
  • 网络matrix effect;body effect
  1. 端视ICP中基体效应的研究

    Study on Matrix Effects in Axially Viewed Inductively Coupled Plasma

  2. 定量AES分析中基体效应的迭代修正法

    Iterative Correction of Matrix Effects in Quantitative AES Analysis

  3. 用于便携式X射线荧光仪的基体效应散射校正模型

    A model for correcting matrix effect on portable X-ray fluorescence analyzer

  4. 克服基体效应的影响是X辐射取样技术中的关键问题。

    Overcoming matrix effect is a key problem in XRF .

  5. X射线荧光分析中基体效应的数学校正一例

    An example of mathematical correction for matrix effect of X-ray fluorescent analysis

  6. 双源散射法校正X射线荧光分析中的基体效应

    The double source Compton scattering method for matrix correction in X-ray fluorescence analysis

  7. 核地球物理X辐射取样中克服基体效应的研究

    Study on overcome matrix effect in nuclear geophysics XRF

  8. 一种改进的X荧光分析基体效应校正方法及软件实现

    The application and its software of an improved method to correct matrix effect in XRF

  9. 在能量色散X荧光谱分析中,使用罗兹方程法校正基体效应,存在一定的局限性。

    There are some limitations to the correction of the matrix effect with Rhodes equation in XRF .

  10. 新型固态检测器端视ICP-AES中Ca、Mg基体效应的研究

    Matrix Effects from Calcium and Magnesium in an Axially Viewed ICP Atomic Emission Spectrometer

  11. 论述了用同位素源X射线荧光法测量栾川钼矿的研究和结果,提出了用特散比法校正X射线荧光分析中的基体效应。

    The research and results for measuring molybdenum mine in Luanchuan by isotope x-ray fluorescence method were reviewed .

  12. 在能量色散X射线荧光分析中,用实验方法直接测定样品的吸收系数,进行基体效应的校正是一类行之有效的方法。

    It is an available method to determine directly the absorption coefficient of sample with the matrix effect correction .

  13. 本文研究了X射线荧光光谱仪所用电解质标样的制作方法,探讨了切合实际的制作工艺,减少了基体效应和粒度效应对光谱分析所造成的影响。

    This paper studies the method of making electrolyte standard sample for the X-ray fluorescent spectrometer , and discuss the feasible process .

  14. 高钼材料的ICP-AES分析和基体效应研究

    ICP-AES of high molybdenum analysis and matrix effect researches

  15. 选用Rh作内标元素校正基体效应和信号漂移。

    Rh as internal standard element was used to compensate matrix effect and signal drift .

  16. 现场X射线荧光分析的主要影响因素是基体效应、湿度效应和不平度效应等。

    In situ X ray fluorescence analysis may be subjected to some interference factors , such as matrix effect , humidity and unevenness effect .

  17. 基体效应校正是X射线荧光分析方法中关键的一环,在很大程度上决定了测量数据的准确度。

    Correction of matrix effect is a key part of XRF and , to a great extent , determines the accuracy of surveying data .

  18. 在放射性同位素X射线荧光分析技术中,平衡辐射体装置是解决基体效应和邻近元素干扰的一种有效方法。

    The balanced radiator assembly is an efficient means by which the effects of matrix and neighbouring elements can be overcome in radioisotope X-ray fluorescence analysis technique .

  19. 微分道校正法是对放射性同位素x荧光分析中基体效应误差的一种新校正法。

    A new method , using the differential channel and developed for correcting the errors caused by the matrix effect in radioisotope x-ray fluorescent analysis , is described .

  20. 在X射线荧光分析过程中,由于分析样品中元素的母质来源及形成条件不同,存在明显的吸收增强-基体效应。

    In XRF analysis process , the absorption intensification-matrix effect obviously exist , for the source and formation conditions of the analysed elements ' parent materials are different .

  21. 考察了基体效应对测定元素的干扰影响,通过铋基体元素的分离和以Sc、In、Eu作为内标,有效克服了干扰现象。

    Using Sc , In and Eu as internal standard , the interference due to the effects of matrix could be corrected efficiently .

  22. 白铜合金中主量元素之间基体效应与XRF光谱分析方法的研究

    Study on major elements matrix effect and its X-ray fluorescence spectrometry in white copper alloy

  23. 一种用于研究ICP-MS中基体效应的新方法&逐级稀释法

    Stepwise Dilution Method & A New Method Used to Study the Matrix Effect in ICP-MS

  24. 本文论述了X荧光光谱测定高铬钢和不锈钢的分析方法,用理论α系数校正基体效应和用谱线干扰系数L校正谱线重叠影响。

    The method to determine the high chromium steel and stainless steel by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is presented .

  25. 对放射性同位素源X荧光测井技术的井液效应、并壁不平度效应和基体效应分别提出了实用的校正技术。

    The basic principle of radioisotope X-ray fluorescence logging technique has been described . Some practical methods for correcting unevenness effects , drilling fluid effects and matrix effects are presented .

  26. 本项研究工作解决了放射性同位素源X射线荧光分析技术中,使用闪烁测探器的便携式X射线荧光仪不需要装卸更换滤片快速测量几个待测元素的强度,并且进行基体效应校正的问题。

    In fluorescent X-ray analysis using series of balance filters can not only correct the matrix effect but also solve some problems arising in measuring some elements with the portable instrument .

  27. 用于研究ICP-MS中基体效应的逐级稀释法

    Diluted Chinese Style THE DILUTION REFRIGERATOR Stepwise Dilution Method for the Study of Matrix Effects in ICP-MS

  28. 借助内标法校正由基体效应引起的系统误差,加入内标元素Sc、In和Tl分别修正质量数在100以下、100~180和180以上的元素测定,获得满意的结果。

    The matrix suppression effects were corrected in determination with satisfactory results by adding the internal standard elements Sc , In and Tl.

  29. 利用这一函数关系,很容易在单道携带式放射性同位素X射线荧光分析仪上实现特散比法改善基体效应。

    The hyperbola function relationship enables us to improve the matrix effect easily by using the method of " characteristic / scattering ratio " with a portable radioisotope X-ray fluorescence single channel analyzer .

  30. 用逐级稀释法研究了ICP-MS测定痕量稀土时的基体效应,并将该法对高纯稀土、土壤和生物等样品的实验结果与常用的加入基体法的结果进行了比较。

    A new method of stepwise dilution was proposed to study the matrix effects in the determination of REEs by ICP-MS.