
  • 网络Vertical City
  1. 垂直城市&上海摩天楼的发展历程及现象解读

    Vertical City : Interpretation of Process and Phenomenon of Skyscrapers in Shanghai

  2. 垂直城市&高层住宅的过去、现在与未来

    Vertical City & The Past , Present and Future of High-rise Dwellings

  3. 小面积的垂直城市菜园很流行

    Highly prevalent small space and vertical urban gardens .

  4. 截至20世纪50年代,关于垂直城市的现代主义理念得到了实现,公共空间开始恶化。

    By the 1950s , modernist ideas of the vertical city were being realised and public spaces began to deteriorate .

  5. 中标规划方案中这些用地中的建筑形式为高层的“垂直城市”,其高度和形式是否已经明确?

    Has the height and form of the buildings of the bid-winning planning proposal , the vertical city , been fixed already ?

  6. 有时候被叫做“垂直的城市”的重庆,是中国高速发展的一个例子。

    Chongqing , which is sometimes called " the Vertical City ," is an example of Chinese high-rise sprawl .

  7. 垂直绿化在城市绿化中的现状及应用策略

    Present conditions and applying measures of vertical greening used in cities

  8. 雄安新区是5G技术和垂直应用的试验城市,目的是为了促进5G技术在全国的商业化。

    The Xiongan New Area is the test field for 5G technology and vertical applications with the aim of promoting the national commercialization of 5G technology .

  9. 垂直绿化&拓宽城市绿化空间的有效途径

    Vertical Greening & An Effective Way to Extend Urban Greening Space

  10. 土地垂直复合利用是城市土地节约集约利用的重要内容。

    Vertical and compound land use is an important part of Intensive Utilization of urban land .

  11. 垂直农场是指城市中的大规模农业生产,或是摩天大楼里的农场。

    Vertical farm is the large-scale agricultural production in city , or the farm in the skyscrapers .

  12. 在全球价值链片段化、生产服务体系垂直分离、世界城市网络多层极化和区域经济一体化等全球化大背景下,金融服务业快速向发达国家或一国经济发达的城市集聚。

    Financial services industry are agglomerating more rapidly under the background of fragmentation of global value chain , multi-layer polarization of world city network and the integration of regional economy .

  13. 充分利用攀援植物进行垂直绿化是增加城市绿地面积,美化空间、隔音防尘、降温增湿、改良气候、是保持城市生态平衡的重要途径。

    At the same time take full advantage of vertical climbing plants is to increase the greening of urban green space area , landscaping Space , noise dust , cooling and humidification , improved climate , is an important way to maintain the urban ecological balance .

  14. 垂直农业可以高效利用城市土地和城市垂直空间,借助城市中资金和技术的优势,资源化处理城市有机废水废物并生产农产品。

    Vertical farming uses urban land , vertical space of city , city funds and technical advantages , and resources urban organic waste to provide farming products .