  18. 砖混结构承重墙的带翼矩形框开洞改造

    The OPEN-RECONSTRUCTION of bearing wall for brick-concrete building by installing rectangular frame with wing

  19. 他们去掉了一堵非承重墙。

    They took out a nonbearing wall .

  20. 那可是承重墙。

    That 's a bearing wall .

  21. 砖混结构建筑物拆除承重墙,需进行墙体托换的加固设计。

    Underpinning beam should be designed before the bearing wall removed in brick wall load structure .

  22. 砖混住宅多孔砖承重墙原位单砖双剪试验研究

    Study to the Experiment of Double Shear at Orignal Place in Multiple Hole Brick Weight-Bearing Wall

  23. 一个例外是中空板在两个垂直承重墙和地板的使用。

    One exception is the use of hollowcore planks for both vertical load bearing walls and floors .

  24. 装在墙面上的灭火箱承重墙有两种建造方式:圬工墙和镶面墙。

    Surface-mounted extinguisher cabinet The two ways that load-bearing walls are made are masonry walls and veneered walls .

  25. 承重墙有两种建造方式:圬工墙和镶面墙。

    Composed panel roof and siding The two ways that load-bearing walls are made are masonry walls and veneered walls .

  26. 图1是承重墙下面素混凝土基础的示意图,图2为独立柱下的钢筋混凝土基础的示意图。

    Fig. 1 shows a plain concrete foundation to main walling and fig. 2 a reinforced concrete foundation to an isolated pier .

  27. 在复杂环境下,利用外部接触爆破成功地拆除一空心水泥砖承重墙结构的五层楼房。

    In complicated surrounding conditions , a five storeyed building with hollow concrete brick walls was successfully demolished by way of outside contact blasting .

  28. 罗马式教堂延续不变的厚重桶形穹顶,需要加强承重墙以躲避向外的侧向推力。

    ROMANESQUE_VAULTING_DESC ; Romanesque churches sustained massive barrel vaults , requiring the reinforcement of the load-bearing walls in order to parry the lateral outward thrust .

  29. 不仅可以用于非承重墙,较高强度等级的砌块也可用于多层甚至高层建筑的承重墙。

    Not only can be used in non-load-bearing walls , a higher intensity level block can also be used for load-bearing walls of multi-storey buildings .

  30. 外承重墙可以用于3至4层高的建筑物。但是,3、4层以上高度的建筑物通常采用骨架结构。

    For buildings three or four storeys high , exterior bearing walls may be used , but above that height skeleton construction is usually adopted .