
  1. 基因选择性表达是细胞适应环境变化的重要手段。

    Gene selective expression is an important strategy that cells utilize to adapt various environmental changes .

  2. 植物胚胎发生是指单细胞的受精卵经过一系列受控的细胞分裂和分化,发育为成熟的多细胞种胚的过程,也是一个基因有序的选择性表达调控的过程。

    Plant embryogenesis represents the critical transition from the single-celled fertilized egg to the mature and multicellular embryo by undergoing a series of controlled cell divisions and cell differentiation events . It is a process of gene expression and regulation with order and alternation .

  3. 降钙素和降钙素基因相关肽的选择性表达

    Alternative Expression of Calcitonin and Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide

  4. 文章对该基因的结构和选择性表达调控进行了综述。

    The regulation of alternative expression determines the growth , sexual differentiation and evolution in multicellular animals .

  5. 而在脑胶质细胞瘤治疗方面:神经元对rAAV的亲和能力比胶质细胞强,因此对于毒性基因治疗胶质细胞肿瘤必须采用胶质细胞特异性表达的rAAV,来实现毒性基因的选择性表达。

    In central nervous system , neuron had high affinity to rAAV than glial cells , which would lead to need an specific promoter to control toxin gene expression in glioma therapy .