
  1. 城市利益群体新旧观念的碰撞

    The Collision of New and Old Ideas in Urban Interest Groups

  2. 大城市利益博弈的人口空间响应研究&以上海市为例

    Changing Population Spatial Pattern of Metropolitan Cities as Response to Interests Gaming & A Case Study of Shanghai

  3. 一种均衡的利益集团格局,不仅有利于农村集团,并且有利于整个社会经济持久健康发展,最终有利于城市利益集团。

    Reaching an equilibrium power structure is not only good to rural group , but also good to the whole society , including the city group .

  4. 劳动力市场城乡间分割,在改革之前是政府推行重工业优先发展战略的需要,在改革以来则是受到城市利益集团的影响而得以维持。

    Labor market segregation between urban and rural areas was the product of governmental development strategy giving priority to heavy industry , and is sustained for the protection urban residents ' job security .

  5. 改革以后,城乡差距的周期性变化则主要导源于城市利益集团的压力以及传统经济体制遗留的制度障碍。

    Since the initiation of the reform , cyclical fluctuations in the income gap have resulted because of pressure from interest groups in the cities , and institutional obstacles left over from the traditional economic system .

  6. 转型期城市社区利益博弈的原因探析

    Analyze the Reason of Urban Community Benefit Gambling

  7. 第二章从界定城市治理利益相关主体入手简述了城市治理主体的类型,着重分析了它们之间合作博弈与改善城市治理之间的关系;

    The second chapter determines the participants of city governance and analyzes emphatically their relationship .

  8. 城市社区利益表达机制是研究城市社区建设发展的重要方面,如何更好地发挥社区作用,完善利益表达机制是不可忽略的一个重要议题。

    The urban community interests expression mechanism is an important aspect of the study on urban community construction development . How to play a role of community better .

  9. 城市公共利益与工业园区规划方法探索&以上饶市高新区控制性详细规划为例

    An Investigation into the Urban Public Interest and the Suzhou Industrial Park Area Plan Method & A Case Study on Shangrao High and New Technological Development Zone Control Detailed Plan

  10. 从城市整体利益出发,对居住区规划方案进行综合评价将有利于解决与改善这些问题,进而协调不同主体之间的矛盾,塑造具有城市地方特色的居住区空间结构。

    Starting from the urban overall benefit , evaluating residential district planning synthetically will be beneficial to solve and improve these problems , then coordinate contradictions among different main bodies , mold residential district spatial structure with local characteristics .

  11. 本文按照回顾总结分析解决的思路展开论述,正文共包括五个部分:一、政府整合能力的理论分析:二、城市农民工利益诉求的变化;

    According to the thinking of retrospect-summary-analysis-solution , the text includes five parts altogether : First , theory of government integration capability . Second , changes that the interests demand of the rural worker in the process of flowing employment in city ;

  12. 福冈市长高岛宗一郎(TakashimaSoichiro)表示,这些邮轮的一大好处,就是可以运来大批“购物狂”,为他的城市带来巨额利益。

    The great benefit of the cruise ships , says Fukuoka 's mayor , Takashima Soichiro , is that they can deliver the lucrative " shopping bomb " exploding in his city .

  13. 通过对现状进行分析,得出了产生问题的根本原因是城市政府的利益驱动。

    The thesis analyses reasons of producing government interests-driven system .

  14. 阶级政治与单位政治&城市社会的利益组织化结构和社会参与

    Class Politics and Unit Politics : Organization and Participation in Urban Society

  15. 城市建设征地利益冲突问题的研究

    The Study on Conflict of Interests in Land Expropriation for City Construction

  16. 城市集团的利益刚性与农村剩余劳动力转移

    Interest Rigidity of the Urban Group and the Transfer of Rural Surplus Labor

  17. 城市拆迁中利益关系分析及政府角色定位

    Analysis of Confliction and Role of the Government in Reconstruction of the City

  18. 城市规划的利益冲突与制衡

    Benefit Conflict and Balance in the Urban Planning

  19. 从一座繁荣城市自身的利益出发,这也不是它应该采取的态度。

    Nor , for its own good , is it the attitude that a thriving city ought to adopt .

  20. 本文认为,城市集团的利益刚性的存在是导致当前农村剩余劳动力转移滞后的根本原因。

    It is put forward that the existence of the interest rigidity of the urban group hold up the transfer of rural surplus labor .

  21. 但是,这些相关的政府非但没有大肆庆祝,反而开始匆忙阻止本国农民受益过多、损害城市消费者的利益。

    But the governments involved , rather than celebrating , are scrambling to stop their farmers benefiting too much at the expense of their urban consumers .

  22. 因为,高房价不仅触及到每一个城市居民根本利益,也成了国家金融安全的隐患、中国城市化进程及经济生产方式转变的最大障碍。

    Soaring home prices have not only hurt Chinese urban residents , but have posed a prominent threat to the country 's financial stability and security .

  23. 但迄今为止,鲜有文献研究长三角城市群的利益均衡机制,及如何调解利益分配矛盾、缓解城市间的冲突,促进深度一体化。

    However , there are few literatures about equilibrium of interests and how to mediate the distribution and conflicts of interests of Megalopolis in Yangtze River Delta until now .

  24. 另一方面,住改商侵害了小区居民、商业地产和城市的公共利益,必须予以取缔。

    On the other hand , it has violated public interests of the residents of the residential areas , the commercial property and the city , which requires its banning .

  25. 针对现有的国内外研究成果在解释现阶段我国农村剩余劳动力转移滞后的原因方面的局限性,本文引入利益集团理论,从城市集团的利益刚性角度解释我国农村剩余劳动力转移滞后的现实原因。

    Because of the limitation of existent explanation , this paper introduces the theory of interest group and tries to explain the realistic reason that the transfer of rural surplus labor of our country lags behind in terms of interest rigidity of the urban group .

  26. 城市轨道交通开发利益影响范围研究

    Study of Impact of Urban Rail Transit Development on Surrounding Areas

  27. 城市轨道交通开发利益还原方法的基础研究

    Fundamental study on return method of development benefits for urban rail transit

  28. 城市拆迁中的利益冲突及其调整

    Explore on the Interest Conflict and Adjustment of Urban Demolition

  29. 论城市拆迁中社会利益和经济利益的博弈

    On the Game Between Social Benefits and Economic Benefits in City Demolition

  30. 城市建设管理中利益协调的制度平台设计探索

    Study on the Institutional Platform Design for Interests Coordination Mechanism in Urban Construction Management