
  • restaurant building
  1. 高校餐饮建筑作为校园建筑中的重要类型,是学生日常使用频率极高的校园建筑之一。

    Dining Hall is used extremely frequently by students as one of important types of buildings in the campus .

  2. 理论的研究和建构主要是分析影响高校餐饮建筑设计的外因-高校校园规划发展,影响高校餐饮建筑设计的内因-高校后勤社会化,进而探讨高校餐饮建筑规划和设计的发展趋势。

    The research and structure of theory is based on two factors , an external factor , the development of college campus planning ; and an internal factor , socialization of the logistics .

  3. 随着高校规划、单体建筑的蓬勃发展,高校餐饮建筑的功能逐渐向多元化、复合化发展,出现了集餐饮、娱乐、休闲、购物于一体的多功能的饮食服务中心并产生其相关变化。

    The functionality of Dining Hall gradually evolves to diversity and compound along with the vigorous development of academic space plans . The multifunctional diet service center comes out with the collection of dining , entertainment , leisure and shopping .

  4. 本文的研究结果可为置换通风方式在餐饮业厨房建筑中的应用提供了有益探索。

    The results of this paper are provided beneficial exploration for the using of displacement ventilation system in catering kitchen .

  5. 批评人士可能会表示,农业、餐饮业和建筑等行业依赖非法劳工。该法律草案还可能引发人们对于更多官僚行为的担忧。

    Critics are likely to say that sectors such as agriculture , catering and construction depend on the illegal workforce . The draft legislation could also prompt concerns about extra bureaucracy .

  6. 于是,有着优越环境条件的餐饮类园林建筑受到人们的关注,其周围旖旎的景色是市区中用地紧张的餐饮类建筑无法超越的。

    So , with favorable environmental conditions , food and beverage category by people concerned about landscape architecture , the scenery is around the charming city in the land of tension building unsurpassed dining category .

  7. 按照法国的新方案,营业额超过2.5亿元的企业在2012年和2013年将支付5%的额外税收,餐饮业和建筑装修行业的增值税率将从5.5%提高到7%(此项税率之前曾降低)。

    Companies with turnover above € 250m will pay an extra 5 per cent tax in 2012 and 2013 and the reduced value added tax rate for restaurants and building renovation will be raised from 5.5 per cent to 7 per cent .

  8. 本论文针对高校综合性餐饮服务中心的建筑设计与技术设计如何满足新的需求进行了研究。

    This thesis has carried on the research of the relevant problem to the synthetic diet service center of university from architectural design and technology of the building .

  9. 天印艺术会馆是一所私人投资的艺术会馆,用以展示投资者私人收藏的艺术品,举办艺术交流的会议与展览,提供与之配套的住宿及餐饮服务,总建筑面积达到15660m2。

    By private investment , Tianyin Art Assembly Hall is targeted to show the artworks owned privately , hold art exchanging meetings and exhibitions , provide corresponding accommodation and food service . Its gross building area is reached to 15 660 square meters .

  10. 本文在对城市公园餐饮服务设施进行全面调查的基础上,采用理论与餐饮实例相结合进行研究的方法,对城市综合性公园的餐饮服务设施建筑及其周边环境进行了系统的研究。

    Based on a general investigation on the restaurant service facilities in the urban Parks , with the research and example research method , I made a systematized research on the buildings and their surroundings .