
  1. 论文利用调研数据,以结构方程建模(SEM)技术对研究模型和假说进行验证。主要研究结果包括:(1)以承诺-信任关系营销为基础的顾客忠诚模型。

    The research model and hypotheses are empirically tested using SEM technology and finds that : ( 1 ) the final customer loyalty model based on commitment-trust relationship ;

  2. 首先,本文通过整理相关文献得到影响移动通讯企业顾客忠诚的四个主要变量:顾客满意度、情感承诺、延续承诺与企业营销活动,并由此提出关于中国移动通讯市场顾客忠诚的一个模型。

    First , after reviewing related references , the paper chooses customer loyalty , customer satisfaction , affective commitment , continuance commitment , various marketing activities used by the operators as the main construct .