
jī chuáng
  • foundation bed
基床 [jī chuáng]
  • [foundation bed] 直接位于房屋基础之下的土层;承载土

基床[jī chuáng]
  1. 通过秦沈客运专线A4标路基土方的施工,从施工角度对于路基本体及基床表层的填筑工艺进行了分析和总结。

    Based on the A4 sign subgrade earthwork 's construction of the Qin Shen special passenger transport line , the author has a analysis and summary of the filling technology of the subgrade body and foundation bed surface from the construction angle .

  2. 高速铁路基床病害研究

    Study on the Defect of Foundation Bed of Express Railway

  3. 基床系数K值对船坞底板设计厚度的影响研究

    Influence of Coefficient of Subgrade Reaction ( k ) on Thickness of A Dock Bottom Plate

  4. 通过试验研究,在合理的改良剂掺量下,对C、D类路基填料进行改良可以满足路基基床及路堤部分填料要求。

    Through trials , it is feasibility and rationality that C , D stuffing improved satisfy with stuffing of roadbed or part under it .

  5. E(vd)动态平板载荷试验检测既有线基床质量

    Testing the Quality of Existing Foundation Bed with Evd Dynamic Plate Load Tester

  6. 文中分别采用了试验、规范和经验等方法获取了基床系数K,并对这些方法进行了对比研究。

    Respectively using test , specification and experience method to obtain the coefficient K of subgrade and comparing these methods .

  7. 本文介绍了广东沙角C电厂煤码头抛石基床超载预压的施工工艺及其实际效果。

    The construction technology and practical effect of overloading precompression engineering for rubble bed of the coal terminal of Guangdong Shajiao C Power Plant are introduced .

  8. 水泥粉煤灰(CFG)增强的路基基床材料实验室评价

    Laboratory Evaluation of Cement Reinforced and Cement-Flyash-Gravel ( CFG ) Reinforced Concrete Pavement Sections

  9. 在绝大多数基坑设计中,基床系数K是一个重要的参数,一般通过现场试验确定。

    While designing the retaining structure of foundation , the foundation modulus " K " is a very important parameter that is often decided on-the-spot test .

  10. 介绍了基床悬吊刮道GPS定位整平工艺在长江口深水航道治理工程中的应用情况,着重介绍了工作原理、施工准备、施工步骤、技术要求和特殊情况下的施工问题。

    The paper introduces the bed leveling technique with underwater rail suspended on barge and positioned by GPS in deep water channel regulation works at estuary of Yangtze River .

  11. 当H→0时,底部是光滑刚性支承约束与底部是完全位移约束取极限得到的文克勒地基基床系数是不同的。

    If the depth of foundation approaches to zero the limit values of the bedding coefficients for the Winkler foundation model obtained under smooth rigid supporting constraint and rigid constraint are different .

  12. 时速200km铁路路基基床表层施工技术

    Construction Technology for the Sub-grade Top Layer for 200 km / h High-Speed Railways

  13. 地质勘察时,宜根据沉降计算的需要,提供地基土的e~p曲线和持力层的基床系数,并提供桩、土直剪摩擦试验结果。

    The engineering geological exploration document should provide the e-p curves of soil , the subgrade coefficient of bearing stratum and the results of direct shear test between the pile and the soil according to the request of settlement calculation .

  14. 本文针对不符合高速铁路基床底层和高速铁路基床以下路堤填筑的C组细砂填料进行了物理改良研究,现场填筑结果表明改良填料达到设计要求,改良取得了理想的效果。

    This paper studies on physical improvement of C group fine sand , which is not qualified for the constructions of high-speed railway subgrade and embankment . Results of improved filler field filling experiment show that the improvement achieved the desired effect .

  15. 提出采用钢渣与碎石道碴整合、AC砂、注浆技术等措施,整治重载铁路基床病害。

    And puts forward a plan for treatment on the disease of the road bed of the heavy load bearing rail way involving usage of steel slag and debris blended materials for road laying purpose and implementation of AC sand grouting technology .

  16. 基于Melan解的水平基床系数分析方法及工程运用

    Analytical method and engineering application of horizontal coefficients of subgrade reaction based on Melan 's solution

  17. 介绍了全风化及强风化软岩岩块作为高速铁路路堤的室内模型试验研究,得出了模型路堤基床系数K30、变形模量Ev1和变形系数Ev2等物理力学材料参数。

    The indoor model experimental study on the physico-mechanical properties of pavement with weathered gravelly sands and argillite slate rock as the express railway embankment under quasi-static cyclic loads is introduced .

  18. 土路基上,在相同条件下,基床表层厚度由400mm增加到700mm,各层应力变化很小。

    Under the same conditions , there are very low change of stress of each layer of the slab ballastless track when the thickness of top-layer of subgrade bed is increased from 400 mm to 700 mm on soil subgrade .

  19. 墩式码头基床布置的优化设计

    The optimum design of the layout of pile of breasting dolphin

  20. 淮南线膨胀土路基基床下沉病害的整治研究

    Treatment of the subgrade subsidence of swelling soil under Huainan line

  21. 抛石基床爆夯振动效应监测与分析

    Monitoring and analysis of vibration effects due to underwater explosive ramming

  22. 探地雷达在隧道基床病害探测中应用

    Application of Ground-probing Radar to Detect Disease in Tunnel Foundation Bed

  23. 高速铁路路基基床结构分析及设计方法

    Structural Analysis and Design Method for Subgrade Bed of High-speed Railway

  24. 步履式水下基床整平机及施工工艺的开发

    Development of Walking Underwater Bed Leveling Machine and Its Construction Technology

  25. 新旧码头接头段基床整平工艺探讨

    On Bed Leveling Technology for the Connecting Part of New-Old Wharves

  26. 重载铁路基床病害分析及整治铁路清道夫

    Treatment on disease in heavy load bearing road bed of railway

  27. 重力式码头抛石基床重锤夯实施工方法的探讨

    An Approach to Heavy Tamping Compaction Method of Gravity Wharf Rubble Bed

  28. 高速铁路基床表层级配碎石机械化摊铺施工

    Construction of unbound graded aggregate machinery paving of high-speed railway base bed

  29. 用扁板侧胀试验推求地基水平基床系数

    Subgrade Horizontal Coefficient Derived by the Test of Flat Dilatometer

  30. 水下爆破沉船清障抛石基床的水下爆夯密实方法

    Clearing Wrack by Underwater Blasting Underwater Blasting Tamping Method of Rubble Bed