
  • 网络mystery;MYSTERY AFFAIR
  1. 和影迷们所望的情节一样,像第一季中连续的神秘事件和更长的故事交叉的Moriarty的传奇故事将会在第二季继续。

    And fans should expect the mix of episodic mysteries and longer arcs like Season 1 's Moriarty saga to continue into Season 2 .

  2. 供需关系解决了世界上从出租控制到道路拥塞等无数神秘事件。

    Supply-and-demand solves countless mysteries of the world-everything from rent control to road congestion .

  3. 这一神秘事件是今天CNN学生新闻所重点关注的。

    That mystery leads of today 's edition of CNN STUDENT NEWS .

  4. 警方表示,他们对这桩神秘事件仍束手无策。

    Police said they were no closer to solving the mystery .

  5. 他发现解开那椿神秘事件的线索。

    He found a clue to solve the mysterious affair .

  6. 警方急切地想弄清这一神秘事件的真相。

    The police are eager to get to the bottom of this mystery .

  7. 他得到神秘事件的消息。

    He got a line on the mysterious event .

  8. 来揭开这些神秘事件的真相。

    To uncover the meaning of these mysterious events .

  9. 很多神秘事件都可以解释为跟外星人有关。

    Some mysterious affairs could be explained as aliens-related .

  10. 传奇的故事:讲述英雄和不寻常的或神秘事件的长篇虚构故事。

    A long , fictitious tale of heroes and extraordinary or mysterious events .

  11. 我们就叫这作一号神秘事件吧。

    Let 's call that mystery number one .

  12. 寒武纪大爆炸是史上最神秘事件之一。

    ONE of the greatest mysteries of the history of life is the Cambrian explosion .

  13. 我觉得这其中会有很多的故事可讲&现在这已经成了一个神秘事件了。

    I think there are many stories to tell - this is a piece of mythology now .

  14. 从古至今,世上有些神秘事件已经被解开,有些则不然。

    Throughout history , some mysteries about our world have been solved , while others have not .

  15. 这位男子乃赶快向当地官府报告要求调查这个神秘事件。

    The man quickly reported the event to the local government asking them to investigate the mysterious case .

  16. 本月份,国家地理频道《历史奇案》,将一探罗斯威尔及其它重大的神秘事件。

    This month , National Geographic Channel looks at Roswell and other great mysteries on History 's Secret .

  17. 几千年来,对于所有神秘事件的原因都有很多种解释。

    Many explanations have been offered to account for all the mysterious happenings during the many thousands of years .

  18. 对于无关自己的神秘事件,人们只会保持一个星期的关注。

    People only worry about the uncanny for about a week ; that 's the end of their attention span .

  19. 这说明使加尔布雷斯的小说值得一读的是故事中的角色,而非神秘事件。

    It proves that it 's the characters , not the mystery , that make the Galbraith novels worth reading .

  20. 在您离去之前,您能解释得了我们在此经历的种种神秘事件吗?

    ' Before you return , will you be able to explain the mysteries that we 've experienced here ? '

  21. 这架马来西亚航班客机的失踪是现代航空史上最令人不解的神秘事件之一。

    The disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines plane is one of the most baffling mysteries in the history of modern aviation .

  22. 每一个名副其实的调查者都假设了很多理论,试图令人满意地解释在百慕大三角发生的神秘事件。

    Every investigator worth his salt has postulated a number of theories that attempt to satisfactorily explain the mysterious happenings at the Bermuda triangle .

  23. 和舒适推理小说不同的是,硬汉小说没有特别注重于作为线索的逻辑迷题的神秘事件。

    Hardboiled novels are different from " cosies " in that they are not so focused on the mystery as a logic puzzle of clues .

  24. 理解其意大意如下:伦敦塔也是伦敦最著名的一起神秘事件的发生地,这事件被称为王子在伦敦塔之谜。

    The Tower was also the scene of one of London 's most famous mysteries , known as the mystery of the Princes in the Tower .

  25. 目击者称,天花板的一部分在假日话剧《深夜小狗神秘事件》上演时掉落。

    Witnesses say there appears that a portion of theater ceiling getaway during the performance of a holiday show , The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime .

  26. 将不会满意典型科学家提供的唯物论参数理性解释,解释所有数千年过程期间在百慕大三角发生的神秘事件。

    No rational explanation that will satisfy the materialistic parameters of the typical scientist has ` been offered that would account for all the mysterious happenings that have taken place in the Bermuda Triangle during the course of many thousands of years .

  27. 我们必须加卜努力来澄清这一神秘的事件。

    We must multiply our efforts to clear the mystery .

  28. 并涉及那件神秘的事件。

    And that they are involved in the occult .

  29. 这些神秘的事件全被才智出众的奥古斯特?杜平破解了。

    These mysteries were solved by the fiercely intelligent parisian , Auguste dupin .

  30. 此次失联是航空史上最神秘的事件之一,它开启了有史以来最大规模的搜寻工作。

    The incident is among the greatest mysteries in aviation history and has prompted the largest ever search effort .