
  • 网络Polis Economy
  1. 古希腊城邦经济研究

    A Research on the Polis Economy of the Ancient Greece

  2. 这就保障了城邦经济的高速发展,也迅速地增强了城邦的实力。

    The liberation guaranteed high speed economic development , and also rapidly strengthened the city-state .

  3. 宗教事务不仅对城邦经济产生影响,而且其本身也是具有一定的经济意义。

    Not only religious affair made an effect on the economy of the city-states , but also it was in itself a work with the economical meaning .

  4. 希腊城邦社会经济性质简析

    Analysis of the Economic Characteristics of Greek City-states

  5. 从量的角度看,雅典国家的农业在城邦社会经济生活中不据支配地位,难以维持城邦社会的生存和发展。

    Therefore , in terms of quantity , the Athenian agriculture did not possess dominant position in the economic life of the city state society and failed to keep the subsistence and development of the city society .

  6. 本文通过对古典时期雅典城市的对外贸易、国内贸易和金融业等商业经济的论述,说明古典时期以雅典城市为支点的商业经济的发展相对突出,雅典城市乃城邦商业经济的中心。

    Based on discussions of the foreign trade , domestic trade and finance of Athens in the classical age , the article puts forward that Athens city was outstanding for its commerce and was a commercial center of the city-states .

  7. 将部落联邦与城市城邦制度的经济基础作对比。

    B contrast the economic base of the city governent with that of the tribal confederacies .

  8. 从雅典国家的农业看城邦社会的经济特征&兼与农业特征论者商榷雅典的政制和拉栖带梦人的国家

    On the Economic Features of the City-state Society in the Light of the Agriculture in the State of Athens

  9. 作为一种特定的宗教文化现象,狄奥尼索斯崇拜显示了它与古希腊城邦政治、经济、文化等方方面面千丝万缕的联系,表达了人们思想意识、情感观念所发生的变化。

    Therefore , as a kind of cultural phenomenon , the cult of Dionysus reflects its relationship with the political , cultural and economical elements in ancient Greece .

  10. 希腊城邦社会就其经济性质而言是一种农业社会,而非工商业社会。

    As far as its economic essence is concerned , the Greek city-states were an agricultural society rather than an industrial or commercial one .